As someone who was working on my PhD and had to master out because of this VERY issue, I’m glad it’s finally being discussed widely.
The NIH shot down every grant for an alternative hypothesis for Alzheimer’s I submitted. Despite the fact that something like 1/3 of all Alzheimer’s patients present with neurofibrillary tangles ABSENT amyloid b plaques. So the disease progresses without the cause? We’ve known this for at least a decade.
There's tons of stuff like that. I studied cultural movement and saw that there were very large trade groups. When I showed my evidence I was told it wasn't possible because they didn't exist anymore.
When I studied videogame history, I found out a ton for companies were using it was a front for gambling and other laundering schemes. When I asked why no one talked about it a professor said they did, but didn't say it directly.
This happened to Bret Weinstein (former Evolutionary Biology Professor, center leftist, him and his wife got cancelled from extremely liberal Evergreen College in Oregon for going against far left anti-white events) when he was doing his undergrad studies regarding telomeres and lifespan using mice. They kept sending the researchers mice that already had telomeres "cut off" (I think telomeres have something to do with your DNA or chromosomes?) - if you have telomeres that are "cut off" it shortens the overall lifespan of mice.
They apparently did some study that involved exposing the mice to something (can't remember what) and concluded that thing was the cause of the mice's shortened lifespan. Except the reason why they came to that conclusion was because the mice they were getting into the labs WERE ALREADY FUCKED OVER TO BEGIN WITH.
Bret tried real hard to get it out on the news and guess what - he received the kind of pushback as the doctors that tried to warn the public about the COVID vaccines and how COVID actually works and what could be the best treatments for it.
Also Bret and his wife Heather do a Dark Horse Podcast weekly and they learned real early that COVID isn't as bad as people thought it would be and the vaccines were actually bad in the long run, leaky, ineffective, and unsafe. They promoted the same stuff a lot of heterdox doctors promoted - keep yourself healthy, lose weight, exercise, and if you do get COVID take stuff like Ivermectin to treat it.
As someone who was working on my PhD and had to master out because of this VERY issue, I’m glad it’s finally being discussed widely.
The NIH shot down every grant for an alternative hypothesis for Alzheimer’s I submitted. Despite the fact that something like 1/3 of all Alzheimer’s patients present with neurofibrillary tangles ABSENT amyloid b plaques. So the disease progresses without the cause? We’ve known this for at least a decade.
There's tons of stuff like that. I studied cultural movement and saw that there were very large trade groups. When I showed my evidence I was told it wasn't possible because they didn't exist anymore.
When I studied videogame history, I found out a ton for companies were using it was a front for gambling and other laundering schemes. When I asked why no one talked about it a professor said they did, but didn't say it directly.
This happened to Bret Weinstein (former Evolutionary Biology Professor, center leftist, him and his wife got cancelled from extremely liberal Evergreen College in Oregon for going against far left anti-white events) when he was doing his undergrad studies regarding telomeres and lifespan using mice. They kept sending the researchers mice that already had telomeres "cut off" (I think telomeres have something to do with your DNA or chromosomes?) - if you have telomeres that are "cut off" it shortens the overall lifespan of mice.
They apparently did some study that involved exposing the mice to something (can't remember what) and concluded that thing was the cause of the mice's shortened lifespan. Except the reason why they came to that conclusion was because the mice they were getting into the labs WERE ALREADY FUCKED OVER TO BEGIN WITH.
Bret tried real hard to get it out on the news and guess what - he received the kind of pushback as the doctors that tried to warn the public about the COVID vaccines and how COVID actually works and what could be the best treatments for it.
Also Bret and his wife Heather do a Dark Horse Podcast weekly and they learned real early that COVID isn't as bad as people thought it would be and the vaccines were actually bad in the long run, leaky, ineffective, and unsafe. They promoted the same stuff a lot of heterdox doctors promoted - keep yourself healthy, lose weight, exercise, and if you do get COVID take stuff like Ivermectin to treat it.
As someone who had to watch people suffer from the early effects of Alzheimers, they can all take a long walk off a short pier for that.
Warren: RFK Jr. stop bullying BigPharma!!!
Oh hey, yet another thing the public just ignored because they were too busy bleeting 'trust the science!'.
That same public would be crucifying Copernicus for daring to posit the sun as the center of the solar system, clearly he's going against The Science.
Alex Jones: RFK exposes the massive fraud and cover-ups in the health industry!
Also Alex Jones: buy my Chinese weed!!!
He's gotta pay off that billion dollars somehow.
He’s like jesus - he has to pay for all of us
I mean, everyone knows his products are a sham lol
tong parade.