See this is the problem with white vigilantism.... organisational structure beyond putting on stupid hoods or tattoos, always lone wolves. We need to copy the Koreans, make the blacks fear the streets and transport like the rooftops /s
Interestingly, the NewsTalkZB article was posted a day later, and the URL is the title the others have. It suggests that they went out of their way to edit the title to make it what it is now.
It’s like : “Kyle Rittenhouse went hunting blacks in the BLM mostly peaceful protests”
“the Covington kids attacked a peaceful indigenous elder of color”
How long have they been lying to us?
I bet a picture of Kyle and Daniel standing together smiling would be a nuclear trigger for the far left.
Walter Duranty has entered the chat.
Remember the Maine!
Operation Mockingbird.
See this is the problem with white vigilantism.... organisational structure beyond putting on stupid hoods or tattoos, always lone wolves. We need to copy the Koreans, make the blacks fear the streets and transport like the rooftops /s
Article. Even though it is a wire service article, it's only 'NewsTalkZB' which is a weirdo Australian (but I repeat myself) site that has this title.
All the others have "US Marine vet not guilty in New York subway choking death".
Interestingly, the NewsTalkZB article was posted a day later, and the URL is the title the others have. It suggests that they went out of their way to edit the title to make it what it is now.
Yeah there literally is none as the regressive left are a violent terrorist threat that will go postal the second they get rightfully disenfranchised.
Stating an example of how to properly deal with the regressive left will get me wrongfully banned again because dom is a faggot.
I hope they take another run at him and he kills again. 👌
How long until Penny starts a memecoin?
Journos like this are the reason we have leftoid lunatics trying to assassinate the opposition
They're in danger of libel charges with that title after he was acquitted.