It's Great!!
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PJW is flying awfully close to the Sun these days.
This, gentlemen and the one or two ladies we have on here, is an example of a 'too late Liberal'. Notice how they find excuses for things so they don't need to be involved and only notice the shit when it's on their doorstep breaking in.
Several of them will still say: "It's Great" even after they've been raped, robbed, or murdered. That's what makes the hivemind really scary.
It’s the self hate that perpetuates it. Schmucks like Maher are so bogged down in cognitive dissonance and self loathing that they transcribe it to western culture and seek it’s destruction.
A Jew hating Whites is not "self-hate."
Self-hate is defiantly part of it. That why I've called them 'civilization level school shooters'. I think that's the psychology behind it.
How are you even in this thread? Is your self-awareness really this poor?
Is it possible you don't even understand that I oppose this shit more than most of the jewhaters who are trumpeting for Islam at the moment?
The indigenous people of England do not deserve colonization.
Are you telling me that the leftists you live among are overwhelmingly Zionists Jews?
I try not to live near them. I just listen to them.
If someone casually talks about the disappearance of your ethnicity from your own nation as an absolute good, then that person is your enemy.
oi you got a loicense for that anti-semitism there?
These Leftists wonder why we think they hate us.
It's because you do.
The contempt Sharon said "There's no fuckin' tea shops" is appalling. It was very much like, "Thank God that's fucking dead and never coming back."
We can, actually, resist change that you use as a weapon against us. It was not change that naturally happened. It was a change that was directly inflicted upon innocent people as a weapon. None of it was inevitable, you're just evil and you hate us and want to see everything we built destroyed in race-riots between foreigners. You don't want them to integrate or assimilate. You just don't want to look at us anymore.
Classic Gitz.
Huh, TiL
Being right? Yes, that is correct. It is what I'm known for, thank you.
As if English Tea and Crumptets is a problem.
I'm with Jordan that English food looks like crap. But I'm also not prepared to stand there and say, "Good, time to purge that with hummas"
More people should read Orwell's essays--not just "Politics and the English Language" but his essays from his "As I Please" articles on English life and like this essay here on "British Cookery.":
It's a charming little snapshot of English life during WW II and makes the British style of cooking roast beef and game appear quite appetizing. A sample quotation:
"No one who has not sampled Devonshire cream, stilton cheese, crumpets, potato cakes, saffron buns, Dublin prawns, apple dumplings, pickled walnuts, steak-and-kidney pudding and, of course, roast sirloin of beef with Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes and horseradish sauce, can be said to have given British cookery a fair trial."
I feel that we have similar problems between the English and the Americans. We don't really see each other's actual cuisine. We just see each other's common foods.
Why would Peterson go to London for spaghetti and expect it to be amazing? If I'm going to London I want to go to a traditional English pub for fish and chips and a soccer brawl.
Was that the complete Jordan Petersen interview? In the article describing the interview he apparently lashed out at multiculturalism. The interview is also included in the article but I don't have the time to watch it.
The 'foreign cuisine' thing is actually a parody argument used to satirize left-progressives and their open border death wish, because they really do use that argument. "But now you can get Chinese take-out in any town."
the funny thing about the foreign food argument even if it were valid, is that the foreign foods aren't even good representations of the cuisines. these small ethnic restaurants are usually runned by people who had no previous restaurant/cooking experiences back home and only started the restaurants in the west because of low barrier of entry. real authentic successful chefs/restauranteurs remain back home because they're already successful and don't need to emmigrate to a foreign country and deal with trashy customers
Bill Maher is a complete asshole. Multiculturalism is a lie and a disaster.