Shit, sorry man... I wanted to mess with you, not deafen you.😂😅
Yeah, b-52s were pretty generic pop, honestly... Like I said, i don't mind them, but meh...
I'm more of a twisted sister or black sabbath fan, honestly...
That's cool, sorry you're not a fan(I think they're okay).
Glad I could make you laugh, though. =)
because what they once loved has become an unrecognizable mess wearing the skinsuit of what it once was...
Suicide Solution
yeah, fuck the PMRC...
...until his family roped him into that stupid reality show
only thing I remember about the osbournes is him getting a new studio in his home, and them showing him the tv over the control board and him grinning like a kid on christmas going "...pawrn...😃" in that heavy british accent of his and it making me laugh my ass off...
black comedy truly is comedy in its purest form...
oh fuck, how'd I forget this gem?😅
So edgy-cynicism then, lol.
I guess it's just a testament to the quality of the lyrics that they seem to fit still... good art should be open to interpretation that way.
But then, I have a soft spot for Ozzy's music, so maybe I'm a bit biased...😛
I prefer oingo boingo's weird science.😁
should be using a vpn in general, but especially with public wifi anyway..
lmao. five-pound sledge would be more effective... cut the handle short...just sayin...
Poking fun, but no surprise I'd get at least one fire and brimstone response =P it weird I'm hoping it's u/C trolling the shit out of everybody?
Could be. Honestly, I don't know if it's malicious actors or an organic event, but I can definitely see potentail results...
I'm not gonna lie, I'm having a lot of trouble understanding what you're saying, lol.
I'm not nearly the intelectual I like to pretend to be. I just have a clever thought now and again, and I try to chase it down and share my findings.
I know i'ts bad for me, but I weirdly find that tobacco helps me think btw...
I mean we're already seeing that, lol.
True, but what happens when she or one of her cohorts starts to question the cause? What happens when they want to reach out to the other side, if only to confirm their beliefs? Of course changing their minds is an uphill slog, but how much harder is it made by a lack of a common language to discuss the points of contention?
Man... guy was hilarious... apparently really sweet though... didn't know he was an irl shitposter, though.
Not surprising, supposedly he was known to be a bit crude in his humor...
Here, try u/OldHICKory
To be fair, though, wasn't caligula going mad from mercury poisoning or something?
...and still had time to write a three page essay on farts
okay, now that I gotta look up...
~:note to self: shitposting Founding father accounts...:~
I mean he's not wrong. Nature's a cold-hearted bitch...
Glad to hear it.
Honestly, I think people in general need this reminder sometimes... God knows I do...