user20461 3 points ago +3 / -0

FPC and NAGR are the best IMO. After that, there's 2AF and GOA but, last I checked, they were trending towards the NRA status with some of the language they use.

user20461 1 point ago +3 / -2

I just offered an explanation because you obviously had no clue what was going on.

I have better things to do than to get in a debate with some faggot.

user20461 1 point ago +3 / -2

When someone tries to explain something to you, don't try to make it a debate.

That's also common courtesy.

user20461 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also, who the fuck goes "Who's gun is this" in FPS, just run and shoot and shut the fuck up.

In this game, you purchase weapons based on money you earn.

If you die, you take a hit to your wallet (on top of dropping the weapon you were using).

Late in the game, this can have a big effect on your ability to stay alive since you can't buy weapons/armor, so it's common courtesy to find the weapon of the dead player + hold it for them until the round ends + then everyone spares some money to help them get their equipment back up.

user20461 15 points ago +15 / -0

I also doubt his friend is an actual girl.

user20461 3 points ago +4 / -1

This faggot is having a bad day

user20461 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's always pathetic when the girlfriend gets involved in an argument.

Go back to sucking Trump's dick, you faggot.

user20461 -3 points ago +3 / -6

Either way, you've proven that you're too stupid to be having a conversation with.

user20461 1 point ago +8 / -7

Damn, next time make sure you come with some facts before you make these claims:

Trump was an economic choice, and it payed off massively.

No. Trump ran on building the wall, putting Hillary in jail, and draining the swamp, none of which happened under his term.

Trump also was the reason Florida had the freedom to stand out during Covid.

LOL he coined the phrase, "15 days to stop the spread." and you want to give him credit for DeSantis' work?

Who would have been a republican with even a hint of balls to stand up to Mexico and China.

LOL he campaigned on cracking down on China and did NOTHING. What happened to labeling them a currency manipulator? NOTHING.

And Mexico? HE SAID THEY'D PAY FOR THE WALL. Do you see a wall up, you fucking retard, let alone Mexico having paid for that wall?

You can cry about politics, but again you’re asking for a god emperor because you’re weak. You can not demand more of someone than you demand of yourself, learn that fact child.

Either you're amazingly retarded or a shill. Either way, you've proven that you're too stupid to be having a conversation with.

To answer your question, though

Do you truly believe if trump had never ran we’d be better off?

In hindsight, I would rather have had Rand Paul.

user20461 3 points ago +12 / -9

Naturally, his supporters are cheering this on.

I'm not sure how people still support him.

He spent 4 years doing more for black people than he did his own supporters.

There are people in jail right now because they fought for him. Some even died as a result.

Shit, how many people have had their relationships with their friends and family destroyed, their property vandalized, or lost their jobs because they supported him?

And, in the end, he was siding with the very people that his supporters thought he opposed.

The people still supporting Trump are just as hopeless as liberals.

user20461 1 point ago +2 / -1

There are actually "males" in the replies telling the guy to "man up" and forgive this lying slut and to just raise this child that is not his.

Society is at a point where victims are criminals and criminals are victims.

user20461 3 points ago +4 / -1

I STILL don't care what two (or many) adults do in their own home.

That's the thing about degenerates - they never keep it in their own home.

user20461 12 points ago +13 / -1

It's still fucked up as hell. The wife gets to cheat, lie about the father of the child, and the husband is on the hook for the child.

user20461 7 points ago +8 / -1

the european way.

vote wrong? vote again until the correct decision is reached.

So true. That's how the EU was formed.

user20461 14 points ago +15 / -1

In 2012, CALIFORNIA voted to ban gay marriage.


The only reason we have gay marriage now is because obama's scotus forced it on states.

Don't let the media fool you. For example, there's polls that show that the Americans believe that there are A LOT more minorities and faggots in this country than there actually are. And the only reason they believe that is because the media is vastly over-representative of those groups.

user20461 26 points ago +27 / -1

Every day I discover something that makes me wonder how this country hasn't been torn down already


  1. Presumptive children- A presumptive child is one conceived by your wife during your marriage; the child is automatically presumed to belong to you and your wife, no paternity test needed. Therefore, even if it’s later discovered that your wife cheated on you and the child is not your biological child, depending on the age and other circumstances, you could possibly remain obligated to financially support that child.
user20461 7 points ago +7 / -0

Thanks for pointing it out.

Should I keep the post up? The pictures are still relevant.

user20461 8 points ago +8 / -0

Good to know, but I'll never bother.

I figured, that's why I prefaced it with "For anyone reading."

Obviously, I knew I wasn't gonna change your mind, but I figured someone could benefit from the solutions to the issues you posed.

user20461 10 points ago +10 / -0

isn't black and orange

For anyone reading, you can change the theme by clicking the gear icon in the upper right corner.

You can also click the twitter icon in the upper right corner to go directly to the tweet.

user20461 9 points ago +9 / -0

To be clear: I'm saying that the lawsuit for the threats of violence are reasonable, and the lawsuit for the cheats/copyright infringements are a joke.

Don't want my post removed because of pOsTiNg VioLeNcE

user20461 11 points ago +11 / -0


Bungie asks the court to ensure that Leone "be preliminarily and permanently enjoined from harassing, stalking, or otherwise engaging in unwanted or unsolicited contact with Bungie, its employees, or Destiny 2 players."

The studio also says that "Leone infringed Bungie’s copyright in Destiny 2 as an audiovisual work each time that he used cheat software to create an unauthorized derivative work of Destiny 2." With that allegation of copyright infringement, Bungie asks for "statutory damages of $150,000 for each copyrighted work infringed," or "an amount to be proven at trial." The studio further asks that the court award damages in the amount of $2,500 for each time Leone used cheat software in the game.

user20461 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for the correction 👍

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