I guarantee you that these women will be given automatic admission into the Ivy League school of their choice, & then recruited into Democrat political office soon after.
These are the new woke elites. This is the woke ideal. This is what affirmative action was for.
This is how they'll get around affirmative action being deemed illegal.
Underachieving dimwits like this will be given unearned accolade upon accolade leading up to their university application. All of these absurd achievements will be used to justify their admission over better qualified white and asian candidates. They may have had better SAT scores, but look at all these other achievements!? Stunning and brave.
They'll muddy the waters of merit so thoroughly that future lawsuits will be much harder to litigate. If every cog in the educational machine maintains the lie that folly is wisdom and wisdom is folly, proving that it was a lie all along becomes that much more difficult.
The entire educational system needs to be gutted to remove the rot if things are to truly improve.
If high schools are racist in giving blacks accolades, you sue the high schools.
It's not hard. The libs showed us the blueprint on how to do it in the 1960s to the present.
All we need to do is turn their lawfare tactics back around on them & utterly destroy them wherever they hide until they finally become too AFRAID to play racist games.
future lawsuits will be much harder to litigate.
Not at all.
All you need is right wing juries.
If you were on a jury would you let the libs get away with some bullshit? Of course not. You'd fucking hammer them. As would I.
We take back the Red States 1st, establish a baseline for what "not racist" looks like by using a conservative state model example. Then we look at the disparities & can see quite clearly where the blue racism hides. Then we hammer that nationally.
It's not a hard fight to win conceptually, it's just going to take a lot of years & effort to hammer the libs into submission.
This isn't about black kids, it's about being seen as smart even when you're not. There are parents that will force their kids into gifted programs even when the kid hasn't a clue. It muddies the waters for all the actual smart kids, and lets the teachers pretend everyone is faking it. Doogie Houser was a doctor by your age, this kid is in your advanced calc class and is ten years old, iron man anything, and then fake smart kid movies. The ones where the smart kid rises from poverty to prove to everyone how smart they are. That sounds great to non smart people who love movies, but not the actual smart kid.
It has all the hallmarks of people who want the kids to win based on desires not actual reality. If it sounds too much like a Hollywood movie script, it can't be real. Kids from the ghetto mumble rap to national debate win is exactly that.
It's not muddying the waters for black kids, it's making the smart kids look dumb.
This is ancient history. Not last week's news, but last decade's news.
Yeah, absolutely ancient. It might even be pre-gamergate.
Still not great that they won a debate by demanding the other debate team kill themselves for being white.
I guarantee you that these women will be given automatic admission into the Ivy League school of their choice, & then recruited into Democrat political office soon after.
These are the new woke elites. This is the woke ideal. This is what affirmative action was for.
This is how they'll get around affirmative action being deemed illegal.
Underachieving dimwits like this will be given unearned accolade upon accolade leading up to their university application. All of these absurd achievements will be used to justify their admission over better qualified white and asian candidates. They may have had better SAT scores, but look at all these other achievements!? Stunning and brave.
They'll muddy the waters of merit so thoroughly that future lawsuits will be much harder to litigate. If every cog in the educational machine maintains the lie that folly is wisdom and wisdom is folly, proving that it was a lie all along becomes that much more difficult.
The entire educational system needs to be gutted to remove the rot if things are to truly improve.
You sue them everywhere.
If high schools are racist in giving blacks accolades, you sue the high schools.
It's not hard. The libs showed us the blueprint on how to do it in the 1960s to the present.
All we need to do is turn their lawfare tactics back around on them & utterly destroy them wherever they hide until they finally become too AFRAID to play racist games.
Not at all.
All you need is right wing juries.
If you were on a jury would you let the libs get away with some bullshit? Of course not. You'd fucking hammer them. As would I.
We take back the Red States 1st, establish a baseline for what "not racist" looks like by using a conservative state model example. Then we look at the disparities & can see quite clearly where the blue racism hides. Then we hammer that nationally.
It's not a hard fight to win conceptually, it's just going to take a lot of years & effort to hammer the libs into submission.
Satisfying work.
The attitude that it's satisfying work is a good one, I think. Makes it easier to keep moral up during the long fight.
Eternal vigilance, at every level. Legal, political and cultural.
I have to believe people see through this. You are right about college. I’m curious what the debate was about
She says at the beginning "restricting presidential war powers authority"
You couldn't tell because she kept just hyperventilating about "queer niggas" constantly.
If you watch to the end of the video, her opponents were also 2 ghetto blacks, 1 of whom was joking about having just got out of jail.
This is what lib societal destruction looks like. Literal freak show.
One of the brilliant arguments from that same debate was the following:
"Presidential war powers should not be used against niggers."
This is so old, that one of the debate team members was brought to the Oxford debate stage, and also got her ass handed to her.
Did they do the thing where they mumble rap about muh oppression 😂
This is old news. Like 2015 IIRC.
Edit: thereabouts.
Post Reported for: Rule 12 - Falsehoods
Post Approved: It's not disinformation, but it is very old.
This isn't about black kids, it's about being seen as smart even when you're not. There are parents that will force their kids into gifted programs even when the kid hasn't a clue. It muddies the waters for all the actual smart kids, and lets the teachers pretend everyone is faking it. Doogie Houser was a doctor by your age, this kid is in your advanced calc class and is ten years old, iron man anything, and then fake smart kid movies. The ones where the smart kid rises from poverty to prove to everyone how smart they are. That sounds great to non smart people who love movies, but not the actual smart kid.
It has all the hallmarks of people who want the kids to win based on desires not actual reality. If it sounds too much like a Hollywood movie script, it can't be real. Kids from the ghetto mumble rap to national debate win is exactly that.
It's not muddying the waters for black kids, it's making the smart kids look dumb.
Might want to repost with the Twitter link, since shit is currently pretty broken, but direct Twitter embeds still work.
unfortunately Twitter just started blocking people who aren't logged in, hence why I switched to a nitter link this time.
Nitter isn't working for me either, but direct Twitter embeds still seem to work.
Nitter seems to be broken, at least for me.