Yandex are apparently banned from NYSE. There are countless other articles like this one on countless other sites, about countless other companies.
Beyond the stupidity of giving Russia nothing to lose, is ANYONE considering the fallout this, at all? Like how Trudeau inadvertently triggered a run on the banks when he froze truckers' assets, How do we think asian corporations are going to respond to the knowledge that, should their country sufficiently piss off the west's ruling corpocracy, they will get fucked over in ANY and ALL business they have with the west?
This is madness. There isn't a rational thought in anyone's head at this point. The west is destroying international faith in its economic infrastructure.
It's suicide.
It was an NPC firmware update.
General Protection Fault is leading the way!
This is why I fear that when the Ukraine shitshow ends they shift their hatred back to all of the globalists' domestic enemies and they will use every tool they used against Russia against anyone who doesn't toe their line.
Some of these not anti-Russian comments are now good for 1, 3, or 25 year prison sentences in some European countries. Yep, comments on social media deemed "pro-Russian" are now so 'illegal' they'll throw you in prison.
Yeah that is just completely psychotic.
It is hard to accept that things have gotten this nightmarish.
It looks like the world as we knew it, actually ended in Jan 2020.
Since then we have had nothing but hysteria.
First the hysteria over COVID, then BLM riots, then a certain infamous day in January, then the push of the shitty vax and now Ukraine.
It has been hysteria after hysteria in just 2 fucking years.
It feels like 2020, 2021 and 2022 are just the same shitty year to me. It all blurs together.
I still can't believe it's been that long. It feels like some timeless liminal space to me.
You are absolutely correct - the world did end in 2020. Everything since then has been extreme theater to try to control the masses. It’s been hard for me as well to distinguish the past 2+ years from each other.
Yeah right after Epstein and pizzagate. Strange.
The world as you knew it ended Jan 2020, the world as liberals knew it ended Nov 2016.
Liberals have been hysterical since 2016, you were just insulated from it because they all clung to the life-preserver that he'd be gone in 4 years - if they could just wait until then. Well, Jan 2020 saw Russia Gate finally dead (final impeachment failed) and it clear that Trump would sail to victory. That's when and why they completely lost hope and any rational thought.
Thing about fear is it's the reptile brain and you can't just turn it off or will it away. Left to themselves liberals are now broken people, and the only way to get rid of this 'literally shaking' reptile fear is to play it out.
The way you break a horse is to expose them to the fear so long that they get exhausted and can't fear anymore - then nothing happens and they get over it. Exposure therapy. Only way to save liberals is to amplify 4chan and force it clockwork-orange style into their echo chambers. Constantly trigger them with outrageous ideas like "you'll get paid as much if you do as good a job".
Protest man! You'll beat them eventually!
I was at the range last week, and in the 20 minutes I spent bullshitting with the RSOs they had 2 people come in and ask for Russian soldier/putin targets with their lane.
It's not just social media, these people are everywhere.
lol what retards. Ive found it very effective to ask those people if they support neo nazis. They recoil in horror and demand to know what I mean. I then give them as much information as I can about Azov and the 8 years of ethnic cleansing going on in eastern Ukraine. Most have never heard about it. Showing them the wiki page about Azov is fun, you watch their brain explode in real time. I don’t even need to bring up NATO or the US biolabs - showing these retard normies the “muh nazis” shit is all it takes.
I think i’ve done this to at least a dozen people irl in the past 10 days and it’s really entertaining.
This is inevitable. This is why we must crush them
They wrote about how they were worried the citizens would rise up against their governments for all the insane amounts they were doing against their citizens. Turns out they're really good at directing it towards their enemies instead.
You can't just undo a hate mob. But it IS a mob, you can redirect it by shouting loudly.
They needed to undo their previous COVID restriction before accelerationists caused revolution, but they had nowhere to put the Hate.