Probably because they were getting too much backlash and noticed the current 'Trump is Hitler/Satan' propaganda push by their media affiliates, isn't as effective as 4 years ago.
Not really. Non sarcastically they were technically considering giving it away not even selling it. There was some private space launch planned to put some cremated ashes on the moon, done as a fundraiser for space habitation tech or something of the like.
Well, grifters that they are, the Navajo sued the government claiming that this can't be done because they own the moon.
The white house decided not to contest the suit, which would have ceded ownership of the moon to the Navajo tribe. It looks like it went the other way because of the bad press and the suit was dropped.
Probably because they were getting too much backlash and noticed the current 'Trump is Hitler/Satan' propaganda push by their media affiliates, isn't as effective as 4 years ago.
They gave serious thought to selling the moon to the Navajo this past week too.
Please tell me this satire.
Of course it is, what do the Navajo have that could pay for the moon? Crippling alcoholism isn’t a currency.
They also know Kung Fu.
You get paid by exposure bruh
Not really. Non sarcastically they were technically considering giving it away not even selling it. There was some private space launch planned to put some cremated ashes on the moon, done as a fundraiser for space habitation tech or something of the like.
Well, grifters that they are, the Navajo sued the government claiming that this can't be done because they own the moon.
The white house decided not to contest the suit, which would have ceded ownership of the moon to the Navajo tribe. It looks like it went the other way because of the bad press and the suit was dropped.
They were trying to claim veto power over what gets sent to the moon based on their butthurt superstitions. It's not exactly the same thing.
I hope you are right that it’s losing steam.