DEI is dying, Boob sliders are back!
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Is the game from Asia or the West as that's a key factor in this.
Monster Hunter: Wilds, so Asia.
But still noteworthy, as it is made by Capcom. Which is one of the companies that had censored on behalf of what they had been told by their Western branches. Although interestingly, they are also one of the ones who went "Welp, so much for that" and started changing course when they saw it wasnt working.
Yeah, I was surprised at the Mai Shiranui reveal for SFVI. I guess boobs are back on the menu for Capcom?
I wouldn't count on it. This is the company that made people switch off of the default costume for Rainbow Mika in grand finals of...I think it was Capcom Cup?...because the default costume was too revealing. I don't trust Capcom as far as I could throw Ono.
They made Mai's breasts as stiff as a board. They really do not bounce at all. It makes me wonder why they even bothered including her if they weren't going to give her jiggle physics.
Capcom is completely schizo about their design decisions on everything, including censorship. You'll wake up one day and see a game is going full Woke level and then two weekends later a completely different one is jiggling all over the place.
Even this Monster Hunter you can see it. Because they announced that they are making it so that the armor isnt gendered anymore so a female character can wear the male armor, which is something the Woke types have pushed for for a while. But then they didnt actually change anything about the designs of the armor, so the female armor is still skimpier than the male armor and shows off more skin, like traditional gaming design.
They likely won't reverse course on shitcanning Reuben Langdon though.
Fuck them.