Judge Kelsey Blake Hanlon, a Republican, said in her ruling that the ban “materially burdens the bodily autonomy of Indiana’s women and girls by significantly and arbitrarily limiting their access to care.”
Hilarious this cunt uses bodily autonomy when she is completely denying the bodily autonomy of the fetus. Even more hilarious is that they once again are claiming privacy covers the right to murder.
She said women and girls. She doesn't care about men or foetuses.
Is “materially burdening the bodily autonomy of Indiana’s women and girls” even a violation of Indiana's constitution? Perhaps the legislature WANTS to materially burden their bodily autonomy. That's their prerogative, not the judge's.
Sometimes the Imp is right. Men are just there to be used to pay for child support but if they want the kid and the mother doesn't no one bats an eye. Fuck that judge for using the age old reason to kill babies.
Hilarious this cunt uses bodily autonomy when she is completely denying the bodily autonomy of the fetus. Even more hilarious is that they once again are claiming privacy covers the right to murder.
She said women and girls. She doesn't care about men or foetuses.
Is “materially burdening the bodily autonomy of Indiana’s women and girls” even a violation of Indiana's constitution? Perhaps the legislature WANTS to materially burden their bodily autonomy. That's their prerogative, not the judge's.
Sometimes the Imp is right. Men are just there to be used to pay for child support but if they want the kid and the mother doesn't no one bats an eye. Fuck that judge for using the age old reason to kill babies.
The Imp is set to a singular channel, and is still more right than wrong.
Fetuses can be female.
Females are well known for their unselfish camaraderie.
Murder isn't care.
And still, somehow, "bodily autonomy" isn't a valid argument against child support or alimony.