Lostmorepasswords 22 points ago +22 / -0

It's fully woke propaganda : genius negroes including the lead, weakling effiminate white kid, 1 bad guy is a white techie gamer that likes heavy metal, feminist sermons, etc. Don't let your children watch it. If they like dinosaurs, you're better off getting them old school Cadillac and dinosaurs, land before time, w/e

Lostmorepasswords 15 points ago +15 / -0

The charter is horse shit. DEI is literally coded in

The article itself is retarded leftist propaganda. He doesn't want the justice system to be "politicize" except it already is which is why Trump is bad mouthing those judges.. not the other way around. Translation: "I don't want it to be politicize in a way that I disagree with". Typical leftist fucks

Lostmorepasswords 2 points ago +4 / -2

Alright I'll take your word for it and looking back at their very old post history, they do seem human and sometimes talk about other things. Guess they're just insufferable cunts obsessed with the conflict otherwise.

GoPower on the other hand hasn't passed the "diverse interest" test nor the human logic one so he's probably a Jew bot.

Lostmorepasswords 0 points ago +1 / -1

I meant what does the acronym stands for?

Lostmorepasswords 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's great. Now can you tell us what DoM stands for?

Lostmorepasswords -5 points ago +3 / -8

Pop quiz for you: what's Lethn's main hobby? What does AoV stands for?

Lostmorepasswords -1 points ago +2 / -3

And with that, we have a good proof that you're a bot. DoM, please, ban him.

Should do the same test to graphenium and Telia. They kinda sound llm too.

Lostmorepasswords 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yeh you'd know something about tunnels..

So are you a bot or what? Tell me what DoM stands for. Don't think a basic llm bot would be able to figure that out

Lostmorepasswords -6 points ago +4 / -10

Let's assume that I am even though I'm clearly not by my post history, that doesn't change the fact that this is the only thing that YOU do. At worst ban all of us, me included

Lostmorepasswords -7 points ago +5 / -12

What if you fucking go fight for real in Palestine instead of shilling for them here every day

Lostmorepasswords 2 points ago +6 / -4

What if you go put a Jewish dick in your mouth and STFU

Lostmorepasswords -20 points ago +6 / -26

I'm so fucking tired of seeing you, telia, go power and whoever else come here just to shit post about mother fucking Palestine/Israel. That's the ONLY thing you faggots post about which makes it clear that you're fucking degenerate pawns of either camps. You don't even bring anything new. Get the fuck out.

DoM can you do your fucking job correctly for once and ban these retards

Lostmorepasswords 9 points ago +10 / -1

Nah you got it wrong fam, we're anti-all that because we get shit on by those groups. If niggers stayed in Africa, Jews stopped scheming, women assumed their responsibilities and trans stfu/killed themselves already, there wouldn't be a problem

If we can't even gate-keep your kind here of all places, it doesn't look good. Rather you get banned, thanks.

Lostmorepasswords 13 points ago +13 / -0

Does dom even moderate this place anymore? This kid should have been banned a while back.

Lostmorepasswords 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm Canadian, can confirm the conservative party is 100% cucked but not trad in the slightest. There's an alternative party called the PPC that's less cucked but they won't win much of anything. The conservatives are guaranteed to win a strong majority though so Trudeau is a gonner at least.

Canada will probably be dismantled as Quebec is likely to separate and might actually become the whitest nation of North America. They have their own immigration rules which limits immigrants a bit. Another thing is they're enforcing French hard and ban mudslimes from wearing garbage bags and turbans in the public sector. They also have laws restricting the Chinese from buying all the farm lands unlike the rest of the country. Quebeckers like their culture and are pretty racists too which helps. Sadly, they also have groups pushing diversity, especially in Montreal which is filled with fags, niggers and Muhammeds. No surprise there, it's ground zero for SBI after all.. The anglophone population across the province are also mostly woke scum pushers. Anyways, it's not perfect but it's one of the few bastion of hope in the west.. which is a very funny thing to say but here we are...

Lostmorepasswords 0 points ago +3 / -3

It's doomed to fail and drag us down. The right bashing nerds is a big reason why the left got so powerful in the first place. The trans surge in autistic men mainly comes from them not being able to match the ideal of traditional male models that conservatives expect. You can blame it on propaganda but truth is, they wouldn't latch on to it if they didn't rage quit trad life first.

Lostmorepasswords 16 points ago +17 / -1

Main culprit imo: Globalization

Losing factories -> need degrees which delays childbirth

No border policies + multiculturalism -> loss of traditional cultural homogeneity

Death of mom&pop businesses -> further loss of communal attachments, further need for degrees, don't need kids to help with the business, etc

Global spread/dominance of Hollywood values -> you can guess that one


I could write a book on it but to me it's clear that this is the main issue which keeps making things worse