monkebrau 7 points ago +8 / -1

Don't even pirate it. Don't even mental space to this goyishe poison. It's propaganda designed to subvert you. They're experts and no one is fully immune.

monkebrau 51 points ago +51 / -0

I will not give money or time to these despicable faggots. And there's nothing entertaining here either. It's, no doubt, 100% a long lecture / struggle session.

monkebrau 47 points ago +48 / -1

The tranny's raison d'etre is to destroy. Other people by grooming them into its worldview and, of course, themselves.

monkebrau 7 points ago +8 / -1

Charlie Kuck is the youth operation for the neoliberal arm of the globalists. He's part of an operation. People need to be woken up to this. Many dumbasses are being suckered in by Turning Faggot USA

monkebrau 5 points ago +5 / -0

I followed the protocol--with all the supps and ivermectin. Got covid. It was like a mild cold.

To think though, I could have been a faggot and got a mystery injection from literally the worst people in the world. Wow. What a hard choice. Maybe I was wrong.

monkebrau 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, they didn't. Obviously. The haredi, maybe. But they're a minority among jews. Organized jewry is what is facilitating this. Just like how the worst horrors of communism were committed by them. It's easy when you see the goy as a cattle animal.

Look into the names of the officials behind this. They're overwhelmingly jewish and insanely overrepresented compared to their % in the population. This new tyranny is extremely yiddish: https://media.consumeproduct.win/post/ohozfpg9.jpeg

monkebrau 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know. Kind of a disgusting thing to do. How, as an artists, do you not just feel icky after this?

monkebrau 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's also supposedly a lucrative "real estate market"

That is depressing

monkebrau 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've never tried it but the devices I've seen are not serious enough to not be just a gimmick. Maybe in the future it'll be real but not right now.

monkebrau 3 points ago +3 / -0

Man that is a big black pill. I really hope the establishment doesn't push it like that.

monkebrau 2 points ago +2 / -0

Second life was a big hit but it didn't innovate and stagnated.

monkebrau 3 points ago +3 / -0

but people aren’t that dumb.

Man I hope you're right but in my experience betting against that is always wrong sadly

monkebrau 2 points ago +2 / -0

The tech has been lagging for VR stil but it's catching up. Many people get motion sick from it though. Maybe they'll be able to fix that too or kids, who've been on it their whole lives, will simply adapt / evolve to accept it.

I can seriously see parents buying this for their kids to shut them up. The same way they do with phones and ipads.

monkebrau 6 points ago +6 / -0

Right right. Apple were the ones to change bluetooth headsets from naff to cool. If anyone can normies into VR it's apple.

Even if VR makes it big, it's not going to be them.

Kind of a grey pill.

monkebrau 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Spacial" do you mean second life but with VR and crypto?

monkebrau 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't think they care about what he did to the elderly people in NY

monkebrau 10 points ago +10 / -0

yes it's clearly been "chosen" considering all the free press beat ups it's been getting. But will that be enough for it to actually "work".

What worries me though is how much market testing I'm sure they did on it. Maybe they know that demoralized and depraved retards will use this in droves.

monkebrau 13 points ago +13 / -0

I don't know. Look at tiktok with zoomers. When I first saw it I though it was the most depraved, most faggoty, most deranged and cringe thing I've ever seen. I thought no parent would allow their kids to use it, etc, etc, etc. But not, zoomers love it and their gen X parents don't give a shit.

Tiktok is what makes me hesitate. And there are retarded faggots currently who use VR chat rooms (I read it was, at the moment, mostly furries, but still).

monkebrau 12 points ago +12 / -0

That's right, they don't have the poisonous facebook brand / image. But facebook might push this product without their branding also. And that'll be enough for normies not to realize where it came from

monkebrau 7 points ago +7 / -0

Why did the establishment suddenly denounce this guy? Why him? Why now? It's weird. Must have stepped badly on the wrong toes.

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