Cis Straight Men are unfunny dinosaurs
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The entire article is delusional cuntery. No one likes your garbage trans comedians, no one agrees with your shit opinions, go dilate and seethe harder, freak.
I went and looked up a couple of the tranny "comedians" mentioned in the article. So awful and definitely not funny. It's basically affirmative action, they are getting spots at popular places because they are trannies.
Or just hang yourselves.
el oh el
Cant handle the tiniest level of curated disagreement.
This article is so dumb. They try to hype up these no name troon fucks by saying they are super successful twitch comedians, meanwhile they try to make it sound like these big names are bores and nobody really likes them.
I'm not a diehard fan of any of them, but I have seen the new show by Gervaise. That audience was not 3 vored people.
Lol, is that like an "instragram model"?
And yet people like to watch these "unfunny dinosaurs" despite the constant propaganda and cancel attempts against them.
On the other hand the only way for woke comics to be watched is if they get propped up by journalists, hollywood, streaming services, rating sites and so on and so forth.
It’s so much worse than that; it’s written by a condescending valley girl from the 980s.
If your only personality is being LGBTQ* then you don't have a personality.
trannies are the punchline.