Roaring Kitty at GameStop Hearing: I’m Not A Cat
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I'm able to watch shitposters and gamers make national headlines and maybe run for office one day. May you live in interesting times indeed.
We have no other choice but to recognize that GamerGate will forever remain the initiation point of our current history. People, 20 years from now, will still ask us about GamerGate.
The world really needs to stop being like this.
Well, son, it all started when a woman cheated on her boyfriend with at least five guys. This is the story of Five Guys Burger and Fries. It's not a tale oft spoke aloud anymore.
At this point the question is whether schoolchildren will read about it in English or Mandarin.
The only thing we can be certain of is that what they read will not be a truthful telling of the tale. Maybe we need to figure out how to turn it into modern folklore so the truth survives.
We need to start writing our own history books.
He really needs to change his name to Gillberg. The SEC will completely forget he exists.
Do a slow 180 degree turn in the chair to show a tiny yarmulke on his head.
Since I'm sure they will have him "go missing" anyway, he really should have shown up with same cat filter that attorney had stuck on a couple weeks ago.
The fact that he apparently had to talk to congress is a disgrace in and of itself.
He bought some stock, went on a forum and said "I bought X, you should buy X too!" That's it.
Oh, and I'm willing to bet that at least half of the House Committee on Financial Services has some level of backroom deals going on that would get any of us imprisoned for years if not decades if we tried it.