I hate to break it to you, but nobody cares about detailed reports of corruption. It's not interesting for normal people to comb through the information and find out "the big guy" is Joe.
The pedo angle is what will win this. It's the most unpopular kind of crime and everybody unanimously hates pedos.
Kamala is a dumpster fire and I'd love to see her try to debate Trump.
Like the other guy said, the leftists already don't care about the Ukraine corruption. Revealing pedophilia is the correct tactic to go with, not because it'll make the leftists change their tune about Biden, but because it'll turn every leftist into a vocal pedophile apologist, THAT'S the bigger win here. When every leftist on twitter is expounding on the virtues of fucking children...that's peak kek.
They aren't going to swtich to Harris unless Biden wins. The whole point of picking Harris as VP was because she's too unlikable and obviously sociopathic to ever win a general election.
Maybe I'm being naive here, but I think if Eric Trump was found to be a pedo, Donald himself would lead the charge to have him arrested and tried.
In that case, I wouldn't definitely vote for Trump.
If Donald did nothing, then I would just not vote.
I think most Republicans would do the same if something similar happened to their children. My conservative parents told me in no uncertain terms when I was younger that I better not come to them for help if I ever got in trouble with the law, cause they'd turn me in. I'd do the same to my hypothetical children.
Opens the possibility for blackmail? If the FBI knew that Biden's son was a pedophile, Joe would literally be denied security clearances. How the fuck you gonna have a president who isn't allowed to know anything lol
They are chosen explicitly because they are incompetent and easy to blackmail. They just need to give the appearance of competence by being good at things like script reading.
Kamala is also simply just a "chosen one" as was Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. You only ever get to see the puppets, even if they have some degree of autonomy if they follow orders well enough. They don't want you to know that the real throne exists, let alone know who is on top of that throne.
I think this is the most likely rationale. From the beginning of the primary everyone was talking up Kamala as the heir apparent both then she got utterly smashed. Biden (who was doing miserably early primary) was deemed the easiest one to push out of the way post-election so they manipulated stuff to get Biden to win, attached Kamala to the ticket and if Biden wins he's probably resigning a month or two in.
Queue the media advocating for pedophilia and telling us how pedos are just poor misunderstood people on the WTFBBQ spectrum. "Legalize CP!" - CNN probably
I'm going to say this will probably not happen. This will be when we see the rats flee the sinking ship until it's just the CCP trying to get a return on their investment by desperately clinging to Kamala.
Honestly I'd be surprised if anything comes off it. They probably won't even address it, call it forged, not relevant, debunked, a conspiracy, something something Russia and drown out and ban everyone who talks about it.
Try venturing over into r/politics. You won't find a mention of the laptop stuff. I scrolled down the first few pages you get and there's not a single topic touching on it. It's all looney-tunes crazy shit lefties smearing shit on the walls and pretending it's news.
Since I just got finished with reading the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich what strikes me most is the author, who was in Germany at the time, travelled outside too, was all over the world and such pointed out something: Anywhere he picked up a newspaper outside of Germany, it was basically "What the fuck is Germany doing? Why are they starting all this shit, attacking, lying plainly, and oh god the Nazi's. What the fuck!?" Inside Germany? "Churchill is a warmonger!" "Churchill wants war!" etc. etc.
You could in some instances pick up newspapers from the outside world (though in a very, very limited amount, in very specific areas, and almost no circulation), or if you had a radio that was able to catch the BBC and wasn't confiscated, maybe you could get the news.
That's what r/politics looks like to me, and r/politics looks pretty damn similar to the mainstream media to me. Block the truth. Rile up your people with propaganda and disinformation for years on end. Except this time there's a counter narrative - Internet, alternative media, social media (despite it's censorious nature) allow enough for the counter narrative to exist and get out. Now, after WW2 they had to start a de-Nazification program because the people were that screwed up. Here, it's not as bad as that, but it's at least 25-50% as bad as that at the extremes. The incoming Trump victory isn't going to just magically make those people go "Oh. We were wrong, our bad." We're going to have a generation of people who are racist, bigoted, anti-reality who've cut off family and friends and surrounded themselves with like-minded fanatics. How the FUCK is that going to play out?
Don't think that'll work. It'll work for some of them who aren't too far gone or something.
More like I think we'll get some strange racist organization that swears Trump is the devil because X/Y/Z, etc. Or maybe just a smaller cult. I don't know. Maybe they'll all just be the 2020+ version of the weird dude in Stranger Things who lives in his basement drinking non stop and spinning out crazy theories (but less nice, I liked that guy)
The important stuff is the corrupt deals facilitated by Joe Biden, the cash Hunter was given for those, and the cuts that were going to Joe Biden.
Stuff strictly about Hunter would only matter if Big Guy Joe interfered to burry those, such as with Burrisma and the Ukrainian prosecutor Joe got fired.
I hate to break it to you, but nobody cares about detailed reports of corruption. It's not interesting for normal people to comb through the information and find out "the big guy" is Joe.
The pedo angle is what will win this. It's the most unpopular kind of crime and everybody unanimously hates pedos.
Kamala is a dumpster fire and I'd love to see her try to debate Trump.
You’d be surprised. I’ve seen multiple comments that effectively say “Hunter isn’t on the ballot, why should I not vote for Joe?”
The truly delusional will not be shaken by this.
Like the other guy said, the leftists already don't care about the Ukraine corruption. Revealing pedophilia is the correct tactic to go with, not because it'll make the leftists change their tune about Biden, but because it'll turn every leftist into a vocal pedophile apologist, THAT'S the bigger win here. When every leftist on twitter is expounding on the virtues of fucking children...that's peak kek.
They aren't going to swtich to Harris unless Biden wins. The whole point of picking Harris as VP was because she's too unlikable and obviously sociopathic to ever win a general election.
To be fair, getting people not to vote for your opponent is still a win, even if it's only half as effective as convincing them to vote for you.
Maybe I'm being naive here, but I think if Eric Trump was found to be a pedo, Donald himself would lead the charge to have him arrested and tried.
In that case, I wouldn't definitely vote for Trump.
If Donald did nothing, then I would just not vote.
I think most Republicans would do the same if something similar happened to their children. My conservative parents told me in no uncertain terms when I was younger that I better not come to them for help if I ever got in trouble with the law, cause they'd turn me in. I'd do the same to my hypothetical children.
If it's actual CP the FBI sat on it for almost a year without doing anything. Why? Stands to reason that could be a favor to the Dems/Joe.
Opens the possibility for blackmail? If the FBI knew that Biden's son was a pedophile, Joe would literally be denied security clearances. How the fuck you gonna have a president who isn't allowed to know anything lol
Like father like son.
I still can't believe this. This is the chosen candidate's family? Up until now, I genuinely thought our opposition were pretty competent.
They are chosen explicitly because they are incompetent and easy to blackmail. They just need to give the appearance of competence by being good at things like script reading.
Maybe what Kamala plans is so dark that they needed someone they could pull out of position easily, without them trying to resist it.
Kamala is also simply just a "chosen one" as was Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. You only ever get to see the puppets, even if they have some degree of autonomy if they follow orders well enough. They don't want you to know that the real throne exists, let alone know who is on top of that throne.
I think this is the most likely rationale. From the beginning of the primary everyone was talking up Kamala as the heir apparent both then she got utterly smashed. Biden (who was doing miserably early primary) was deemed the easiest one to push out of the way post-election so they manipulated stuff to get Biden to win, attached Kamala to the ticket and if Biden wins he's probably resigning a month or two in.
Sorry for linking a tradthot, but all the others were Qtards.
Who is she, and is she?
She's just a random person who has the clip.
Then what makes her a tradthot?
Just a feeling.
Does it really matter though?
Queue the media advocating for pedophilia and telling us how pedos are just poor misunderstood people on the WTFBBQ spectrum. "Legalize CP!" - CNN probably
I'm going to say this will probably not happen. This will be when we see the rats flee the sinking ship until it's just the CCP trying to get a return on their investment by desperately clinging to Kamala.
Honestly I'd be surprised if anything comes off it. They probably won't even address it, call it forged, not relevant, debunked, a conspiracy, something something Russia and drown out and ban everyone who talks about it.
Something something Epstein something something Russia....
/pol/ was right again.
That was fake, she denounced it on Twitter.
They were still right.
Try venturing over into r/politics. You won't find a mention of the laptop stuff. I scrolled down the first few pages you get and there's not a single topic touching on it. It's all looney-tunes crazy shit lefties smearing shit on the walls and pretending it's news.
Since I just got finished with reading the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich what strikes me most is the author, who was in Germany at the time, travelled outside too, was all over the world and such pointed out something: Anywhere he picked up a newspaper outside of Germany, it was basically "What the fuck is Germany doing? Why are they starting all this shit, attacking, lying plainly, and oh god the Nazi's. What the fuck!?" Inside Germany? "Churchill is a warmonger!" "Churchill wants war!" etc. etc.
You could in some instances pick up newspapers from the outside world (though in a very, very limited amount, in very specific areas, and almost no circulation), or if you had a radio that was able to catch the BBC and wasn't confiscated, maybe you could get the news.
That's what r/politics looks like to me, and r/politics looks pretty damn similar to the mainstream media to me. Block the truth. Rile up your people with propaganda and disinformation for years on end. Except this time there's a counter narrative - Internet, alternative media, social media (despite it's censorious nature) allow enough for the counter narrative to exist and get out. Now, after WW2 they had to start a de-Nazification program because the people were that screwed up. Here, it's not as bad as that, but it's at least 25-50% as bad as that at the extremes. The incoming Trump victory isn't going to just magically make those people go "Oh. We were wrong, our bad." We're going to have a generation of people who are racist, bigoted, anti-reality who've cut off family and friends and surrounded themselves with like-minded fanatics. How the FUCK is that going to play out?
Don't think that'll work. It'll work for some of them who aren't too far gone or something.
More like I think we'll get some strange racist organization that swears Trump is the devil because X/Y/Z, etc. Or maybe just a smaller cult. I don't know. Maybe they'll all just be the 2020+ version of the weird dude in Stranger Things who lives in his basement drinking non stop and spinning out crazy theories (but less nice, I liked that guy)
You underestimate how much the blue cult are willing to forgive for points against orange man.
OK, how old are we talking here?
are we talking 17?
are we talking 7?
One is technically illegal and creepy...the other is...worse.
Clip says 14
Natalie Biden.
The guy was sniffing kid's heads. It was only a matter of time when something incriminating would pop up.
The important stuff is the corrupt deals facilitated by Joe Biden, the cash Hunter was given for those, and the cuts that were going to Joe Biden.
Stuff strictly about Hunter would only matter if Big Guy Joe interfered to burry those, such as with Burrisma and the Ukrainian prosecutor Joe got fired.