bamboozler1 15 points ago +15 / -0

Wikipedia is unfortunately pretty much unusable now, for almost anything that can possibly be politicized…

Which is funny because we were always told “you can’t trust it as a source”, even if academia quickly changed its tune on that, after the left completely took it over, lol…

bamboozler1 2 points ago +4 / -2

Regardless of the veracity of the allegations, Schaeffer is a creepy weirdo, as is Jack… Whatever his name is. So I have no complaints that she helped take them down.

Honestly, they both seemed quite unhinged, to say the least…

bamboozler1 8 points ago +8 / -0

Anna Paulina Luna (fake Hispanic “conservative” repping Florida, who changed her name to grift that minority vote) has entered the chat…

She’s attractive, but she’s also very fake, lol.

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah, fair. Yeah, I guess it's still "the evening of/after", for you guys.

Here, that's been on the news since the early hours, but it's mid-afternoon, so we've all sort of gone "well that happened", and gone on with our lives...

Obviously the media has not, but they're not offering any new perspectives or anything, so I've sort of just... Tuned it out, I guess.

Personally I'm just so very over thinking about politics, so I would rather distractions (such as what should be light, fluffy, largely apolitical tv) than following the breaking news cycle, i guess, ha.

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean yeah, I know about that, but there's more going on than just that, lol.

I guess I just wanted to discuss something else, rather than just feeding into that cycle, tbh.

Everyone will talk at length about that anyway - I didn't really feel the need to weigh in myself.

And yeah, it's obviously huge, but, he seems to be fine, so there's that.

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

For those who aren't familiar with Kommisar/Commisario Rex, it's about a German Shepherd who helps solve major crimes (generally, but not always, murder). The Austrian series is excellent, and was also very entertaining. The Italian series, about a decade later, verges more into comedy, but is also very good.

And then we have... The Canuck/Newfie version. Which sucks most of the humour and "fun" out of the concept, and brings in huge amounts of wokeness.

I could tolerate the BLM/racial profiling/"cops bad" schtick, and the "muh women are all victims" crap, but the tranny shit is just too much. But this interview makes it pretty clear that all of that was always the intention with this series - they just waited until they had a loyal audience, after the first season or so, before starting to beat said audience over the head with "the message"...

Here's one such "gem" of a quote from the interview:

Q) What is new this season on “Hudson & Rex?”

A) All I can say is it is more. More of what people love, but we push the limits even further. Diesel, our star, is learning all kinds of new behaviors and things that are wowing audiences. I think our familiarity with him and especially his relationship with Johnny is fantastic. It just gets deeper and allows us to take the stories even further. We tackle bigger and broader issues; some that are a little more topical and timelier with things that are happening in the headlines. I think we have an episode coming up on human trafficking. We just had an episode dealing with transgender issues. Now that we have our feet sort of firmly planted, we know what type of show we have and are able to push the envelope even more and reach into peoples’ hearts and tug on their heartstrings a little more. At least that’s the hope.

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you can handle subtitles, The Bridge (Sweden/Denmark), Homeground (Norway) and Midnight Sun (Sweden/France) are all good value.

Especially The Bridge. And Borgen, which is somewhat similar, and also Danish.

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, I was similar. Gave up around the same time, too, lol.

I don’t think either of us missed much with Jodie, from the little I saw while visiting my parents!

Yeah, the Pertwee through Davison era is mostly pretty great. It gets increasingly shit after that (the 80s, unfortunately) though, sadly… To the point of being almost as bad as NuWho got, imho.

The Movie (1996) is worth hunting down, if you feel like exploring that period of Who, too!

Seen Babylon 5? It’s a bit… Much, for me, but my mother is a sci fi nut and that’s her favourite.

Good choice with those three! All pretty good value, I believe!

bamboozler1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Of course, it gets even weirder and more complex with like, Albania, Macedonia or Bosnia (Islamicized Europeans), and then the second-generation emigrants from those places, or the whole Armenia/Azerbaijan thing…

In general though with Germany I think there’s a massive difference between mostly-assimilated Turks, and more recent Muslim immigrants…

A bit like with the enmity between “Assyrian” Orthodox Christians and recent Muslim immigrants, both in Sweden and Aus, lol… Even though they theoretically come from the same part of the world originally…

bamboozler1 7 points ago +7 / -0

Persians absolutely hate being conflated with Arabs. In fact, I’m pretty sure their distinctive cultural identity is one of the reasons why Islam there didn’t manage to, erm, extinguish the language, among other things…

There’s much more commonality between Turkey and Persia/Iran, culturally and historically, than there is between, say, Iran and Saudi, or Turkey and, idk, Yemen…

It’s just that they all have Islam in common, and two out of three have oil. Beyond that…? Not much.

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Black Normans would at least fit with the whole “hurr durr Black Vikings” shit, that has been in vogue lately, inc. with Google’s Gemini “experiment”, lol…

It would still be a massive stretch, but at least it would play into that… Weirdness, I guess.

bamboozler1 4 points ago +4 / -0

Tbf, I’ve been rewatching a bit of (earlier) Nu Who and Merlin lately, and, while Nu Who does have some excellent, stand-out episodes (mostly where they go into historical periods, imo), the majority of it is so much worse than I realized on first or second watch…

Like man, Rose Tyler was just… Manic pixie dream Mary Sue-cum-selfish-hoe?

As for Merlin, man, it’s almost unwatchable, at this point… It’s so very bad. And already “diverse”, back in 2010, lol…

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Having spent a fair bit of time around Gare du Nord and La Villette recently, all I can say is… Oui.

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Man, that’s… Deeply unsettling.

Eldritch, even.

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

The one in Cali? I didn’t even know that existed until you mentioned it, lol…

But that’s cool!

I know St Helena is an island in the Caribbean, but that’s about the extent of my knowledge on things of that name… Though we do also have a town called St Helens down here. We usually call it Snellens though, lol. Most interesting thing about it is that most of the streets are named after Greek gods, for some reason…

Is Mount Saint Helens still active? I actually don’t know that, surprisingly…

bamboozler1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Aus, down south. On the island.

Though I move around a lot.

I've always wanted to see Mount Saint Helens, fwiw. Hopefully one day!

bamboozler1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yep, those (gasp) guys.

Honestly, while that is largely true, the German and Dutch greens are much more... Mainstream than the French or Swedish ones, and indeed, Jill Stein would probably have more in common with the ALP than with the Aus Greens...

The Greens I know in Aus absolutely hate the US Greens, lol...

UK Greens are pretty similar to the Aus ones though, I believe, yes...

bamboozler1 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yep. Those. Though I think their inside may be more "rainbow-coloured" at this point, rather than simply red...

They've gone much further off the deep end than I realised...

bamboozler1 17 points ago +17 / -0

Scary thing I've discovered is that not only do these over-qualified but under-educated Zoomer girls want to take over the country from the inside, but they're also really fucking stupid, on a practical level... Like, I'm reading through their internal presentations and they cannot even produce coherent slides...

Just, eugh... How these people are "leaders" at a state level within a political party I do not know...

Also amusing: the most "experienced" person involved in this thing (who was partly responsible for enforcing vaccine mandates, as a public servant, before joining "the party") insists on calling everyone "they" regardless of what the person in question might want. She literally refuses to use she or him - only "they".


bamboozler1 -1 points ago +1 / -2

In case anyone is interested, I know the stereotype is that British women are… Less attractive, but, for mine, I think both Hermione Corfield and Sophie Cookson (from Kingsman, among other things) have Sweeney beat.

Though admittedly, if I have a type, it would seem to be close to those two, lol.

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, I’m not overly attracted to Coughlan (although decent tits, I guess, yes), but she does seem to have a decent sense of humour and her wits about her.

Odd body and head shape though, lol.

Same with Roisin O’Conachty. Neither is obese, they’re just… Very round.

bamboozler1 5 points ago +5 / -0

As someone with a neurodegenerative condition (though not as bad as Parkinson’s, imo. And treatments have come a long way since Michael was diagnosed, too), this is… Very hard to watch.

I don’t think I would want to still be alive, if I reached that level of disability, but in the deeply unlikely event that I am, I would hope to handle it with the grace and humility that he does.

Though it also irks me how he was yanked off stage, there. I’m not sure exactly what happened there, but that… Made me a bit uncomfortable. Very well handled though, apart from that.

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

On the former: yeah, I’m the same.

Even Sydney Watson, who I used to watch fairly frequently - I have recently realized is largely a waste of time to bother watching…

On the latter (i.e. this video specifically): eh, it’s mostly just kinda lame, imho…

If you’ve seen “hawk tuah”, or even just heard about it, then you get the general idea…

OG hawk tuah girl >> Sweeney, though, imo. At least in looks…

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