weltallic 0 points ago +1 / -1

This reporting is largely unreadable

That archive is unreadable.

weltallic 1 point ago +1 / -0

You guys

Are you referring to Neil Gaiman?


weltallic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Deportation of ONE leader was a mistake. You create a martyr.

Should've deported twenty. Then no one would rally or print posters.

weltallic 6 points ago +6 / -0



Tatsuya went from edgy 90's to openly "Women are the superior species; the apex of evolution" (and lesbians are the supreme beings, for they have evolved beyond animalistic desire for inferior men), and so naturally became the Champion of Women™, attacking all who didn't bend the knee.

But then he saw his side downgrade his precious lesbians on the ladder and saw them forced to kneel to trans dudes.

He could never allow that.

weltallic 2 points ago +2 / -0

The point was to show how respectful music used to be.

Damn. Meme failed.

weltallic 5 points ago +5 / -0

And yes, women love dancing to that last song.

It's an insanely popular LOVE BALLAD.

weltallic 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's weird how leaking government data is a literal crime, while doxing is perfectly legal (but a bannable offense on most tech platforms).

weltallic 0 points ago +1 / -1

That Frieren show is so huge, I'm considering watching.

Problem is, I was a huge anime fan/collector/fansubber since the 90's and stopped sometime around 2004.

Never watched anything since then... until 2016, because I spent years seeing memes abut Haruhi, and how it became the biggest anime phenomenon since Eva. So I watched a few episodes.

Worst mistake ever.

I was promised a show about a schoolgirl who was LITERAL GOD but didn't know it, and was unknowingly rewriting reality to shape her wishes.

Instead I got high school drama and near zero fantasy/superpowers, with school club meetings and whodunnit mysteries on island vacations.

Then came the (I'm told) notorious "repeated episode" arc where they thought it was CLEVER to repeat the same episode over and over. By the 5th rerun, I quit entirely.

Haven't watched any anime since.

weltallic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never forget to point out that since they transitioned, they are the top earning female directors of ALL TIME.

The Matrix trilogy is a triumph for women film makers.

The highest, best selling movie by a female director of all time!

  1. Matrix Reloaded (Lana & Lilly Wachowski) – $739 million
  2. Frozen II (Co-Directed by Jennifer Lee) – $477.4 million
  3. The Matrix (Lana & Lilly Wachowski) – $463 million
  4. The Matrix Revolutions (Lana & Lilly Wachowski) – $427 million
  5. Captain Marvel (Co-Directed by Anna Boden) – $426 million
  6. Wonder Woman (Directed by Patty Jenkins) – $412 million
  7. Frozen (Co-Directed by Jennifer Lee) – $400 million
  8. Shrek (Co-Directed by Vicky Jenson) – $267 million
  9. Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (Directed by Betty Thomas) – $219 million
  10. Twilight (Directed by Catherine Hardwicke) – $192 million

And women everywhere clap furiously... right?

weltallic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Season 5 has the new female captain

Everything Sheridan did, he did in THREE YEARS as captain of B5.

I remember the Crusade sequel series (soundtrack: dinka-donka-dinka-donka...) they checked in on Lochley, and she had been captain of B5 for... I don't remember... 6 years? Seven?

And literally nothing had changed. Particularly Her. She looked and acted the same way she did on day #1.

weltallic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Star Trek: Voyager

The native American commander had LITERAL MAGIC POWERS.

Because "muh tribal elders."

That said, there were moments of uncomfortable clarity:



And let's not forget that while many of us grew up watching DS9 and liking Sisko... I'll never forget how he did something so profoundly Leftist and anti-Star Trek that it disturbed me even then:


weltallic 1 point ago +1 / -0


Report your fellow citizens to keep the government safe!


weltallic 27 points ago +27 / -0

Checking in on vintage anti-GG champions of women everywhere

Still hasn't had a job since 2010 and still living in a "commune" house with 8 other people struggling to pay rent...

...but his Maga=Nazi comics are on the front page of reddit again, so he's got that going for him.

weltallic 10 points ago +11 / -1

Source: Megatron (with the Infinity stones).

Can we do better, please?

weltallic 3 points ago +3 / -0

MY side are filled with good, honest people. They wish only to serve their country, with as much truth and grace as their hearts allow.

They want only what's best for everyone, and will always take the honorable course of action... and yet, no one is perfect. Sometimes weakness takes hold of a small minority and mistakes are made. These are complex, nuanced issues and they have earned our support and respect for their privacy.

Sometimes good people lose their way. And sometimes you must get your hands dirty to build a better world.


THEIR side is evil. Literally, definitively evil. They want to destroy this country and inflict pain on innocent people. And they honestly hate us. All of us.

Their so-called friends are merely ignorant tools used to further their own ends; profit, power, and casual cruelty. They tell only lies, and their hearts and minds are filled with vile ambition. It's only a matter of time until they're caught and exposed for who they really are, and punished to the full extent of the law.

And if the law says otherwise, we must punish them anyway. Because they are evil. Pure evil. Seriously, a 2nd holocaust is this close.


Ain't politics great?

And the best part is, almost everyone swaps sides at least twice in their lifetime as they get older. Good and evil is just so capricious.

weltallic 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's still my personal canon that Capaldi's regeneration into Jodie was actually the Rani teleporting into the Doctor's place.

He was ported away, and everything since Jodie was The Rani having narcisistic reality-altering adventures... including the invention of 'The Timeles Child' concept; a fiction she invented to make herself feel special.

One day, The Doctor will return and break her free from the Heaven/Hell she's constructed around herself.

Because the Doctor makes people better.

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