With how much they ban people, how is anyone still left posting?
I can just refresh the profile page in an incognito tab and watch new accounts disappear at random. One hour, one post, three days, 20 posts, subreddit, IP address country or region, browser, single use mail provider, nothing seems to consistently matter. How it it actually possible for, like, some normie doofus to actually start and keep an account?
Bots, that's how. Reddit is thirty, forty, or even fifty percent bots. Maybe even higher.
Dead internet theory.
Even random posters on AskReddit threads are noticing.
Everything is recycled from 2009-2019.
One of my accounts was permanently banned for saying "a boy is not a woman".
Reason for ban: "Hate"
They banned a secondary account of mine for ban evasion. This was odd because the account rarely commented, had no posts and had so little points that I couldn’t comment more than once every 10 or so minutes site-wide. Someone wasted their time to ban an account that was as tame as it could get, not sure how they even found it. I think they’re trying to crackdown on any accounts that could be potentially ban evading, and it’s catching a lot of random new accounts on accident.
I think they operate on a white list logic. Any account that doesn't show progressive tendencies out of the gate is automatically flagged.
That's easy enough to get around. Just pay your lip service and delete it later (or not).
Is that new? Outside the tranny jannies in certain subs demanding banned users respect their authoritah the Peddit admins never used to care about ban evasion as long as the ban evader didn't continue posting wrongthink.
They're way more radicalized and insane than you remember.
It's been like that for at least a couple years now. You need a janny to manually approve your posts and comments until you gain enough karma to get through the filters. I played that game on a couple of accounts before I decided that I have better things to do with my time. I've found content on some gaming and technical subs useful but it's been ages since I felt the need to interact.
Yeah. I had to make an account for work a week or so ago to ask a question about a particular thing in a particular small~mid-sized sub and I was immediately shadowbanned. Of course I didn't know that at the time but I made my post and waited a few hours and had no response so I checked the post and it said that it was removed. I messaged the mods of the sub and they told me that I was shadowbanned.
I don't know how normies sign up for new accounts.
They don't, no actual humans join Reddit anymore.
I have a burner account that I can't use anywhere. Basically every subreddit requires a minimum karma level so you have to participate in the circlejerk to keep from being automatically banned.
Thank them for releasing you and move on from that insane asylum
Its the same thing here.
How do you make an anonymous Twitter account? Even a tor browser doesn't work.
What exactly do you mean when you say 'new accounts disappear at random'? Do you mean that the comments disappear or that you get the (shadow)banned message?
If it's just comments, it is easy to answer.
There's never a message. The user profile page disappears along with all comments. You're free to shout into the void forever with no indication that anything changed.