Easiest way is "there goes the neighborhood". I live in a neighborhood that was like 85% white 30 years ago. Now.. its much more mixed.
Quiet neighborhood. Had a white cop neighbor who later went and retired to idaho. Have a fillipino neighbor, not much problem with them. The white cop neighbor was replaced with koreans, not much problems.
Had a white hispanic neighbor in the back, no problems. In the last 1 year, 2 hispanic families moved in. One replaced the white hispanic neighbor in the back. The other 2 houses down. These 2 new neighbors have loud ass music and partying every fucking week or two. Loud, bass, window rumbling music, which can be felt and heard 5 houses away. Its either mariachi music or some rap. Often goes passed midnight. The koreans called the cops on them multiple times.
Neighborhood goes to shit the more diverse it gets. Seems all the nice neighborhoods are mostly white or a mixture of white and asians.
If the Koreans are calling the cops on them, then you should add your complaints as well. It's always better when more neighbors are complaining to the police, instead of just letting the most affected ones complain.
Honestly this is not even aggressive enough. This is mostly just complaining about the obvious fraud of the IMF and World Bank by trying to guilt people into accepting a bajillion bahamallions.
Mass Migration is a form of Colonization. It promotes the creation of a dependent slave class. The purpose is for foreign countries to deport their undesirables or unaffordable to us, so that our elected officials and mega corporations can bankrupt us and bring more in.
But then we have to talk about how what "helping poor people over there" actually looks like. None of it is foreign aid. We know for a fact that foreign aid destroys the local economies of these places because it badly disrupts the market for labor. Doctors take off weeks of work saving lives to become taxi drivers for rich people. All foreign aid needs to be immediately abandoned if anyone wants to actually help the international poor. If you push for foreign aid, you should be arrested. That's how bad it actually is.
But then it gets worse: why are these places poor in the first place? Most of it is that the developed world is fucking over-run with central government policies, mandatory corruption, and socialism. So, literally these countries are making themselves poor with Left wing policies. That is why there is a brain drain that we can exploit in the first place. The successful people are voluntarily fleeing for their lives and sanity.
But then it gets worse again: there's only a handful of those people left after a few decades that aren't in prison in those countries. Those aren't the mass migrants that are being used for colonization purposes. Instead, it's either the loyalist class of the socialists who have no problem spreading Leftist retardation into the US along with rampant tribalism; or it's the deported unwanted class of terrorists, criminals, rapists, and thieves.
Then it gets really worse, especially if you're a bleeding heart lefty. How do we help the few handfuls of successful people in these socialist shitholes that are making everyone poor? Why, it's simple my boy:
War and Imperialism.
Yes, you have to go to these countries and commit to uncompromising regime change. Then, you have to conquer the country and impose our values and traditions on these people at the point of a gun for several generations. That would change the culture into something more prosperous, but if foreign occupation isn't your thing, obviously you'd still need the war. Now you might think, won't breed resentment in the local population that will inevitably end the imperial project given enough time? Yes! Is there a solution for that? No! ... Yup, that's it. That's the winning strategy here. I mean, if you really wanted to you could do mandatory interbreeding and assimilation programs to create an ethnogenesis with the conquered country, but I don't really think that's being seriously asked by anyone.
So, here's the practical solution to fixing global poverty: stop trying to help, the boys' gotta learn, Karen.
Yup, that's it. That's the winning strategy here. I mean, if you really wanted to you could do mandatory interbreeding and assimilation programs to create an ethnogenesis with the conquered country, but I don't really think that's being seriously asked by anyone.
I think current dogma says you will have easier time to get exterminatus and then repop the wasteland than that haha
That's the winning strategy here. I mean, if you really wanted to you could do mandatory interbreeding and assimilation programs to create an ethnogenesis with the conquered country, but I don't really think that's being seriously asked by anyone.
That's actually what's happening though. Except we are the conquered country and it's happening here.
What did I say: mandatory interbreeding. I didn't fucking stutter. I didn't say "nudge people". I said mandatory. As in, literally require people to marry outside of their ethnic group by law or face jail time.
Moving your goal posts is bad enough, don't start moving mine.
Well, when I look it up on YouTube (because that's how most would have watched it), it's showing as being uploaded in September of 2010. So it's at least 14 years old, but the description seems to suggest that this presentation is based off one from 1996, but updated for the immigration policies at the time. So the information presented in this way has at least been around for nearly 30 years, which would also explain why this presentation is so refined when it had over a decade to improve.
But yeah, this information isn't new. It's also a really REALLY good argument against migration from Mexico to America specifically. The corrupt Mexican government even tries to facilitate illegal immigration, because they know that people fleeing is a release valve of social tension, and that if they were forced to stay those people would most likely lead to reform and revolution that the government there doesn't want.
Immigration helps nobody but the specific individuals immigrating. It doesn't benefit the nation that these people leave from. It doesn't benefit the nation these people enter into. It only benefits themselves.
We could help them by leaving them the fuck alone.
Unfortunately, that would mean less shekels in the pockets of the global financial caste who impoverish them by stealing their natural resources and destroying their countries through war.
But it is YOU, racist MAGA Nazis, who must shoulder the cost by importing their poor, so the globalist plutocrats can continue to gluttonously enrich themselves.
Easiest way is "there goes the neighborhood". I live in a neighborhood that was like 85% white 30 years ago. Now.. its much more mixed.
Quiet neighborhood. Had a white cop neighbor who later went and retired to idaho. Have a fillipino neighbor, not much problem with them. The white cop neighbor was replaced with koreans, not much problems.
Had a white hispanic neighbor in the back, no problems. In the last 1 year, 2 hispanic families moved in. One replaced the white hispanic neighbor in the back. The other 2 houses down. These 2 new neighbors have loud ass music and partying every fucking week or two. Loud, bass, window rumbling music, which can be felt and heard 5 houses away. Its either mariachi music or some rap. Often goes passed midnight. The koreans called the cops on them multiple times.
Neighborhood goes to shit the more diverse it gets. Seems all the nice neighborhoods are mostly white or a mixture of white and asians.
If the Koreans are calling the cops on them, then you should add your complaints as well. It's always better when more neighbors are complaining to the police, instead of just letting the most affected ones complain.
Honestly this is not even aggressive enough. This is mostly just complaining about the obvious fraud of the IMF and World Bank by trying to guilt people into accepting a bajillion bahamallions.
Mass Migration is a form of Colonization. It promotes the creation of a dependent slave class. The purpose is for foreign countries to deport their undesirables or unaffordable to us, so that our elected officials and mega corporations can bankrupt us and bring more in.
But then we have to talk about how what "helping poor people over there" actually looks like. None of it is foreign aid. We know for a fact that foreign aid destroys the local economies of these places because it badly disrupts the market for labor. Doctors take off weeks of work saving lives to become taxi drivers for rich people. All foreign aid needs to be immediately abandoned if anyone wants to actually help the international poor. If you push for foreign aid, you should be arrested. That's how bad it actually is.
But then it gets worse: why are these places poor in the first place? Most of it is that the developed world is fucking over-run with central government policies, mandatory corruption, and socialism. So, literally these countries are making themselves poor with Left wing policies. That is why there is a brain drain that we can exploit in the first place. The successful people are voluntarily fleeing for their lives and sanity.
But then it gets worse again: there's only a handful of those people left after a few decades that aren't in prison in those countries. Those aren't the mass migrants that are being used for colonization purposes. Instead, it's either the loyalist class of the socialists who have no problem spreading Leftist retardation into the US along with rampant tribalism; or it's the deported unwanted class of terrorists, criminals, rapists, and thieves.
Then it gets really worse, especially if you're a bleeding heart lefty. How do we help the few handfuls of successful people in these socialist shitholes that are making everyone poor? Why, it's simple my boy:
War and Imperialism.
Yes, you have to go to these countries and commit to uncompromising regime change. Then, you have to conquer the country and impose our values and traditions on these people at the point of a gun for several generations. That would change the culture into something more prosperous, but if foreign occupation isn't your thing, obviously you'd still need the war. Now you might think, won't breed resentment in the local population that will inevitably end the imperial project given enough time? Yes! Is there a solution for that? No! ... Yup, that's it. That's the winning strategy here. I mean, if you really wanted to you could do mandatory interbreeding and assimilation programs to create an ethnogenesis with the conquered country, but I don't really think that's being seriously asked by anyone.
So, here's the practical solution to fixing global poverty: stop trying to help, the boys' gotta learn, Karen.
I think current dogma says you will have easier time to get exterminatus and then repop the wasteland than that haha
The State Department's new motto: "You gotta purty mouth hue hue hue"
That's actually what's happening though. Except we are the conquered country and it's happening here.
Oh, wow, it's mandatory interbreeding is it?
Who's your wife that the government got for you?
Most couples in commercials are interracial. That's a pretty big 'nudge'.
What did I say: mandatory interbreeding. I didn't fucking stutter. I didn't say "nudge people". I said mandatory. As in, literally require people to marry outside of their ethnic group by law or face jail time.
Moving your goal posts is bad enough, don't start moving mine.
Nice call-back to a TED Talk from around 15 years ago. I found it informative back then, and I still think that it's worth a watch.
Is that how old this is? I was curious about that.
Well, when I look it up on YouTube (because that's how most would have watched it), it's showing as being uploaded in September of 2010. So it's at least 14 years old, but the description seems to suggest that this presentation is based off one from 1996, but updated for the immigration policies at the time. So the information presented in this way has at least been around for nearly 30 years, which would also explain why this presentation is so refined when it had over a decade to improve.
But yeah, this information isn't new. It's also a really REALLY good argument against migration from Mexico to America specifically. The corrupt Mexican government even tries to facilitate illegal immigration, because they know that people fleeing is a release valve of social tension, and that if they were forced to stay those people would most likely lead to reform and revolution that the government there doesn't want.
Immigration helps nobody but the specific individuals immigrating. It doesn't benefit the nation that these people leave from. It doesn't benefit the nation these people enter into. It only benefits themselves.
We could help them by leaving them the fuck alone.
Unfortunately, that would mean less shekels in the pockets of the global financial caste who impoverish them by stealing their natural resources and destroying their countries through war.
But it is YOU, racist MAGA Nazis, who must shoulder the cost by importing their poor, so the globalist plutocrats can continue to gluttonously enrich themselves.
The one mad man that brought enough gum to share with the class.