then again a decent share of Israel population come from what is now Ukraine. cause "wait, I can leave the soviet union for Israel if I'm jewish?!! sure, my greatgrandma was totally a Jew, here, look at this document from the defunct russian empire that no one alive can reasonably claim is a fake!"
Of course he is. I don't blame him, either. I blame our politicians for forking it over. If there's a chance of millions or billio s of handouts, it'd be irrational to NOT go for it.
Drawing this guy could get you prison time in Britain.
Is this an AI-generated image of The Funny Merchant?
At this point who fucking knows, the matrix seems a little broken at the moment.
Hell the guy who owns Jaguar is called Rawdon Glover, we live in a simulation!
Its real, I first saw it in Russian channels.
He does look like that
Name's Rustem Umerov. He allegedly is from a Crimean Tatar Muslim family.
Here is the weird part, he was picked in the Future Leaders Exchange program funded by the U.S. Department of State when he was in Highschool.
Reasons why .jpg posting should be discouraged.
If that is the current defense minister, Rustem Umerov, he's Muslim.
Scammed by a Muslim Jew, another modern horror beyond our comprehension
I am aware he is not actually Jewish
then again a decent share of Israel population come from what is now Ukraine. cause "wait, I can leave the soviet union for Israel if I'm jewish?!! sure, my greatgrandma was totally a Jew, here, look at this document from the defunct russian empire that no one alive can reasonably claim is a fake!"
I bet a fair number of terrorists organizations are filled with Mossad and American intelligence agents
If Jews can pose as Christians, why not muslims as well
It is, and he is.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing you that the two sides of the eternal desert war are different.
Of course he is. I don't blame him, either. I blame our politicians for forking it over. If there's a chance of millions or billio s of handouts, it'd be irrational to NOT go for it.
Send a bagel, no schmear