The Wikipedia page has been edited since that archive to make the reference even more blatant, but the context of the claim is the same.
All of which, in turn, comes from a New Statesman article by one author with an agenda.
And that, ladies and gents, is how you change a narrative. Put out a bullshit, "original-research" article, get it in a "reputable" publication; have it cited on Wikipedia and then have Google's AI scrape the Wiki page and present its content as undisputed "fact".
This is why the whole left-being-in-charge-of-AI thing is so goddamned frightening to me. Google already serves up a an "AI Overview" for nearly every search you - and every other person on the planet - does now. The "AI" that provides that summary is trained by, and trained on stuff exclusively produced by, the left. They are the sole deciders of what is a "credible" source, and they are building the "AI" to have the same opinion of what is "credible" as they do.
They are going to have virtually total control over what people believe is "true".
I don't know why there aren't more people on the right that are terrified right now. Thinking of how the left abuses literally every bit of power they come into, they are 100% going to use this for indoctrination, and narrative control.
You also can’t turn off “AI Overview”, on Google search, on desktop, now…
For a while you could, but then naturally enough they killed that lol. Because of course…
Obviously you can ignore it, but the fact that it is now forced upon all users, everywhere (I believe), whether we like it or not? That’s pretty scary, too…
The "source" in question:
The Wikipedia page has been edited since that archive to make the reference even more blatant, but the context of the claim is the same.
All of which, in turn, comes from a New Statesman article by one author with an agenda.
And that, ladies and gents, is how you change a narrative. Put out a bullshit, "original-research" article, get it in a "reputable" publication; have it cited on Wikipedia and then have Google's AI scrape the Wiki page and present its content as undisputed "fact".
Scary times.
This is why the whole left-being-in-charge-of-AI thing is so goddamned frightening to me. Google already serves up a an "AI Overview" for nearly every search you - and every other person on the planet - does now. The "AI" that provides that summary is trained by, and trained on stuff exclusively produced by, the left. They are the sole deciders of what is a "credible" source, and they are building the "AI" to have the same opinion of what is "credible" as they do.
They are going to have virtually total control over what people believe is "true".
I don't know why there aren't more people on the right that are terrified right now. Thinking of how the left abuses literally every bit of power they come into, they are 100% going to use this for indoctrination, and narrative control.
You also can’t turn off “AI Overview”, on Google search, on desktop, now…
For a while you could, but then naturally enough they killed that lol. Because of course…
Obviously you can ignore it, but the fact that it is now forced upon all users, everywhere (I believe), whether we like it or not? That’s pretty scary, too…