posted ago by FatalConceit ago by FatalConceit +13 / -2

1 - "Pier Pressure" - Arrested Development
2 - "eps3.7_dont-delete-me.ko" - Mr. Robot
3 - "Part 8" - Twin Peaks: The Return
4 - "To Be a Somebody" - Cracker
5 - "Private Plane" - Blackadder Goes Forth
6 - "Marge vs. the Monorail" - The Simpsons
7 - "The Germans" - Fawlty Towers
8 - "Ozymandias" - Breaking Bad
9 - "The Best of Both Worlds" - Star Trek: The Next Generation
10 - "Bizarro World" - Sealab 2021
11 - "Bandersnatch" - Black Mirror