bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I imagine that has changed slightly since all the (mainly Orthodox) Ukrainians arrived. But still...

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

It does seem like a lot of this shit is accelerating, across much of the West...

I guess we could say "Election Year" (or "Olympic Year" for France), but I don't think that's an adequate explanation...

I honestly think that TPTB waited, saw how easily everyone forgot the egregious rights violations (and actual rights violations, in that instance) of Covid, and forgot the "Summer of Love", and so they've decided to really... "Up the ante", this year.

As another example, statue teardowns would never have been allowed in Aus, even five years ago, especially when conducted by vigilante mobs, and yet, because people keep voting for the left-wing fucks who want that to happen, we've now seen an appalling example of that, in the last week...

And there's no pushback, so it won't stop. Nor will the pronoun/"misgendering" police, nor will the authoritarian creep (needing a QR code on your phone to enter Paris during the Olympics, for example).

It's all getting worse, and no one (outside places like New Caledonia) is doing anything to push back.

Frog boiling indeed.

bamboozler1 11 points ago +11 / -0

They were also sort of just... Handed the land they got in 1948. Sure, they partly "conquered" it (mainly through literal terrorism), but then the British were like, "Yeah, you know what, this is too difficult. Here you go."

Slightly different to most tales of conquest, IMHO. Literally a vassal state getting the empire to come in and use superior force to crush their opponents, lol.

And then there's the post-1967 situation, like you mention. They just can't seem to help themselves...

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Similarly, there was an Irish guy in the news where I am, whining about provision of homelessness and health services, after he was injured and could no longer work…

He was so Irish that his nickname is apparently “Irish”, and he was essentially begging people to donate money (to the charity that serves him, but still).

To which I responded: Ireland isn’t exactly a war-torn, poor country anymore, now is it? Nor would it have been at any point during this guy’s adult life. So why the fuck should Australians, and more specifically people in this city, be paying to keep this guy afloat? It’s not like these services don’t exist in Ireland, so I fail to see why he can’t just go back.

To which I’m sure the argument would be, “But waaah, I’ve lived in Australia for 10 years! This is where my life is!”

Too fucking bad, leech. It’s not up to me, or anyone else, to prop up an economic migrant who can no longer afford the rent.

Harsh, but he is literally living in a pub where I used to go to gigs, which they converted into “crisis housing” to support the numerous leeches like him (because their previous housing was “too old”, lol), so my empathy is… Limited, in this case.

If you can’t work to pay your rent, and you’re not a refugee, you shouldn’t be here, imho.

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was a story where they brought out some housewife who thought she was somehow entitled to citizenship simply for being married to a British man for 5+ years

Any idea where she was from, out of curiosity?

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, totally agree re the correspondence bit.

In short, unfortunately I think the error was probably done by the bureaucrat in person. But yep, it did (probably, though I never got a clear answer) come down to the address issue you mention...

From what I heard from another Australian who had similar happen, they defaulted to sending the residency card back to Australia. For some reason, you're not allowed a second one, so she, at least, had to wait for the idiots to send it to the embassy in Australia, the embassy to realize the error, and then send it back to Sweden, to the correct address this time...

Given that I knew that when I went in, in person, I very specifically made the bureaucrat write down the correct address, and insisted that he send it there. But then he basically ignored me, said "Hurry up, other people are waiting for their turn" (which is very Swedish behaviour) and shoved me out of the office. Thus, I'm entirely unsurprised he then still managed to fuck it up.

Anyway, so I waited and waited for them to sort it, and for this fucking card to arrive (which delayed my leaving the cult I was living in), but it never did, even by the time I left Sweden, apparently, lol...

Bureaucracy, amirite?

So yeah. Ridiculous all round.

bamboozler1 6 points ago +6 / -0

I was gonna reply with this to the other comment, but given that this is Indo, and the rampant levels of corruption and graft there, I would be entirely unsurprised if they just claimed "we'll do cloud seeding lol", and then expropriated the funds, without actually doing anything of substance...

Because it would be very hard for the public, especially in poor regions of Sumatra, to prove one way or the other, or to even know if the cloud seeding is actually taking place, I would imagine...

Versus something like building dams, or planting trees, or any other sort of flood prevention, as you say...

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Given an article I saw this week that says there is a women-only social media site where they make up fake stories to slander men, including one case where someone uploaded an AI-generated face and they still made all these fake claims about the "guy" in question, it's pretty clear that this is the modus operandi these days...

Character assassination libel isn't exactly a new thing, but it is crazy how much that plays into cancel culture, at this point...

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Just a reminder that Harrison Butker lives in the City of Lee's Summit."

There. That's what it said.


bamboozler1 2 points ago +3 / -1

There's screenshots still out there, if you Google it.

It's not that hard to find, and I wouldn't really call it a doxx.

Stupid, and totally unnecessary? Yes. But calling it a "doxx" just plays into the culture war saga of this whole thing, imho...

It's a "city" of over 100,000 people. It's not a street address, lol.

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can confirm I did, hahaha.

Honestly, that was one of the best aspects of the trip.

I (very temporarily) felt like a fucking boss, lol.

Also the Ukrainian girls, although obviously that... Comes with caution, lol.

But yeah, on your latter point, I completely agree. Even in 1977, I firmly do not believe that anyone (from Ghana, no less, and not a "skilled migrant", either) could arrive in the UK on a student visa and then "accidentally" just assume that they could remain there for life, now. I'm not naive enough to believe that as a "legitimate" mistake...

So yeah, sucks to be him, but he ran the risk of getting caught eventually, aaand then he was.

Somewhat similarly, I thought I was in trouble when leaving the Swedish border, because the customs official was confused by my lack of residency card, and the fact that i had been there for six months. But once I explained the situation (and corroborated it with the evidence I had on hand), he was totally fine with it.

Which, compared to the horrible threats I had received from the cult, when I left it, was a massive relief off my shoulders.

Which is to say that when you "play the game", the official system may or may not screw you over, but, by contrast, bad people will always try to take advantage of you, and cause you trouble when you don't play by their arbitrary rules...

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't like this ruling, particularly, but it's not that unusual, really.

It happens in Australia and NZ (and probably other Commonwealth countries) with a fair degree of regularity, and I believe I remember a similar case in Scotland a few years back.

Yes, it's shitty, but unlike, say, the Post Office scandal, I don't think the government is technically in the wrong, here. Morally is a different question, but technically and legally? I don't think the Government will lose this case...

Having said all that... even when you try to do things "the right way", it's still extraordinarily easy to get fucked over by the system.

I had that happen in Sweden, where migration system fuck-ups meant I never received my residency card, couldn't earn money or open a bank account, and then, when I decided to quit my study program, I was never informed how long I could remain in the country afterwards, so I was always on edge, lacking both that official "residency confirmation" and the knowledge of how many days I had left...

It's an awful situation to be in, from experience.

bamboozler1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Meanwhile, while moving to Sweden, I did everything the "legitimate" way, paid a fuck-tonne of money, and yet couldn't even open a bank account, use the government-mandated payment system (Swish), work for pay, transfer to a different visa, or even change study program, and had to leave the country not long after I decided to leave a cult... Oh, and also got stopped and questioned by police while crossing EU land borders (returning to Sweden from Denmark), for no reason other than "because we can"...

Fucking clown world.

bamboozler1 13 points ago +13 / -0

I fear that we are so far down the slippery slope of "public health hazards condoned by the official bureaucracy" that this pales in comparison to, uhh, other things (some of which this individual may also have partaken in)...

We live in a world where "breast milk from trans women is just as safe for babies as from 'cisgender' women" is accepted as scientific fact.

Unfortunately the danger to others/potential public health hazards is something that the people who make those "rules" no longer even pretend to care about, post-Covid and vaccine mandates...

Remember "vaccines stop the spread", too? Yeah, they don't care about factual accuracy, anymore, lol.

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just decided to Google Robin Wright to see what she looks like these days...

Almost the first time I've seen someone's Wikipedia photo look better than any of her recent photos (Lucie Jones being the other one).

Gah, she looks positively scary now. Which I guess goes with the loony lefty "aesthetic", as you mention...

bamboozler1 4 points ago +4 / -0

assisted feralization


bamboozler1 11 points ago +11 / -0

The democratically-elected councillors made a decision supported by the majority of their constituents, and then were bullied into backflipping by the state government (who were more interested in virtue signalling than caring what constituents think) and by activists from outside the council area...

Much of which was coordinated by an activist media who riled up the response to what should have remained a local issue.

Very "democratic", hey?

bamboozler1 15 points ago +15 / -0

Two lesbians holding a "magic baby" and pretending that they "created it together"...


Though I hope it got the genetic material of the one on the right (the "wife" of the OP, I assume) - I suppose she is the "femme" in this pairing, lol...

Also, I'm going to go into slightly ethically murky territory here, and say that in many cases like that (almost always with college-aged girls)... The girl is often confused, or has simply decided that she "hates men", and isn't really a "true" lesbian. Aaand as a consequence, it just takes a couple of good dickings, and at least one good relationship with a man, for them to, umm, realise that it was largely a "phase". From personal experience, more than once.

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

It does feel like that, honestly...

Although I guess that is arguably preferable to the Sam Kerr or Taylor Swift content that gets forced down our throats every day, over here...

God am I ever sick of both of those women. For different reasons, but nonetheless.

bamboozler1 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well then, that is quite a step up from the average WNBA player. Credit where credit's due - a straight, white girl dating a white dude!

That definitely seems to be the exception (at WNBA level, but still), rather than the norm.

bamboozler1 53 points ago +53 / -0

In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.

  • Theodore Dalrymple

In honour of the shit that happened today, with the Crowther statue down here.

If I wasn't already both righteously angry, and fully blackpilled about this society, I definitely am now.

bamboozler1 20 points ago +20 / -0

Yeah, I've realized lately how very, very different my opinions are to those around me who still consume TV news, read the newspaper, or, for the case of millennials and younger, spend their free time streaming...

It's like living in a completely different world.

bamboozler1 5 points ago +5 / -0

There was a time when admitting to/endorsing a crime would get you charged, but not anymore:


Nala Mansell is an evil woman. I'll say that much.

I genuinely hope that this "radicalizes" people on the opposite side to see that these monsters cannot be reasoned with. They are a pox, and this is the almost inevitable result of letting them take over. Vile.

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