I love the argument that because the league is mostly black leadership should be black, but somehow they hate this formula with the general white population or schools.
I sincerely doubt they cared until they were asked about it. (And if their salaries started dropping as a result of affirmative action coaches ruining the team, they'd be begging for whitey back ala south africa)
Even the lowest-paid NFL players makes more in a few years than an average person could hope for in a lifetime, I truly wonder if they want to kill the golden goose like that.
I sincerely doubt they cared until they were asked about it. (And if their salaries started dropping as a result of affirmative action coaches ruining the team, they'd be begging for whitey back ala south africa)
See also how many black defendants care about a brotha representing them as opposed to a Jewish lawyer. Well actually, they care, just not in the direction one might expect.
Panthers safety Nick Scott sees a parallel with how long it took clubs to discard biases about Black QBs.
The most black position is the CB specifically because it’s the least cerebral. They also didn’t “discard biases” they simply rewrote the rules to overwhelmingly favor running QBs and aggressive play calls. The game is egregiously dumber at the nfl level than 5 years ago let alone 10.
I'd love to see how they'd rewrite the rules to favor people who are simply worse at strategizing football. It's theoretically possible, but the magnitude of irrationality and match fixing it would take to make it work would immediately destroy the NFL. They're already on thin ice, if not fracturing thin ice, with the ref fixing around the Chiefs.
IIRC the NFL has already argued successfully that they are an entertainment organization, not a meritorious sports league, but the vast majority of people do not know this.
They pass less because turnover risk is higher, the majority of playcalling today is attempting to draw penalties and run the ball because the defense is kneecapped to the point it’s almost redundant to have them on the field at all.
Sad but true. The amount of underthrown deep balls that result in PI because the receiver is trying to come back to the ball is hard to watch. NFL, like everything else, was peak in the 90s.
The same physical properties that made blacks ideal field hands lend themselves to athletic pursuits. These properties do not include enhanced cognition or leadership, which are the qualities needed in good coaches.
In January 1988, Snyder was fired by CBS after he made comments suggesting that breeding practices during slavery had led blacks to become superior athletes.
It's not something talked about in polite conversation, but it's true. The strongest survived transport from Africa, and then for 200 plus years the strongest among them were selectively bred by slave owners.
To deny that this affected the genetics of the black population in the United States would be the same as denying the obvious effects selective breeding has had in the fields of agriculture and domesticated animals. There's no scientific reason that it works differently for humans.
It’s probably intensified it, but I think many or all of those traits are most likely also present in African blacks. Think about Kenyan’s dominance of running sports, for example.
I love the argument that because the league is mostly black leadership should be black, but somehow they hate this formula with the general white population or schools.
I sincerely doubt they cared until they were asked about it. (And if their salaries started dropping as a result of affirmative action coaches ruining the team, they'd be begging for whitey back ala south africa)
Even the lowest-paid NFL players makes more in a few years than an average person could hope for in a lifetime, I truly wonder if they want to kill the golden goose like that.
See also how many black defendants care about a brotha representing them as opposed to a Jewish lawyer. Well actually, they care, just not in the direction one might expect.
The most black position is the CB specifically because it’s the least cerebral. They also didn’t “discard biases” they simply rewrote the rules to overwhelmingly favor running QBs and aggressive play calls. The game is egregiously dumber at the nfl level than 5 years ago let alone 10.
I'd love to see how they'd rewrite the rules to favor people who are simply worse at strategizing football. It's theoretically possible, but the magnitude of irrationality and match fixing it would take to make it work would immediately destroy the NFL. They're already on thin ice, if not fracturing thin ice, with the ref fixing around the Chiefs.
IIRC the NFL has already argued successfully that they are an entertainment organization, not a meritorious sports league, but the vast majority of people do not know this.
What's interesting about the increase in black QBs is passing yards have decreased the last couple of years
They pass less because turnover risk is higher, the majority of playcalling today is attempting to draw penalties and run the ball because the defense is kneecapped to the point it’s almost redundant to have them on the field at all.
Sad but true. The amount of underthrown deep balls that result in PI because the receiver is trying to come back to the ball is hard to watch. NFL, like everything else, was peak in the 90s.
I would even say the early-mid 2000s as the last dying gasps. The Goodell legacy is the biggest travesty any professional sports league has seen.
I think college rpo schemes have influenced the pros a bit as well.
RPO was a rule change by the ncaa which the nfl adopted too allowing linemen downfield 3 yards without a flag, it’s always about babying the offense.
Offense is sexy to non fans
Of course they are. An organization that creates so many millionaires and they will just keep complaining
Aren't blacks like 2/3 of the NFL, or am I confused about Murican sports?
It's 53%
13/53 sounds very discouraged.
Well there's no female players so more like 7/53
It will never be enough.
Hello MegoThor, would you like to play a game.....
Based whites keeping blacks out in the fields.
Yes with those million dollar contracts, very slave-like conditions
Get smarter
The same physical properties that made blacks ideal field hands lend themselves to athletic pursuits. These properties do not include enhanced cognition or leadership, which are the qualities needed in good coaches.
Are you related to Jimmy the Greek?
LoL, I had to look him up:
It's not something talked about in polite conversation, but it's true. The strongest survived transport from Africa, and then for 200 plus years the strongest among them were selectively bred by slave owners.
To deny that this affected the genetics of the black population in the United States would be the same as denying the obvious effects selective breeding has had in the fields of agriculture and domesticated animals. There's no scientific reason that it works differently for humans.
It’s probably intensified it, but I think many or all of those traits are most likely also present in African blacks. Think about Kenyan’s dominance of running sports, for example.
I'm just not sure they were actually selectively bred.
I don't care
What is a line from "The Fugitive"
So about 2/3 of all black players don’t give a rats ass?
I think all we can definitely say is they weren't asked.