Puerto Rican Chef Who Tried To “Cancel” Australian Woman For “Colonizing” Sushi Now Facing Domestic Violence Charges - The Publi...
A Raleigh, North Carolina, chef who rose to prominence after attempting to have a white woman "cancelled" for "culturally appropriating" Japanese cuisine is now facing charges of domestic violence. Eric Rivera, who waged a digital war against an Aussie sus...
I swear the clocks for this shit and the 'stop drawing cute girls as I try to say pedos are victims' must be unlimited power sources from the amount of times they reset.
we're getting that Nobel prize for discovering a perpetual motion noticing machine, woo!
No real Japanese person is offended by an Australian sushi counter owned by a White woman, they ARE however offended by the woke trying to blackwash Japanese history but the woke defend that.
Has anyone else noticed how often "charged" makes the news vs how often "convicted" makes the news? I don't know any of these people. I'm just not sure I care who was "charged" with shit.
The true crime people need it covered and put in a one hour documentary for Dateline. Until then the speculation is thr titalating part
So did Eric (born and raised in Olympia, Washington) stick strictly to only making the amazing and culturally unique cuisine of Puerto Rico?
Idiot. People on every continent and culture have been eating raw fish since the beginning of time. The fact that he tried to gate keep just proves he's a sad little man with nothing to offer the world.
Dude is a class A faggot dipshit
So.. this person would be fine of the west trying to co-op and steal anime, right??
The more images I see of these people the more I start to believe in the eyes being the window to the soul.
Does this retard actually think the Japanese were the first people ever to eat raw fish?
I'm shocked, shocked that this guy was arrested for domestic violence charges.
That little girl wasn't able to hold him off with one hand tied behind her back?
I feel like I aged 5 years just by reading this…
As a fellow (to sushi girl) Australian, this is all just so damn tiresome…
But also, he looks just like I expect he would, even in his “posed” picture, lol…