Far too low for the reality of the recent democide committed. We had already surpassed the schism that caused the revolutionary war over a century ago. Wonder how high the number would be if the media hadn’t been running psyops since Pulitzer.
You mean the one against the British (two centuries ago), or the, uhh, other one, which is coming up on 160 years, now..? Genuine question, because both are relevant, here. shrug
The proven, forced deaths, of hundreds of thousands of Americans who were denied treatment by policy for Covid. The proven, forced deaths of millions in order to “promote gender equality”. We have been beyond civil discourse for a long time now.
It's been bombed twice by communists. Of course the propaganda wing of the paramilitary wing wouldn't want you to know that.
Germans: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Muenter
Commies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_United_States_Senate_bombing
Puerto Ricans: https://blogs.loc.gov/headlinesandheroes/2020/05/1954-shooting-at-the-u-s-capitol/
Commies again: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/bomb-explodes-in-capitol-building
Journalists: https://history.house.gov/Historical-Highlights/1851-1900/The-death-of-Congressman-William-Taulbee-on-the-steps-of-the-U-S--Capitol/
Nutcases: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/shooting/stories/weston042399.htm
One time was in the 70's, when was the other?
It also got stormed back in 2016 by commies didn't it?
They stormed it when Kavanaugh was being confirmed as well.
Wouldn't be surprised. They also memory holed deranged leftists getting close enough to the WH gates for trump to be rushed into the bunker.
It's literally our founding principle.
I'd say 2 in 3 Americans aren't actually Americans going by these findings.
Women and socialists, they only believe in violence against men and submission to a central authority.
Far too low for the reality of the recent democide committed. We had already surpassed the schism that caused the revolutionary war over a century ago. Wonder how high the number would be if the media hadn’t been running psyops since Pulitzer.
You mean the one against the British (two centuries ago), or the, uhh, other one, which is coming up on 160 years, now..? Genuine question, because both are relevant, here. shrug
The proven, forced deaths, of hundreds of thousands of Americans who were denied treatment by policy for Covid. The proven, forced deaths of millions in order to “promote gender equality”. We have been beyond civil discourse for a long time now.
It's a war where only one side is fighting. 4th generation warfare, waged in a way that tries to be as covert as possible.
My mind is drawn to the SPLC guy with the post-it of the declining white majority over time, for some reason.
Of course violence against government is all fine and dandy when its BLM and AntiFA and AGAINST THE GOP.
Nancy Pelosi kneeled and swore an oath of fealty to BLM after their violence.
Why do they suddenly think that it's now bad? (it's a rhetorical question, I know why)
Can be justified? It's a moral imperative!