Based compared to the red high heel wearing cuck last "Conservative" leader, yes. Based compared to most of the establishment "conservatives", sure.
Compared to Mad Max, Trump or DeSantis? Not really.
And Trudeau is on video refusing to answer questions from Rebel News, in fact refusing to even call them journalists.
By "reported widely" she of course means from MSM liberal outfits who get Trudeau bucks.
Covid everything, he didn't stand up for damn thing until the freedom convoy came.
What's funny is the "far right" hates him for being a centrist cuck.
PP supported making the Proud Boys a terrorist group, voted to outlaw "conversion therapy" (ie questioning people who say they're trans), claimed actual right-wing Bernier was "as woke as Trudeau" and a ton of other examples of him being not right wing enough let alone "far right".
It's good to see him deserving it for a change. To bad it's certainly fleeting.
FYI he did push back on the "extremist" part a bit in that press conference:
Pierre Poilievre slams Justin Trudeau for his admiration of the "basic Chinese communist dictatorship" and for allowing the CCP to set up police outposts in Canada while interfering in our elections. “You want to talk about extremism? That's extreme."
His retort was fine, but he should have added "Define 'far right'?" & "Give 1 example of you asking a left-wing politician about courting the far-left".
Another thing is what kind of "expert" decides if someone's "courting the far right"? Do you get a doctorate in "far-right courting"?? At least with the covid bullshit there were people who were doctors and supposed to be (in theory at least) actual experts on disease & medicine.
"Experts say you just stopped beating your wife. Care to comment?"
"Which experts?"
"Wife-beating experts."
Which experts? Well, if you don't know I'm not telling.
I mean, if a politician responded "oh, experts say my policy is fine," it is absolutely our job to ask them what the goddamned hell they are talking about.
I love that this "reporting" doesn't meet the stanards of...Wiki fucking Pedia:
Weasel words are words and phrases aimed at creating an impression that something specific and meaningful has been said, when in fact only a vague or ambiguous claim has been communicated. A common form of weasel wording is through vague attribution, where a statement is dressed with authority, yet has no substantial basis. Phrases such as those above present the appearance of support for statements but can deny the reader the opportunity to assess the source of the viewpoint. They may disguise a biased view. Claims about what people say, think, feel, or believe, and what has been shown, demonstrated, or proved should be clearly attributed.
Sometimes I wonder if Liemore is just a Brittany Venti-level troll, it's hard to believe anyone is this combination of stupid, dishonest & Liberal party shill.
Somewhat sane/conservative commentator :Tristin Hopper
I've had public figures respond to me like this. After I wallowed in shame for a while, it generally prompted me to ask more direct and better-researched questions.
This is such a dogshit take. Poilievre, who read the CP article, knows who the experts are. He used that as an excuse to dodge the question. Maybe attack the people in power who won’t give a straight answer rather than the reporters asking the questions.
Experts say my take is correct.
I love when feminists reveal their internalized misogamy. She just knows a straight, white male like PP is so smart he knows every so-called "expert" who writes bad things about him but just accepts the wammin reporter is so dumb she can't possibly think of a single "expert" she herself sourced her own question from. She can't be expected to name someone she's citing- she's just a dumb, silly little girl!
I'm near the end of Paper Mario Thousand Year Door, my 1st Mario RPG game. Really enjoying it so far.
That was the biggest flaw in the Mario movie. Her saying Mario isn't important and that she passed that test on her 1st try were just 2 awful femcel things that could have been removed with having no real effect on the story and doing nothing but benefit it.
They didn't need to make all the changes you suggest- just not do their thing of trying to counter the damsel in distress "trope" they hate (even though Mario is one of the biggest hits in VG history) by swinging the pendulum in the complete opposite direction by making her a Mary Sue & trying to demean Mario to make her look better.
Their attack on Mario backfired, he just looked better by overcoming being small and the challenges that exist in literally a completely different world. Peach just came across as a female power fantasy instead of an interesting character.
Also a couple of the points repeat themselves!
For young women, yes. Generally the pay gap does benefit men to the tune of making $1 for every 97 cents a woman makes.
Every gov't has not bribed every MSM outlet, that's a Trudeau exclusive.
Kim Jong Un is actually more honest and truthful, in North Korea everyone knows the media is all gov't controlled and they don't seriously pretend otherwise.
They could have answered thinking "diversity" meant different types of games (FPS, RPG, etc) or that there's just a range of types characters (fit army man, fat man, etc)
Or just because they didn't want to sound like a "bad" person to the pollsters.
90% of the people who responded probably aren't even gamers.
If they remake Dragon’s Crown they should just turn the Sorceress into a male Canadian shop teacher.
He used to be a "far right" "Islamophobic" Christian who even hosted a show on Sun News aka by the left as "Fox News Canada".
Same thing happened to Charles Adler.
You should google Coren, he used to be a darling of the right and even went on his Sun News (called by leftists as "Fox News Canada") wearing a burka to criticize Islam:
When was the last time a judge declared a murderer should have to pay $1.2b to the family of their victims??
Just a smidge
Of course the idea that "globalist is an antisemitic dogwhistle" was invented by globalists to dismiss criticism of them, like how "islamophobia" was invented by the Muslim Brotherhood.
Some other fun stuff from Gilly's Twitter recently:
Asking questions in a public place to public figure Zach "Fae" Johnstone, YWCA's woman YWCA keynote speaker for the Women of Distinction awards and Hersey's 'Women's Day' spokesMAN is "very fucked up"
Big Tech stops news link sharing after Trudeau gov't declares posting news links on Big Tech platforms "theft. Gilly: "Guys I'm starting to think tech monopolies might not be great for democracy":
It gets better:
From Michael Coren, the man who badgered me about being a victim of child sexual abuse then outed me as one on national television despite knowing I didn’t want to talk about it.
Also check out one of the "experts" mentioned in this column:
This is in reply to this tweet:
Does anyone disagree with me that this is retarded? You might make a case against shared block lists, or for politicians but I don't see the reason why regular people shouldn't be allowed to block whoever they want.