exarch 20 points ago +20 / -0

The copyright aspect is so dumb. If a human being loves Santana and learns to play guitar, is that a copyright violation? Of course not.

exarch 4 points ago +4 / -0

Imagine we got into a conflict with China over Taiwan and they used the app to find the locations of C-17 pilots … which also gives them the locations of C-17s, and used that to shoot them down.

exarch 4 points ago +4 / -0


I wonder where he’s at these days. For that matter, I wonder where she is. I’m sure they’re not together

exarch 13 points ago +13 / -0

Someone pointed out that Harvey Weinstein was apparently the force that continued to cast attractive women even as anti-white and anti-beauty sentiment rose.

Of course, he only cast them if they fucked him, but it’s not like any of these women have morals

exarch 20 points ago +20 / -0

I haven’t worked with Chinese devs but Indians have a culture of faking, scamming, and stealing - I’ve never had a good experience working with them.

When you try to explain to an Indian what you expect him to deliver, he’ll interrupt you to loudly declare “NO PROBLEM, SAR, ITS NO PROBLEM” sometimes even waving his arms. The impression you get is that you just asked a stupid question - like if someone was building you a house and you asked if there would be a front door. “Of course there’ll be a front door you idiot, this isn’t my first house”

But then with Indians you get a house with no front door. Then when you point that out they act like it’s no big deal to add one after the fact. It’s fucking infuriating.

exarch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, same here. Someone definitely fucked up. It was a really unique concept and didn’t require any expensive special effects or locations - can’t have been too expensive to make.

exarch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here's a really obscure show that I think most people here will like: Ascension - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascension_(miniseries)

It's about a colony ship sent from Earth to another planet way back in the 1960s, but kept secret from the general public. If that sounds a little too far fetched, consider this:

(1) the technology actually existed back then! It used nuclear bombs for propulsion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_pulse_propulsion - in the '50s they were talking about building spaceships the size of aircraft carriers, because with nuclear-pulse propulsion, the larger the spacecraft, the smoother the ride.

(2) the british interplanetary society specced out a design that used this engine and could reach barnard's star in just 50 years (it was a flyby, but still) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Daedalus

(3) in the 1950s, the public's perception of nuclear weapons wasn't "catastrophized" like it is today. It was the atomic age and they viewed nukes as just another tool, not the agent of armageddon. So, it kind of makes sense that a government project of this type might get going, then decades later realize there was zero public support for it.

Do not read too much about this series - if you find my description at all compelling, just watch an episode or two. If you read too much about the series' plot, it will spoil it for you. There is a major hidden twist that you want to experience in the show, if you like the show.

One final thing: the orion engine is also used in the novel, Footfall, which is also excellent.

exarch 10 points ago +10 / -0

a total lunatic

Did I hear correctly that she’s accused someone else now? I thought I heard that

exarch 10 points ago +10 / -0

Seven women and one troon. You know what’d be super interesting? A study that mimicked this setup, but where all but one of the ballon-holders was a confederate.

The study participant would be a woman who thinks she’s playing this game. The man (also a confederate) would pop the troon’s balloon and then, each time the study is repeated with a different participant, you’d have a different number of confederates pop their own balloons.

Your prediction (and I tend to agree) is that a participant woman would be far less likely to pop her own balloon when none of the confederates do so.

exarch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I was just about to say the same thing. If you set up a colony in Antarctica and weren’t hurting anyone, they’d come kill you.

It'll happen to Orania eventually. Mark my words. They’ll send a bus full of bhantu invaders up there and the whites will have to defend themselves and then the (((international community))) will move on them.

exarch 11 points ago +11 / -0

Fuko said, “the power to name a thing is the power to control it”

If you can make people use your words to mean your definitions, you can control all of society.

exarch 7 points ago +7 / -0

I’ve been wondering how that’s going to work. On the one hand, a colony is going to have no surplus for a long time. That means it won’t be able to support a person who doesn’t substantially contribute. On the other hand, the powers that be are going to demand diversity for diversity’s sake, just like they always do.

It’s long been my hope that we get a swarm of robots on the moon turning out bricks from regolith and firing them out to Lagrange points via solar-powered mass drivers. The point would be to make construction of giant space stations very, very cheap. That way, there could be enough of them for a few to slip under the radar with non-woke governance. Basically, Orania in space.

exarch 4 points ago +4 / -0

Banned, muted… or just hidden, so you think your comment was posted but nobody else can see it. Reddits user block feature is also unique. If a user (not a mod, just a regular user) blocks you, you can’t reply to them or to any comment that replies to them, or any comment that replies to that one, etc.

It’s amazing how much effort leftists put into avoiding ideas they don’t like.

I’m reminded of that famous Apple Macintosh commercial that only played once, during a super-bowl. In it, the bad guy says, “we have created a garden of pure ideology where each worker may bloom, safe from the pests purveying contradictory information”

The point of the ad is that Macintosh would put the power of a computer - the power of information, into everyone’s hands. It’s hilarious that the left is on the side of the bad guy.

exarch 8 points ago +8 / -0

Say infowars is given to the onion (or anyone else) - is AJ prevented from just creating YouTube/rumble/etc videos under a different name?

Can’t he and Owen just quit infowars and start a channel named TruthWars or whatever?

exarch 21 points ago +21 / -0

If I was in customer service and someone asked to speak to a woman I would just say, “I am a woman” and then stare at them blankly. What are they going to say to that?

They can’t say:“I mean a real woman

exarch 4 points ago +5 / -1

They could run a masculine black man. It’s just hard to find one that’s married and doesn’t have multiple felonies. Obama was reasonably masculine - if only in the easy way he spoke.

Of course, behind the scenes he’s gay. But he fronts as heterosexual.

exarch 28 points ago +28 / -0

Trump is a loudmouth at times, and is rough around the edges

Trump runs his mouth in public, but (generally) makes good choices for the country. Lefties prefer someone who says nice things (even if the nice things are word salad) and then supports policies that destroy us all.

And let’s not forget: all the lefties are sexual degenerates in one form or another. Biden was nibbling a baby just last week - how the fuck did we all get comfortable with that?? Walz was obviously a homo who chased teen boys. Harris was an alcoholic slut. They had topless trannies on the white house lawn and butt fucking porno filmed in congress.

Lefties prefer leader that talk nice - talk about DEI and shit - and then are degenerates in private. Trump is ironically wholesome by comparison. He openly wonders if we should nuke hurricanes (lol) but then behind closed doors his biggest vice is that he likes to fuck adult women (and even pays them well)

exarch 5 points ago +5 / -0

Women date guys, or reject guys, based solely on vague feelings that emanate from ancient subconscious cognitive processes.

Then, after making their decision, a completely different part of the brain makes up a reason to explain their behavior.

exarch 11 points ago +11 / -0

Interesting writeup. It's always been weird to me that fascism is associated with nazis and not with the italians who invented it.

Something I learned recently: the chair the Lincoln sits on in his memorial monument is made of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasces

exarch 27 points ago +27 / -0

probably considered 'far right'

Everyone who isn’t a leftist is called “far right”

I heard some retard in a bar ranting about politics and he called Dr Phil “far right” so I asked him for an example of someone who is on the right but not far right. It was as if he couldn’t even understand the question.

exarch 20 points ago +20 / -0

this Japanese dude looks like a stereotypical Western 'sports bro', complete with a backwards cap.

So what? How does that in any way relate to the criticisms he makes in his videos?

exarch 20 points ago +20 / -0

spend the rest of your life trying to help people not make the same mistake.

That’d be the honorable thing to do. Every kid who gets influenced by a tranny or by some perv who just wants to groom them, should get to talk to a detransitioner.

exarch 16 points ago +16 / -0

Saying that you’re proud to be friendly is hate speech. It’s friend supremacy. You should be in jail!

Why yes, I am proud to be a clown. Why don’t ask?

exarch 6 points ago +6 / -0

You believe that a person should be punished for their speech

Well yeah, sometimes.

Well, you're wrong. All speech, of any nature must always be allowed. And not even the supreme court quote rebuts that:

"The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting 'fire' in a theatre and causing a panic"

The speech is protected. Maliciously causing panic is not protected.

You MIGHT cause panic through speech, but you might also cause it by igniting a smoke grenade. Either way, the crime is maliciously causing panic, not speech.

And it's wrong to conclude, "he was punished for his speech"

It's wrong in exactly the same way that a Leftist is wrong when they say things like, "he was shot by police for driving while black" - no, he wasn't.

Both of those are the same cognitive error - failure to accurately ascribe a cause to an effect.

I'm a right-wing Conservative blogger

My apologies. Got ahead of myself.

I thought there was general agreement that Jones is entitled to his opinion, even if his opinion is batshit crazy. He did not intend, nor did he participate in any "harassment" - and the case against him was frivolous from the start.

One anecdote: when they demanded he turn over his emails, he turned them all over. Apparently in his spam folder there were illegal photos that he wasn't aware of. They then claimed he was trying to get them in trouble by sending them.

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