jetjetjet 7 points ago +7 / -0

In the original Fable you could kill some of the major characters and the story would change as a result.

jetjetjet 6 points ago +6 / -0

Greetings from theDonald.win

Vitamin D stops coronavirus.

Seattle has abnormally low rates of it due to vitamin D supplements that everyone takes there.

New York has abnormally high rates of it due to lack of vitamin D.

Bill Gates probably knows that (look at the smirk) but wants to make the planet "better" by using the virus as an excuse to push for banning hedgehogs or whatever other dumb thing he wants.

jetjetjet 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ha! In the picture she's strangling him. Like "you did WHAAAAAAAT?"

jetjetjet 7 points ago +7 / -0

Reddit: "It's not a violation of the first amendment to push people offline because we have a different political opinion. If yoooou don't like it why don't you buuuuuild your own plaaaaaatform???"

Also Reddit: "Waaaaah! They're building their own platform!"