dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

He was one of the many sudden resignations of world leaders in 2021, ostensibly due to a corruption scandal.

dagthegnome 29 points ago +29 / -0

Not sure about that story, but the really famous one was the Afghan who raped a ten-year-old boy at a public pool and the charges were dropped because the judge ruled that, due to language and cultural differences, the guy probably didn't realized that the kid didn't want to be raped.

True story.

dagthegnome 14 points ago +17 / -3

The real coordinators of all of this nonsense have already gotten what they wanted from the vax companies. The vaccine passports are here to stay in most places, and will be expanded to incorporate social media history, criminal history, credit score and a dozen other things that will be used to separate the obedient consumer from the conscientious citizen. Investment in the vaccines themselves is no longer necessary.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +3 / -1

The solution you're proposing would just take all of the congestion in inner London and move it, spreading it around an area with a much larger population. Banning things doesn't solve problems: it just makes those things into someone else's problem.

dagthegnome 26 points ago +27 / -1

Austria's greatest achievement is convincing the world that Hitler was German and Beethoven was Viennese.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

He was on after the revelations about the cuck article became mainstream. I'm sure the interview was set up before that, but this is someone to whom Tim had given airtime repeatedly, and during that livestream, when members of his audience were asking him to ask Jack about that article, he repeatedly attacked them as being hungry for "drama," etc. He let Murphy carry on with his act, even after he'd been outed. His job as a journalist is to get to the truth, which is something he repeatedly fails to do: this is just one example. He would prefer to keep giving a known fraudster airtime and lend him the perception of legitimacy that being on Timcast provides, rather than actually ask him tough questions.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

And yet Tim had him on his show, multiple times, including after that hypocrisy and fraud had been revealed, and did not confront him about it.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

People aren't owed an explanation as to why Tim, who bills himself as a journalist, chose not to act like one, and attacked his own audience when they tried to get him to ask questions he should have been asking?

dagthegnome 0 points ago +2 / -2

Our fact-checkers have determined that this bitch ain't funny, and therefore this was not a joke.

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

When I or any other Canadian join a class action lawsuit against vax passports or mandates, these are the people we'll be relying on to make our case.

Just saying.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

As I said, I don't actually think he is swatting himself, although nobody knows for sure that what's been happening is really that, or if he's blowing it put of proportion for attention and views: it wouldn't be the first time.

As for the Murphy thing, I know he didn't invite the guy on his show to talk about that, and the big revelations probably hadn't even really broken when the interview was set up, but he had Murphy on his show after those revelations, and he basically let the man carry on with his act without even acknowledging that he'd just been exposed as a scheming, grifting hypocrite. And when his own audience in the chat were trying to press him to address that, he not only ignored them, he attacked them.

That wasn't just "drama," which was how he tried to dismiss it. Murphy essentially built a cult of personality around himself and defrauded his followers out of huge sums of money by taking advantage of their alienation and their emotional vulnerability. Tim had the opportunity to confront him about that, and chose instead to lambast his own audience for asking him to do so. And this man has the nerve to call himself a journalist.

Pool is a grifter and an attention-seeker. There is nothing genuine about him. He has no consistent principles, and will change his views and his commentary in an instant in order to accommodate what he thinks his audience wants to hear. He provides no unique or original insight: he is needlessly sensationalist, and he's not even particularly useful as a news aggregator.

I used to watch almost all of his videos daily, but there's only so long you can ignore or tolerate that kind of behavior before you're forced to acknowledge it. Tim is a fraud, and you can't trust anything he says.

dagthegnome -2 points ago +4 / -6

Funny how suddenly nobody's talking about how he treated his audience during the Jack Murphy fiasco.

Not saying the beaniegrifter is swatting himself, but the timing of these is awfully convenient.

dagthegnome 16 points ago +16 / -0

I don't know what art is, but I know what it isn't, and it isn't someone walking around with a salmon over his shoulder or embroidering the name of everyone they have slept with on the inside of a tent.

-Brian Sewell, the last great art critic

dagthegnome 15 points ago +15 / -0

Especially modern art: the postmodernist obsession with subjectivity, with making abstract pieces that the consumer has to identify meaning in, which of course appeals to all of these megalomanial nouveau-riche, as opposed to art that tells a story, which is what ordinary people want.

dagthegnome 19 points ago +19 / -0

The vaunted Canadian politeness is just a façade. A thin veneer for the reality of Canadian smugness, self-righteousness and self-indulgence. Canadians will only be nice to you for as long as they are secure in the knowledge that they're better than you. The whole country could degenerate into Chicago-tier violence tomorrow, and every self-satisfied Laurentian elite in politics and the media would be sitting there saying, "Well, at least the victims don't have to pay for their own health care like they do in the Unired States."

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

The show at this point is almost a comedy of errors for me. I almost can't wait to see how badly they're going to ruin some of the characters. It's so distant from the books that it doesn't even make me angry: I can just view it as parody.

There is one particular villain who starts off as a man, dies, and the Dark One, known for his cruel sense of irony, reembodies the man's soul in a woman's body. Thing is, this character is already canonically established as indulging in deviant and immoral sexual appetites, so literally a man in a woman's body who is definitely a sexual predator. Just for shits and giggles, I really want to see how they approach that in the show, if they even touch it at all.

But I'm even more excited to see how they try to explain away Lanfear. It is beyond the cognitive and intellectual capacity of the modern hollywoke writer to portray a woman as having enough agency to be irredeemably evil, so I really want to know how they take the woman whose own self-indulgence and ambition motivated her to deliberately release the devil from his cage and kickstart the apocalypse, and try to show how her behavior is really some man's fault and she's just the victim.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

Scream 5: I know what you did last January 6th.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes that's why it was set in a mall.

dagthegnome 10 points ago +10 / -0

Quick let's invent a reason to lock them all in their homes and prevent them talking to each other.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'm not complaining that he's pussy-whipped, necessarily: That's Perrin. I'm just saying that Mat's role and his prominence as one of the three ta'veren who the whole story literally revolves around is severely diminished when his wife is the one who (SPOILER) ends up supplying half of the troops for the Light at the Last Battle.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +6 / -1

You have a point, but again, I don't know if this is due to Sanderson not liking/not understanding his character, or if it was more that Sanderson was trying to give him something to do after his marriage to the strong-independent-black-woman-who-don't-need-no-man-cuz-she-a-kang-n-shieet basically diminished the importance of his character. Jordan really wrote Sanderson into a corner there.

dagthegnome 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'd argue that Jordan did Mat dirty first. Marrying him to the person he ended up married to was always going to reduce his independence and his importance in the story. There was no way he couldn't end up being second fiddle to her.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

Does that ever change for any of the women?

The closest is Birgitte, but there's another, somewhat unpalatable dimension to that which is only really hinted at.

Some of the female villains, especially the female Forsaken, don't have that attitude towards men specifically, but that's only because they all have that attitude towards literally everyone else, women included.

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