Tate's a grifter, a pimp and a Muslim. This woman is threatening to punch right for the crime of being an uninvolved bystander. They can both go to hell.
I'm not a young man but I can say confidently that I'd have no fucking clue who he was if not for their constant screeching about him, and I'd have immediately assumed he was a retard if they didn't keep telling me he has this "following."
I am fairly certain that the majority of his support is fake, astroturfed bullshit. Much like how any criticism of poor policing standards is funneled into intentionally inflammatory bullshit - the media goblins prop up a deliberately worthless figurehead, like how they prop up only the worst faggots as martyrs for BLM shit.
They want puppets to fight and ignore the strings.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't he a mudslime that scammed men out of money for knowledge that a true men's rights activist would hand out for free, simply for the express purpose of educating and uplifting their own peoples?
Part of the conservative mean girls influencer clique that tries to shape conservative online discourse. Includes Lauren southern, Abby libby, no soup4knowles and hillary crowder.
Everything in America is fake and gay. Tate is clearly astroturfed, he came out of nowhere and suddenly had a massive following. Now he is being denounced by the usual mean girls, and everyone on the nice "right" has to denounce him. A part of me wonders if this wasn't some attempt to de power the meme "Islam is right about women.". Same guys who denounce Tate also demand you denounce the way Islam keeps women in line. Also such astro turfed bull shit. The rebels funded by the CIA are fighting the rebels funded by NSA kind of bullshit.
What's even funnier about it is Tate says such wild and gay shit that you could easily completely dismantle and defang him among everybody by just pointing to them.
But instead they hyper focus on his meanie comments about women, which a huge portion of the Right agree with and only makes him more powerful.
I'm assuming this "self-admitted rape" is akin to Donald Trump's "admission" of raping women and his "admission" that he wants to have sex with his daughter.
Tate's a grifter, a pimp and a Muslim. This woman is threatening to punch right for the crime of being an uninvolved bystander. They can both go to hell.
He used to have a website where he BRAGGED about how many women he trafficked.
I've read an archive of it--God, I wish I'd saved the archive link, and that's on me.
For some reason I DID save the text it read...
They’re this upset cause some right wing people are interviewing him
Why would anyone on the right care what a degenerate raghead mulatto has to say?
The same reason retards care what tranny loving degenerates think, as long as they say "jews bad".
To be fair i think he's talking about that faggot Fuentes. Both him and tate suck though
Yup. As bad as Andrew Tate is the crowd screeching about him is worse.
Women like this are the reason young men are drawn to guys like Andrew Tate.
I'm not a young man but I can say confidently that I'd have no fucking clue who he was if not for their constant screeching about him, and I'd have immediately assumed he was a retard if they didn't keep telling me he has this "following."
I am fairly certain that the majority of his support is fake, astroturfed bullshit. Much like how any criticism of poor policing standards is funneled into intentionally inflammatory bullshit - the media goblins prop up a deliberately worthless figurehead, like how they prop up only the worst faggots as martyrs for BLM shit.
They want puppets to fight and ignore the strings.
Yes Tate can screw himself.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't he a mudslime that scammed men out of money for knowledge that a true men's rights activist would hand out for free, simply for the express purpose of educating and uplifting their own peoples?
Literally who the fuck is this and why should we care
Part of the conservative mean girls influencer clique that tries to shape conservative online discourse. Includes Lauren southern, Abby libby, no soup4knowles and hillary crowder.
So, just further proof that "conservative" and "woman" can't coexist.
Ah yep, sounds about right
Lol is Hillary blackmail gone wrong Crowder now trying to be an influencer
She'd fit right in with how many of them are grifters
Everything in America is fake and gay. Tate is clearly astroturfed, he came out of nowhere and suddenly had a massive following. Now he is being denounced by the usual mean girls, and everyone on the nice "right" has to denounce him. A part of me wonders if this wasn't some attempt to de power the meme "Islam is right about women.". Same guys who denounce Tate also demand you denounce the way Islam keeps women in line. Also such astro turfed bull shit. The rebels funded by the CIA are fighting the rebels funded by NSA kind of bullshit.
What's even funnier about it is Tate says such wild and gay shit that you could easily completely dismantle and defang him among everybody by just pointing to them.
But instead they hyper focus on his meanie comments about women, which a huge portion of the Right agree with and only makes him more powerful.
She apparently did a show going off on him: https://rumble.com/v67u6nj-notorious-degenerate-self-admitted-rapist-andrew-tate-promoted-by-elon-musk.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
I doubt it's worth the hour and half of my life to listen to it, but there's the link for those of you who are so inclined.
I'm assuming this "self-admitted rape" is akin to Donald Trump's "admission" of raping women and his "admission" that he wants to have sex with his daughter.
i.e. complete bullshit.
I mean, almost all accusations by women are bullshit, so probably.
Nah he said some shit that heavily implied he was a rapist years back.