posted ago by GeneralBoobs ago by GeneralBoobs +18 / -1

Original Tweet: https://archive.ph/6rlfM

Okay so we know that twitter is full of faggots and trannies who lie all the time, usually to get money and childrens to touch. This one wants money and merchandise, and is using Disney's Star Wars to get it. Question is, did the morons over at Disney's Star Wars twitter account actually go full groomer rewards program or is this just another tranny looking for attention. This is a young liberal woman we are talking about here, they tend to lie for attention and free shit.

Reddit: https://archive.ph/D5cSQ

Redditard post over at our old pals r/GamingCircleJerk showing just how thirsty they are for content and a complete lack of understanding of the word 'based'. There's a couple people calling this shit out, but most of it is what you expect from post Spez's cucking reddit.

@StarWars with their diversity hires twats: https://nitter.net/starwars

No proof, just poofs.

So, given what we know of the Disneys and their tranny agenda, is this a tranny looking for attention that doesn't involve fake hate crimes or is this the Disneys being Disneys?