I wonder if there's going to be a traffic jam at the border. All the Americans fleeing Biden's collapse to Canada bumping up against Canadians trying to flee Trudeau's collapse to America.
I'm up for a reverse uno reconquista. Mexico has great weather. Ridiculously abundant natural resources. Ports on both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
"Yeah! Let's inflate our way out of scarcity!"
How moronic.
This guy is provincial and can't even print money even if he wanted to.
He has to promise the moon then beg Daddy Trudeau to raise his allowance to fund it.
Yep. Doesn't mean we shouldn't take him at his word about what he'd do if he had the power, though.
A powerless moron is still a moron.
Hilarious Twitter responses, "what about climate change". You're fucked.
Other responses are mad he didn't wear a mask recently. Priorities.
The "Just Print More Money" meme IRL.
I wonder if there's going to be a traffic jam at the border. All the Americans fleeing Biden's collapse to Canada bumping up against Canadians trying to flee Trudeau's collapse to America.
It's gonna be a circus.
Maybe we'll get a twist of fate, and all of us will flee to Mexico, reverse replacement.
I'm up for a reverse uno reconquista. Mexico has great weather. Ridiculously abundant natural resources. Ports on both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
Ellos tomaron nuestro trabajo!
Nothing says "dignity" like waiting for handouts.
Say that in the wrong bar in Quebec and you'll need an ambulance.
They have maple syrup and brothels.
Thank God the liberals aren't in power in Ontario (yet).