This isn't about black kids, it's about being seen as smart even when you're not. There are parents that will force their kids into gifted programs even when the kid hasn't a clue. It muddies the waters for all the actual smart kids, and lets the teachers pretend everyone is faking it. Doogie Houser was a doctor by your age, this kid is in your advanced calc class and is ten years old, iron man anything, and then fake smart kid movies. The ones where the smart kid rises from poverty to prove to everyone how smart they are. That sounds great to non smart people who love movies, but not the actual smart kid.
It has all the hallmarks of people who want the kids to win based on desires not actual reality. If it sounds too much like a Hollywood movie script, it can't be real. Kids from the ghetto mumble rap to national debate win is exactly that.
It's not muddying the waters for black kids, it's making the smart kids look dumb.
This isn't about black kids, it's about being seen as smart even when you're not. There are parents that will force their kids into gifted programs even when the kid hasn't a clue. It muddies the waters for all the actual smart kids, and lets the teachers pretend everyone is faking it. Doogie Houser was a doctor by your age, this kid is in your advanced calc class and is ten years old, iron man anything, and then fake smart kid movies. The ones where the smart kid rises from poverty to prove to everyone how smart they are. That sounds great to non smart people who love movies, but not the actual smart kid.
It has all the hallmarks of people who want the kids to win based on desires not actual reality. If it sounds too much like a Hollywood movie script, it can't be real. Kids from the ghetto mumble rap to national debate win is exactly that.
It's not muddying the waters for black kids, it's making the smart kids look dumb.