"Epstein was nessessary to control the evil Catholics"
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Wait, Biden is Catholic? /s
A lot of Democrats are fake Catholics. That's the real reason behind Vigano being excommunicated. Because he was rallying the clergy of the United States to actually act on the Catechism, which would have required a mass expulsion of the left and the denial of communion.
Those types of "catholics" used to be called conversos, and were the primary reason why several inquisitions were held in Europe, to root out those corruptive influences in the Christian church. This should explain why the Christian inquisitions have been so thoroughly demonized in mainstream culture and media.
The usual jidf downvotes 🤔
The pope himself is a fake christian. I wouldn't call them fake catholics when they act in the interest of the globalist, because their pope is one. Fake christians, yes.
The catholic organization is an extranational globalist pseudo government built atop a church.
The pontiff being a fake Catholic is sadly not unique in the history of the Church. It likely will happen again before the end. The faith persists regardless.
The catholic church is an organization of man that tries to claim the authority of god, and has been heretical for hundreds of years at minimum. The faith exists in spite of it, not because of it.
I'm not saying protestant churches are free of heresy, but I would say that protestantism and catholicism are very strong parallels for right and left wing political ideology as well, with all the benefits and downsides those entail.
Protestant church systems are decentralized, much easier to fix when corrupted and limited in power. Once an institution like the catholic church is captured, like it is by the jesuit communist now, it takes monumental action to unfuck it.
I still prefer Catholicism. And not just because every protestant denomination allows women to preach either. Of late I've seen the Methodists actually hold a vote to decide whether sodomy is still a sin.
As if our opinion matters.
A decentralized system is no religion at all, in my opinion.
You can find one example of a denominational church that will allow it, and walk a mile and find another that thinks that's retarded. The difference is there's no higher governing body to force the second church to tolerate the heresy of the first.
You pretend the organization is necessary to force evil people to tolerate good when the organization is more likely to force good people to tolerate evil. That's why Luther rebelled to begin with - the sale of indulgences.
Sure, but do you know what that sounds like to me? Do what thou wilt with extra steps. A veneer of Christianity while endlessly fomenting the heresies of the day. Not to mention an environment in which it is nigh impossible to actually pass down andu functioning moral code to my children. Might as well just build my own family chapel at that point and just click my tongue while the neighbors are sacrificing cats in their yard.
Just more of the sin of Jeroboam. The same sin that infiltrated the Church. Tolerance.
Almost like everyone should become Orthodox
I think you see the same battle for the soul of all institutions. Its most important, no matter what congregation you belong to or whatever issue you are looking at, to think critically and not just follow blindly.
Ratzinger, the previous pope, the only pope to resign in more than 200 years, was up to his armpits in hushing up child sex abuse.
This one is just a South American Neo Marxist.
Oh wait. That is worse. CSA didn't kill billions of men women AND children.
Vigano was excommunicated? him and Sarah are the only two higher up members of the church that are not (((captured)))
He faced an inquest under charges of schism, and when he announced he intended to defend himself he was excommunicated via email without a hearing.
Does anyone know how to archieve a twitter thread? regardless i did archieve this guy's 2 tweets
Edit: ok i got the whole thread archieved thanks AOV for the PSA https://archive.md/v6E2U
I hope these people continue to brazenly show the world how they think and how they operate.
Reminds me of a quote: Croats are the boldest people in the world, not because they are not afraid of anything, but because they are not ashamed of anything.
The real dangerous class is the sociopath - political power attracts manipulators and the best manipulators are nearly always sociopaths.
This goblin is displaying sociopathic traits - a lack of basic human empathy or morality and stating that any action that can be used to control is acceptable to it
Sounds like a troll. Of course, there are some people who are more than willing to believe things when it suits them.
I thought it might be a troll too but every other tweet on his account is pro israel and pro jewish stuff. So its up to people what they want to believe as you said.
I believe that its the logical end conclusion of talmudic ideology. the talmud promotes the idea that non jews are evil beasts just for being non jews, whilst jews are god's representatives on earth, thus a jew can do no wrong, and its their duty to control the evil non jews no matter how its done.
he mixes general messages with trolling messages.
look at this one: https://x.com/zadokism/status/1860956861450613037
if you don't see that message being a troll you are retarded.
some of his other messages like this one: https://x.com/zadokism/status/1861793621399269496 are not a troll.
which of his messages are trolling and which are not - it's up to you do decide. The complete context of your post is this https://nitter.poast.org/zadokism/status/1864176497306566866
But thankfully the whole thing will stop being a topic soon as soon as Trump is publishing the Epstein files when he is president.
The troll messages are what we call chaff.