And remember, Western feminism and women voted in leaders that LET this ideology and enforcers in to THEIR country to do the same to them in the name of 'empathy'...
Sounds like they're fucking around and they're gonna find out. Their female privilege won't get them anywhere with the goat fuckers they're inviting in.
Sure but not that way, screw the whole "cover them up so I can control myself" thinking as that implies you lack self control and they have power over you because of it.
Women should KNOW they are property and only belong to one man /s
Women aren't covered up because men lack control. That's what you were told by leftists. Women are covered up because women seek attention by flaunting their sexuality so keeping them covered ensures they aren't given validation by other men for their sexuality which helps to keep a woman's ego in check.
Then why not ignore them? If they're attention seeking sluts like you imply, just ignore them or punish them before they apparently go full whore?
I love how by that logic alone you accept women must be repressed otherwise they'll go whore for ego not the fact that women will naturally latch onto strong men, more psychologically than physically would suggest, and it is the weakening of the male role model intentionally by feminism that led to this decline.
I don’t agree with Islam, but the steelman is clearly: look at all the simps we have today. Look at all the thots and bitches that get influence they should never be allowed anywhere near. Heck, this forum is ultimately the result of a woman using sex to get tons and tons of influence she didn’t deserve, and she wasn’t even particularly attractive. It’s nice that you have good self control, but it’s clear that much of society does not, and a handful of individuals’ resistance to manipulation means little when so many people around them are vulnerable.
In general I do think you’re right and there’s probably a much more scaled back version of a patriarchal society where you don’t force women into hijabs and prevent them from speaking entirely while still disallowing thottery and expecting men to have the bulk of societal leadership. But it is worth pointing out that at one point, we did have that, and it obviously didn’t end well.
We already had that, it WAS Christianity and that was the best version as had all the morality required but enough freedom of thought that we had a renaissance and scientific advancement.
That's why it was the first target to weaken by the degenerates and bad actors.
Yeah, it basically comes down to whether you think being as extreme as Islam is the only way to stop feminism or whether you think there were other bad actors and issues that could be solved without going there. I tend to lean towards option two, but I do see the logic behind option one.
You mean the 1950s where women were jailed for showing to much skin? Where husband's beat their wives and raping your wife was not illegal? That Christianity?
In the NHL there was a rule put in called the Sean Avery rule. Sean Avery would put himself right in-front of the goalie, face the goalie, then wave his stick around as much as he could to distract the goalie. The rule was put in to stop this from happening. Now, you could have argued that goalies were just weak men and a strong man could have just ignored Sean Avery or you could be a reasonable person and be like Sean Avery is being a twat and this is not what should happen. Women who flaunt their sexuality to distract men are being little twats and we should cover them up so they don't do that. We shouldn't be insulting men by suggesting they are not "strong" enough because they aren't able to ignore the women. Women are purposely trying to distract men. Fuck them. Cover them up.
Want to reaffirm this -- I got a three-day ban for "illegal activity" for writing a comment in support of the native Brits in their protests of muslims.
Rule16s don't like it when people suggest ways to resist their plan. However, the fact that a rule16 will ban you every time you resist other rule16s is in no way evidence of collusion or conspiracy between them. It's just a coincidence.
what solutions? Let the feminists deal with this case, that's what they are there for right? i dont know why conservatives in the West put more effort in to leaping to the defense of muslim women than they do in controlling the out of control feminists and whores in the West.
There are many ways to crush islam without arguing from the leftist point of view. Are you also going to support LGBT rights just because islam is against it?
As long as the "worship the human, without which the ideology could not stand, but worship it anyway" bullshit mentality stays alive, this shit will continue until the sheeple wake up to how much worse Islam is from even their worst nightmares about Jerry Falwell, and take appropriate action.
To fuck with any human who insists on believing in Islam. May their demon-souls rot in Hell forever and never be recycled.
The post title is misleading, because she knew what she was doing. And any woman who violates islamic law and offends the mudslimes is a woman I will honor. She may be a prisoner, but she dared to struggle.
I suspect the janny in question is either a european colony dweller bound to the "hate speech" laws of the EU or a mudslime.
TikTok allows Islamist propaganda on its platform, which is why its getting banned. Stormfags will defend this as usual since they think women shouldn't be allowed to post online.
And remember, Western feminism and women voted in leaders that LET this ideology and enforcers in to THEIR country to do the same to them in the name of 'empathy'...
Sounds like they're fucking around and they're gonna find out. Their female privilege won't get them anywhere with the goat fuckers they're inviting in.
Pretty much, I just hope they learn before we lose any good architecture as European historical buildings way better than sand tribe stuff.
They might be losing the buildings on purpose. Half of Europe is historical in some case which means renovations and new housing are difficult.
So, isn't the solution to let the women face the consequences of their actions?
Sure but not that way, screw the whole "cover them up so I can control myself" thinking as that implies you lack self control and they have power over you because of it.
Women should KNOW they are property and only belong to one man /s
Women aren't covered up because men lack control. That's what you were told by leftists. Women are covered up because women seek attention by flaunting their sexuality so keeping them covered ensures they aren't given validation by other men for their sexuality which helps to keep a woman's ego in check.
Then why not ignore them? If they're attention seeking sluts like you imply, just ignore them or punish them before they apparently go full whore?
I love how by that logic alone you accept women must be repressed otherwise they'll go whore for ego not the fact that women will naturally latch onto strong men, more psychologically than physically would suggest, and it is the weakening of the male role model intentionally by feminism that led to this decline.
I don’t agree with Islam, but the steelman is clearly: look at all the simps we have today. Look at all the thots and bitches that get influence they should never be allowed anywhere near. Heck, this forum is ultimately the result of a woman using sex to get tons and tons of influence she didn’t deserve, and she wasn’t even particularly attractive. It’s nice that you have good self control, but it’s clear that much of society does not, and a handful of individuals’ resistance to manipulation means little when so many people around them are vulnerable.
In general I do think you’re right and there’s probably a much more scaled back version of a patriarchal society where you don’t force women into hijabs and prevent them from speaking entirely while still disallowing thottery and expecting men to have the bulk of societal leadership. But it is worth pointing out that at one point, we did have that, and it obviously didn’t end well.
We already had that, it WAS Christianity and that was the best version as had all the morality required but enough freedom of thought that we had a renaissance and scientific advancement.
That's why it was the first target to weaken by the degenerates and bad actors.
Yeah, it basically comes down to whether you think being as extreme as Islam is the only way to stop feminism or whether you think there were other bad actors and issues that could be solved without going there. I tend to lean towards option two, but I do see the logic behind option one.
You mean the 1950s where women were jailed for showing to much skin? Where husband's beat their wives and raping your wife was not illegal? That Christianity?
In the NHL there was a rule put in called the Sean Avery rule. Sean Avery would put himself right in-front of the goalie, face the goalie, then wave his stick around as much as he could to distract the goalie. The rule was put in to stop this from happening. Now, you could have argued that goalies were just weak men and a strong man could have just ignored Sean Avery or you could be a reasonable person and be like Sean Avery is being a twat and this is not what should happen. Women who flaunt their sexuality to distract men are being little twats and we should cover them up so they don't do that. We shouldn't be insulting men by suggesting they are not "strong" enough because they aren't able to ignore the women. Women are purposely trying to distract men. Fuck them. Cover them up.
When western civilization collapses, we will all face the consequences of their actions.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Removed for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Calling for action gets people banned on this sub, I already got a temp ban for that despite everyone thinking said ban is stupid
Want to reaffirm this -- I got a three-day ban for "illegal activity" for writing a comment in support of the native Brits in their protests of muslims.
Rule16s don't like it when people suggest ways to resist their plan. However, the fact that a rule16 will ban you every time you resist other rule16s is in no way evidence of collusion or conspiracy between them. It's just a coincidence.
Ignore your lying eyes and ears and trust me bro.
I got a permanent ban because I deleted my old account that was in good standing and made a new one so low effort cancel mobsters can't follow me.
Reason? Ban evasion... like how do you evade a ban on an account that was never banned? Evade what? Dom is a retard.
Was this twitter or this site?
Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech (x2)
Comment Removed for: Rule 2 & Rule 16
We should Picador the two until they wipe each other out. win/win
what solutions? Let the feminists deal with this case, that's what they are there for right? i dont know why conservatives in the West put more effort in to leaping to the defense of muslim women than they do in controlling the out of control feminists and whores in the West.
It's more about crushing Islam.
There are many ways to crush islam without arguing from the leftist point of view. Are you also going to support LGBT rights just because islam is against it?
How little you know of prey.
Despite only supporting what has been termed "actual gay rights", my point stands.
What are “actual gay rights”?
How do you crush islam when a growing chunk of the far right wants the same rules for women?
As long as the "worship the human, without which the ideology could not stand, but worship it anyway" bullshit mentality stays alive, this shit will continue until the sheeple wake up to how much worse Islam is from even their worst nightmares about Jerry Falwell, and take appropriate action.
To fuck with any human who insists on believing in Islam. May their demon-souls rot in Hell forever and never be recycled.
Who is going to beat the shit out of the brother for violating islamic law himself? ( Not supposed to hit the face. Most feminist religion!)
What torture this looks like regular beatings?
Retard fucked around and found out.
Protip: don't be retarded and do things that will get you attacked unless you're willing and able to fight back and win.
The post title is misleading, because she knew what she was doing. And any woman who violates islamic law and offends the mudslimes is a woman I will honor. She may be a prisoner, but she dared to struggle.
I suspect the janny in question is either a european colony dweller bound to the "hate speech" laws of the EU or a mudslime.
TikTok allows Islamist propaganda on its platform, which is why its getting banned. Stormfags will defend this as usual since they think women shouldn't be allowed to post online.
hey, but the mohammedans already do that! their main religious figure already popularized raping little children!