bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

On another note, I assume a "fan" made this video, and inserted that clip of her into it, yeah?

Because it would be incredibly fucking lame and cringe if she did/posted that herself, lol...

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

She seems alright. I don't find her all that attractive, and I don't much care for her acting "skills" or indeed her personal life, but from her public appearances, at least, she seems more mentally stable and, let's say, "charismatic" than many of her fellow "starlets", as someone else said...

She's still being pushed on us, though (much less, here in Aus), and I don't like that. But honestly, at least she's not Taylor fucking Swift.

Small miracles.

bamboozler1 4 points ago +4 / -0

The video?

Have you seen the "Hawk Tuah" girl video, or one of the memes made of it, yet? It probably won't make sense otherwise...

Though I think this video is implying the inverse, i.e. the guy going down on her...

I think, at least.

Doesn't make it particularly funny, but I believe that's the general idea.

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

On this point, I would love to see them enforce some sort of... Financial criterion, for things like Abo-only scholarships and all the other gibs (because there's no way they would enforce any sort of "blood quotient" test, or anything like that, these days)... I really can't quite understand how someone from an obviously privileged background can magic up "Aboriginal ancestry" and then claim all that free shit (at my University they even have "Indigenous only" segregated study spaces, which is just... Yeah), when a poor white person, who doesn't have those connections, can't...

From what I've seen, this isn't even that "controversial" of an opinion. It's just that the ones who benefit from it (like Thunig) tend to be the loudest and most influential, and so of course they kick up a stink any time anyone brings this up, lol..

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

The mostly-white ones step up to speak for the Abos.

See, this is one of the things which most annoys me. In no way whatsoever can Amy Thunig (or many of the university-educated "Aboriginals" I know who live in the cities, mostly on the East Coast) compare her lived experience to a full or half-blood Abo living in a remote community. They are completely incomparable. And in fact, a white person living out in Bourke, say, or even Alice Springs, likely has far more in common with said full-bloods...

And yet who are the ones who have all the political power, and push for divisive things like the Voice? Why, the entirely white-passing, usually upper middle class, urban "Aboriginals", of course! Because they stand to benefit the most. They're always the loudest, and the most (anti-white) racist. Pretty much always. And I bet, if you ask the majority of them, they won't even have been to somewhere like Maralinga or Roebourne, so their perspective on the actual issues out there is entirely warped.

Talk about out of touch, unfortunately...

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or Megan Fox and Aubrey Plaza (both of whom claim Native ancestry, lol), for that matter...

I suppose you could argue that Plaza looks slightly "exotic" (about as much as someone with Italian ancestry or something) but Fox, much like Warren, looks completely indistinguishable from any other white THOT, imho, even before she turned her face into plastic, lol...

But yeah, it's probably more common here, due to the benefits from "self id-ing", as when we win points out...

Much like "identifying" as black, in the US, when you look like, say, Halsey, or Jennifer Beals, or friggin' Alicia Keys, for example...

I very much doubt anyone would guess that Halsey (a.k.a Ashley) was black, if she didn't constantly insist on reminding everyone and making a big thing out of it, lol...

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honestly, to be extremely cynical...

That's probably why they punished him. Schools tend to punish bullying victims (from experience, lol), because they're "inconvenient". They would much prefer them to just shut up and take it. Just look at how the victim is often punished more when they physically fight back.

And on top of that, no one likes a hypocrite. So if you're a hypocrite and a bullying victim, you really make the school look bad, and so they are going to punish you.

Having said all that, calling the police for something like this makes the school look much, much worse...

bamboozler1 4 points ago +4 / -0

At a regional/provincial level, this is the title used in all Commonwealth countries that have states or provinces (i.e. Australia, Canada, but not NZ), so... Not necessarily.

It's because "governor" is a mostly ceremonial role, for us. Owing to the whole... Monarch as head of state thing.

Slightly different to China. But I see your point. I think that's probably just what the Chinese translate the title to... So... Coincidence more than anything.

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep, I mentioned this in conversation today (regarding issues in Australian sport) - any deviation from the orthodoxy of the day will not be tolerated, and if we didn't already know that, Covid, and especially vaccine mandates (personally, I received those from both an employer and my university) made it completely and indubitably apparent...

bamboozler1 18 points ago +18 / -0

Apparently she doesn’t use the English word for “mother”, but replaces it with her own Abo language group (in this case, I assume Gamilaroi) equivalent… Because she hates the “colonial language” that much. Despite being married to a white man with a Scottish/Irish surname…

Throughout that ABC article are all these absurd examples of why the singular “they/them” fundamentally does not work

Fuck me these people are tiresome…

Also throughout she brags about her money and success (“Look at me, I get to live in the lap of luxury”) and how she “deserves it all” owing to the “trauma” she has suffered…


bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not what I’ve said at any point.

Just that society is currently on a fairly destructive trajectory, which is borne out by studies like this.

Simply facts. Not yelling “it’s over!!!” in any way.

bamboozler1 6 points ago +6 / -0

They definitely do. They’ll never settle with the bad boy, naturally, but they do enjoy screwing around with them…

And then, in their 30s, when they can’t find anyone “decent” to settle down with, they’ll turn around, cry foul and still blame men/society in general for it, lol…

bamboozler1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fair. I mean, I don’t like Jude Law, which puts me off her a bit, ha.

But yeah, we may have different beauty ideals, perhaps, idk. There’s at least a couple of posts on this site where I outline my prefs, I think, so… Yeah.

Regardless, I’m sure we can agree that she looks pretty hideous in the after, anyway.

I really don’t like the buzzcut, or the bleached/lack of eyebrows (seen that on a few chicks), or the heroin-chic skinny-to-the-point-of-androgynous look, personally…

Edit: one of the singers who I find most attractive, who has black hair, took her eyebrows off for a while, and it completely ruined her whole look. Like, from a 9 (for me) to maybe a 5. So yeah, not a fan of that “look” at all.

bamboozler1 5 points ago +5 / -0

That’s not necessarily her best pic, it was just the only way I could really show “before and after” in the one thing, without making it myself, lol…

But yeah, she’s not like, a 10, but I said “very pretty” last time so I figured I would mix it up a bit, I guess, ha.

bamboozler1 8 points ago +8 / -0

I just noticed the article is from 2021. So she’s had this horrible, heroin-chic, androgynous buzzcut (which she still has) since she was 20. Yeesh…

Edit: The Day I Shaved My Head I Changed My Life: https://archive.is/Q6ntc

Accompanied by a photo of her looking like a fucking homeless lesbian…

I fucking hate this world.

Zoomers, man…

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

BJ as an in blowjob? I haven’t seen it, but that would… Make sense, in the context.

bamboozler1 14 points ago +14 / -0

Well, at least you didn’t get to see the “progression” of (Erin Moriarty) as Starlight’s face, then…

That’s the most depressing thing about the show, imho.

Hard to act effectively when you can no longer emote properly with your ruined face, lol.

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol your kids, or?

She did still write the lyric though, to be fair...

Even if it is meant to be (I assume) a critique of the, umm, "male feminist" types...

Then again, I don't even know how much of her material she actually even writes herself, at this point...

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not really related to Tay-la (afaik she isn't Jewish, anyway), but I remember last year, around October 15 or so, I was in Stockholm staying at a hostel. Was hanging out with two Kiwis who I had befriended. I was yet to hear about the October 7 attack, because I hadn't really been watching or reading news during that period.

Anyway, we then meet this Australian girl. 18, travelling the world on her own for the first time. I guess she must have been Jewish (I think she mentioned something about doing an internship in the US), but most importantly she was extremely obnoxious and annoying.

She said, after ranting for a bit, that the world would now be "taking sides", and Israel would "call up all Jews from around the world to take up arms for them". As if this was some sort of holy war, and (at least Jews and Muslims, if not) everyone would need to take up arms, and pick a side...

It was very weird, and we all decided she was nuts, but it was very revealing about what... Certain segments of the population think about the world, and their respective "tribes"...

Edit: She could also have been a Christian fundy Evangelical, of the "the rapture is coming and we must defend Israel!" type. Which would actually make a great deal of sense, given what she said. But I honestly have no idea...

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

*Saipan. He has to face trial in the US overseas territory of the Northern Marianas before they’ll (supposedly) let him fly back to Aus…

So there’s still a little way to go yet.

by Lethn
bamboozler1 1 point ago +2 / -1

As long as it’s not dog-and-goat killer (Kristi Noem) then I’m happy…

Keep that psycho bitch as far away from the halls of federal power as possible…

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

As somewhat of an ecologist here, yeah, that’s basically what happens.

Or, somewhat more broadly, if the fire is intense enough, you go from a climax community (say, a rainforest) right back to early-stage succession, with things like weeds and/or native small shrubs.

It takes centuries for that rainforest to return, if ever…

Exceptions for the dry schlerophyll forests of places like Australia, but that’s almost certainly because the Abos burned the place so thoroughly, 10s of thousands of years ago, and it was already so dry anyway, that it was never able to recover to the vegetation levels it likely had beforehand…

To take a human metaphor, let’s go with somewhere like Japan, or alternatively Iceland. You have a largely homogenous society (excluding the Ainu here, for Japan, but still), built up over centuries, that is reasonable stable and successful (again, excluding the issue of birth rates). Then a crisis happens (WW2), and you end up with “disruption” to that society, and the large-scale arrival of foreigners.

Unlikely that it can ever return to its original “base” situation. Once they’re in, they’re in.

Unfortunately many countries created the circumstances that led to this situation by themselves, with the whole… Marriage and birth rates thing.

bamboozler1 4 points ago +4 / -0

That floor section looks surprisingly empty (if that’s the actual concert, and not a separate live site), especially for somewhere like Liverpool - is the “Tay Tay” train finally running out of steam, or is just this “era” (cringe)..?

Fuck, I hope she’s on the downward slide, but I wouldn’t count on it…

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Inversely correlated with “settling down” and having a family, it seems…

I’m not sure there’s any Slavic country that bucks that trend, anymore, unfortunately (i.e. re birth and marriage rates), including the nominally “Catholic” ones, but I guess that carries for most of Europe at this point…

Perhaps Bosnia and Macedonia might buck that trend somewhat, but there’s… Other reasons for that.

But yeah, they’ve well and truly adopted the whole Western thing of pure hedonism, selfishness and narcissism/vanity, in large part, unfortunately…

Though again, hasn’t everywhere?

Edit: no, Bosnia and Macedonia have some of the lowest TFR levels in the world, so fuck, even Islam doesn’t prevent this situation, in Europe, smh… Nor does poverty, these days, it would seem.

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