garden_pillled 6 points ago +6 / -0

I second this. I worked at 4 different companies over a decade and had fewer than a dozen black (or even brown) coworkers in all that time. Maybe things have changed drastically but these problems existed way way before DEI was even a thing.

garden_pillled 19 points ago +19 / -0

It’s also because the pay in the industry has been shit for a long long time. I worked in aircraft maintenance for 10yrs and left to pursue a tech job because the pay in aviation was no where near acceptable for the knowledge, skill and physical exertion required of the job. I’ve been out of that industry for almost 9 years and I still get calls and emails frequently from recruiters desperate to find anyone willing to fill the wide open positions.

Another problem is that airlines treat maintenance, and the downtimes required to perform it properly, as a liability. They constantly push for work to get done faster than possible and pressure mechanics to cut corners. I could make multiple effort-posts detailing the things I personally saw and even more things that I heard from my colleagues. It would make most people never want to fly again.

I’m not at all surprised this has happened. This has been coming to a head for almost 20yrs.

garden_pillled 16 points ago +16 / -0

The comments are wonderful. It’s been a very fun 3-4 weeks of watching normies openly saying things one usually only sees here.

garden_pillled 11 points ago +11 / -0

We don’t need more laws, rather it should be protected legal right to brutally assault anyone who tries to stop you waving your country flag while in said country.

garden_pillled 3 points ago +3 / -0

The tantrum-haver in this thread is you. You started with name calling and have told me to fuck off multiple times lmao. And you still have not engaged on the actual discussion at all. Your introduction of this new “victim” narrative is a boring diversion tactic, also known as the red herring logical fallacy. Your appeal to “anyone who knows me” is an example of the argument from authority logical fallacy. Your insults of “muh NPC” are simultaneously ad hominem and circular reasoning logical fallacies. Would you like to toss in some straw man as well and go for the all-time record of failing at debate?

garden_pillled 3 points ago +3 / -0

You’ve offered nothing to counter my original reply in this thread besides “you’re an NPC!!1!!1”. That is not a valid line of argument and it is what makes you look like a shill. Your previous post history is irrelevant. You rely on ad hominem because you are unskilled in the realm of debate and discussion. Unless you intend to actually engage rather than name calling, anything further that you say here is just noise meant to drown out real conversation. That is the actual definition of a shill. Thanks for playing.

garden_pillled 4 points ago +4 / -0

I showed you an actual tweet that a representative of the actual Israeli government posted which he later deleted. This is being reported on in multiple places, none of which are the ones who openly lied about beheaded babies (which I’m sure you think is true). I didn’t make this shit up, that dude is in serious damage control mode rn but ofc you don’t know anything about that bc you get all your info from corporate media. You are either a low-information normie or someone with an agenda coming here to slide the thread.

garden_pillled 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sir, if it weren’t for your capacity for consciously projecting, I would think you were the NPC. Instead you appear to be a shill shitting up an otherwise decent board.

garden_pillled 5 points ago +5 / -0

That awkward moment when you don’t seem to see the irony of your own statement :(

garden_pillled 4 points ago +4 / -0

South Asian is 100% bong-speak for Indians. These bitches better watch out because if it’s a Sikh business owners those boys don’t play, they’ll beat your ass bloody with what ever is at hand.