posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +4 / -7

Bear with me on this one, because the more I think about it the more the sperging from people like Matt Walsh about gamers makes sense. Gamers have always been under attack from both the left and the right, which is why I always reee so hard at them all. It's become really noticeable how not just TERFs but Thots are being courted by the right generally.

It seems they're being lured in by the promise of getting more of the female vote and because they assume that straight white men are going to automatically vote right wing anyway they've got no problem shitting on male gamers especially and shaming them. They've really been ramping up the pandering lately too and they're doing the typical right wing thing of going "No! We're more left wing than the left are! Vote for us women we respect the differences between the genders!" which is one of the main gripes both these demographics of women have amongst the left.

The TERFs have a fair amount of reach despite the left's attempts at cancelling them and Thots are often newly minted millionaires that made their cash from OF and if they even have half a brain they'll be investing in properties for that sweet sweet passive income they can live off for the rest of their lives. A lot of the mainstream right ( Yes in America as well ) seem to genuinely believe in the basement dwelling neckbeard stereotype and yes there are those about but I think they underestimate how many fairly ordinary people like to play video games and don't appreciate having their hobby shat on constantly.

Just watch, a new faction is forming of tradcucks, TERFs and Thots who are out to do some misogynist bashing against gamers. They want things to go back the way they were before the Trans movement happened and men started noticing all this behaviour. The left have always used GamerGate 'harassment' as a stick to beat gamers with and I think the right are going to concoct their own version now because they don't like gamers calling out Thots especially for being fake gamer grills among other things. It's going to be beautifully weird.