posted ago by Smith1980 ago by Smith1980 +83 / -0

My buddy and his wife have a small business selling comic books and vintage toys (mainly 70s - 90s) along with 80s memorabilia. I help them out and work small conventions with them in our area sometimes.

I got rid of my all my Disney Star Wars comics along with most of my comics from recent years since I mainly just read the older stuff now and added them to the comics we sale at our booth, and one time this girl who was dressed like Princess Leia and looked to be about 16 came to our booth and was looking over the Disney Star Wars comics and was raving about how excited she was for the Rey movie and how much she loved her character. I was polite and showed brought out some more comics for her to look at. She then asked me how I liked the sequels and I was very diplomatic and said that since I had been reading the EU since I was 12, I was really attached to that storyline so the sequels didn't do much for me.

She had never heard of the EU, but she thanked me and bought a massive stack of those comics. After she left my friend teased me and said he could see my eye twitching when she was praising Disney Star Wars.

I find it interesting how I can work a part time side business and understand that going after what the customers like or attacking/insulting customers is very bad for business. I could've told her exactly what I thought about what Disney has done to Star Wars and my beloved EU but I would've been out of a good chunk of money.

Also, check out small cons in your area if you ever have the chance. So much more fun than the large ones and you tend to have more actual hardcore fans. I used to want to go to the San Diego con but this vendor who had been going there for years said it used to cater to comic book readers but now it seems to cater normies and lefty politics.