British people : "Let's take back our freedom, the EU can't stop us!"
Also British people : Allow key border MP to be MeToo'd and hauled in front of a judge known for her sexist bias, giving control of the border enforcement to a puppet traitor fuck.
Dissent will be crushed under the boot heel of anarchotyranny, there will be PLENTY of law and order for anyone who dares defend their lives and property from the untouchable classes.
If they can't confiscate your weapons (and believe me, it will be made increasingly difficult to hold onto them) they will make using them an anathema.
I hope you are right but I see fewer and fewer paths for Trump at this point. The MSM dominates the conversation, and with them in the tank for Biden (well really k-ho) it is going to be next to impossible to bring attention to the fraud.
The right needs casus belli and I am at a loss as to how to gain it with the propaganda establishment in firm place.
He didn't say Trump is going to be president, he said Biden's not.
It's like when a dude puts on a wig and calls himself a woman and all the legacy media refer to him as a woman and you go to jail for not treating him like a woman but in the harsh reality of life, he will never be a woman.
Friday is the due date for the foreign interference report from the Director of National Intelligence, as required by Trump's executive order. That is a potential casus belli. John Ratcliffe was made the DNI in May, despite the protestions of the swamp, and he has been shit talking the intellingence coup on Don from the begining. Expect the blackest of blackouts.
I recently started ordering food via Doordash. Here are the names of the delivery driver from each order: Ahmed, Sidat, Ayaan, Alex, Pavel, Damirbek, Chandrasekhar, and Baba.
Only one of them was white, and he was the only one who wasn't a grown adult.
Not that being a delivery driver for Doordash is some great job, but where the hell are high school and college students going to work in 10-20 years? Apparently not as delivery drivers. Ahmed the 44 year old man from Algeria will be bringing you your food from here on out.
Why would any college student need to work? In 10 years (likely much less) college will be "free" (well paid for by the middle and lower classes through inflation). I don't know what jobs the graduates think they will be able to get though, maybe they can outbid Jose under the table for solar panel installer.
It's the same with any contract-worker service that I've tried in the northern coastal areas. Drivers that are not only recent immigrants, but angry and demanding.
Happy to say that it's not like that in the midwest or south.
Not really, our downfall only begun in 1974, 50 years ago, with the Socialist military coup. By then, we were almost 100% White, Christian and Conservatives. Poor but proud. The problems began with the Socialist takeover and the 90's "new wave open borders leftists" that effectively transformed the country in a mulato and African country.
Aside from not understanding how market economies work (from the 1930s to the '50s, an awful gap, to be sure), Franco and Salazar did nothing wrong.
Well, that's not true. According to Anthony Beevor, the Spanish anarchists would enter a city and slaughter "enemies of the people" en masse. The Communists would enter a city and immediately suborn it to the Staliinst COMINTERN. The Nationalists did this:
When Major Castejón’s ‘Column of Death’ reached Zafra on the road to Badajoz, he ordered the local authorities to provide him with a list of 60 people to be shot. ‘Little by little, those on the list were locked up in a room of the town hall. Some inhabitants who came into the mayor’s office were shown the growing list. They were allowed to remove three names providing they wrote down three others.’ In the end, 48 of the names were substitutes.
It is stupidity like this, these unforced errors, that has been slowly killing the Right.
British people : "Let's take back our freedom, the EU can't stop us!"
Also British people : Allow key border MP to be MeToo'd and hauled in front of a judge known for her sexist bias, giving control of the border enforcement to a puppet traitor fuck.
Quoting Peter Hitchens, "I have never seen a more finished country".
It was finished the moment the first "conservative" traitor got in. BoJo's backstab just ended the suffering of their writhing corpse.
There will be no refuge in the west. Biden has promised massive immigration into the US.
Be prepared to stand behind new immigrants in the bread line, the healthcare line, the job line, the carbon allotment line...
Dissent will be crushed under the boot heel of anarchotyranny, there will be PLENTY of law and order for anyone who dares defend their lives and property from the untouchable classes.
If they can't confiscate your weapons (and believe me, it will be made increasingly difficult to hold onto them) they will make using them an anathema.
what weapons? lost mine in a boating accident.
There's something like 1 cop to 1000 people, and half are screaming defund the police.
Also Biden isn't president, nor will he ever be one.
I hope you are right but I see fewer and fewer paths for Trump at this point. The MSM dominates the conversation, and with them in the tank for Biden (well really k-ho) it is going to be next to impossible to bring attention to the fraud.
The right needs casus belli and I am at a loss as to how to gain it with the propaganda establishment in firm place.
He didn't say Trump is going to be president, he said Biden's not.
It's like when a dude puts on a wig and calls himself a woman and all the legacy media refer to him as a woman and you go to jail for not treating him like a woman but in the harsh reality of life, he will never be a woman.
Friday is the due date for the foreign interference report from the Director of National Intelligence, as required by Trump's executive order. That is a potential casus belli. John Ratcliffe was made the DNI in May, despite the protestions of the swamp, and he has been shit talking the intellingence coup on Don from the begining. Expect the blackest of blackouts.
I recently started ordering food via Doordash. Here are the names of the delivery driver from each order: Ahmed, Sidat, Ayaan, Alex, Pavel, Damirbek, Chandrasekhar, and Baba.
Only one of them was white, and he was the only one who wasn't a grown adult.
Not that being a delivery driver for Doordash is some great job, but where the hell are high school and college students going to work in 10-20 years? Apparently not as delivery drivers. Ahmed the 44 year old man from Algeria will be bringing you your food from here on out.
Why would any college student need to work? In 10 years (likely much less) college will be "free" (well paid for by the middle and lower classes through inflation). I don't know what jobs the graduates think they will be able to get though, maybe they can outbid Jose under the table for solar panel installer.
It's the same with any contract-worker service that I've tried in the northern coastal areas. Drivers that are not only recent immigrants, but angry and demanding.
Happy to say that it's not like that in the midwest or south.
I am Portuguese, you are describing my daily life here in Lisbon...
Not really, our downfall only begun in 1974, 50 years ago, with the Socialist military coup. By then, we were almost 100% White, Christian and Conservatives. Poor but proud. The problems began with the Socialist takeover and the 90's "new wave open borders leftists" that effectively transformed the country in a mulato and African country.
Aside from not understanding how market economies work (from the 1930s to the '50s, an awful gap, to be sure), Franco and Salazar did nothing wrong.
Well, that's not true. According to Anthony Beevor, the Spanish anarchists would enter a city and slaughter "enemies of the people" en masse. The Communists would enter a city and immediately suborn it to the Staliinst COMINTERN. The Nationalists did this:
It is stupidity like this, these unforced errors, that has been slowly killing the Right.
I have to say that rural Hampshire looks nice. To bad for them.
This is what happens under a CONSERVATIVE govt?!?