The Holocaust is a myth now? When was it determined to be false?
who owned the slave ships because these facts are inconvenient to a certain ethnic power base.
Surely you mean white European colonial powers right?
Tell me more about how this fake country is the closest Ally to the most powerful superpower in the world...
And why is Hitler your first choice? Because of his personal hatred?
Doesnt shock me at all that the chicoms and the ruskies would spread fake news to weaken the western powers. Some royal members can be bothersome at times but as a whole the UK government is an important power to keeping the enemies of the west at bay.
Fake rabbi acting badly so smear Judaism..what else is new? More Democrst tricks.
Its from an older and more elegant language than English.
That land belongs to Israel, they are free to do whatever they want with it. Why do posters on a gaming forum care so much about that land anyways? Or is this a front for stormfagging, as usual.
Key point that Jews were there first. Therefore it is there land by right.
The land will be put to better use under Israel. The vermin can go farm the sand.
You mean the average Democrat right? Because they hate Israel also.
Exactly. The word Stan should tell all. The goats are out of the pen again.
Of course, we have a contingent of muzzies and stormfags running this site.
Hello Amir, how is life in the sand tunnels? You hear that sound? Its the IDF coming. Better hurry up and post faster.
9/11 has a low death count? The Hamas attack on Israel has a low death count? Tell me more about these counts Mohammed....
they never attack israel itself.(the one time they did they APOLOGIZED for it)
Prove it. It is proven through time that the goats will automatically become terrorists if left to their own devices, they cant help it.
How exactly is anyone crying wolf when the muzzie wolf is literally always attacking? Have people not seen what Israel is dealing with or is all of Twitter astroturfed now that Elon Musk foolishly let the far right openly post again?
Its a no brainer. 0 days without muzzie attacks. That entire region needs to be glassed. Luckily Israel has the balls to do what is necessary.
The stormfags will do anything to excuse their muzzle friends and make their bogeyman Israel look bad.
Exactly. Goat lovers doing what they do best. Blaming Israel and much joooz isnt going to work.
Elon Musk opening twitter up to the goat lovers was a mistake. Now its stormfag propaganda most of the time.
Just inbreds doing inbred things. The anti Semites are having a hard time making excuses for this one.
Jews are white. Its the muzzies that are brown
Hamas is known to occupy apartments. How is this bad? You do realize families are usually part of Hamas also right?
Considering how Russia are the terrorists...they would know.
I'm fishing? I'm simply confused as to how you would find supporting a genocidal madman is agreeable.