I think it is the intention of the globalists to stop the middle classes from traveling and mingling freely, while directing large scale immigration of slave class workers to low birthrate first world countries:
-Squeeze the western mercantile middle class till they die,
-import cheap slave labor whose future children will also be cheap labor and who will procreate freely
-get profit
You can't really drink the tap water anywhere in latin America (if indeed there is tap water at all).
500 years of rule and latin American governments still haven't managed to install much in the way of a sanitary water supply. It should be their largest shame.
People talk about moving abroad all the time but they usually know nothing about the process of obtaining residency permits and visas. There is a chasm of difference between visiting a country and setting up living there.
This information is usually available on their embassy websites and is the best place to begin research.
Banking and finance is another quagmire of difficulty that many expats underestimate.
Less than an hour later Malone posts this on his substack,
Robert W Malone MD, MS 26 min ago
Alex Bereonson goes on Fox News and directly calls me a liar to my face and says I didn’t invent RNA vaccines.
Unprofessional, rude and an asshole to boot.
But beyond that, I think we can all assume CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.
So, for Alex, who evidently doesn’t know how to do an internet search, find a patent and read it - I will make it easy for him.
First - couple of proof of principle experiments conducted in 1988 -from the patents with the priority date of 1989 (issued later, but the ideas/experiments date to March 21, 1989 as decided by the United States Patent Office)
Then Malone goes on to enumerate his evidence. - https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/bushwhacked-by-alex-berenson-on-fox
Berenson /owned
That's right, you want to avoid EU countries, they're practically the worst when it comes to vaxmadness and lack of sovereign citizen power.
The states of the former Yugoslavia are crazy for the most part, but very plucky when it comes to disdain of centralized power and most of them are not yet EU.
Central and south America are always at the whim of the current thief-in-chief and most require vax for foreign entry.
Asia is of course, a shithole where government does as it pleases. Africa is baked for the next 100 years at least, no options there.
The great reset is a mighty overlord and difficult to escape.
Anywhere in the EU is almost as bad, look at what's been going on over there. Also remember that in a lengthy tussle with the EU the Poles finally agreed with the EU's demand to dissolve their own sovereign supreme court. Not a good sign.
Iceland? Uruguay? Georgia? Mexico?
The biggest mistake he made was wussing out on the promise to "Repeal and Replace" health services. The task was handed to the slime Paul Ryan who fucked it up twice then exited, and da Donald just moved on to something else, leaving the execrable Obamacare intact along with the rest of the broken US health care policy.
He didn't clean house of corrupt federal bureaucrats, military, and intelligence. He didn't reform Obamacare. And then we all found ourselves embroiled in a health crisis that could have been prevented if he had kept his promises.
No forgiveness. And yes Kushner was a massive wanker and a mistake.
I don't know when we became a country of pussies, when my kids were in school if you fucked with my kids I would have set your whole world on fire. And I did a couple of times. Then I took my kid and their ADA funding somewhere else, it's not that hard.
Merrick Garland and his goons don't scare me. I'm the mom, they're my kids, and petty bureaucrats don't fuck with my kids. What's wrong with people?? Get a backbone America.
Not only that but on the 6th he was still president. He was the commander in chief of the military, the FBI, the CIA, and everything else. He failed to seize the crucial moment - and then it was gone like floodwater under a bridge that thundered into the abyss 1,000 ft. below.
He had his chance and he blew it; on a number of fronts.
Trump is over. I don't care what he says about anything.
He folded his tent and went home. Nancy Pelosi is still around making all of us miserable and running the Congressional shitshow while he keeps crying about himself.
Has anybody here read RFK's book yet? It's said to be a complete barn burner with Fraudci ignited righteously.
Maybe we should do KIA2 book review on it ... or maybe I'm not ready to plow through that much legalese and documentation at this point in my reading life.
Boy he sounds like he's been gargling gravel.
The video from today 1/10/2022 on that same twitter account "Governor @GavinNewsom presents the California Blueprint", was that a zoom meeting or did he actually appear in the state legislature? - https://twitter.com/CAgovernor/status/1480607195569930240
I trust the guy absolute zero and wonder if he is pulling some kind of FDR trick. (few photos of FDR in his wheelchair were ever published)
Not doubting you, link?
I found this from 6/2/2020- https://www.kgoradio.com/2020/06/02/newsom-skips-daily-presser-to-scrub-away-graffiti-with-volunteers/
I think they're trying to stretch the coof to the Nov. elections and they're going to come up with massive positive numbers by inundating the US with pumped up positive test results using captive millions of school kids.