The "reporter" in question is Teresa Wright, who was recently fired by MSM:
I tried to ask Pierre Poilievre whether he is trying to court the far-right vote. He would not answer the question, saying my question sounded like a CBC smear job and a distraction from the real issues.
Of course our pal Rachel Gilmore came to her defense in a big way:
Put some goddamn respect on @ReporterTeresa’s name. Teresa is the woman who broke the Mike Duffy story. She is tenacious and smart as hell. You’d shrivel like a raisin trying to achieve a fraction of what she has while dealing with a shred of the adversity she’s faced.
Personally I’d expect any political leader (yes, including Trudeau) to be willing to answer a question about an issue that’s been reported this widely without requiring me to have memorized the academics who said it in order to do so: cites articles written by Trudeau-funded media, half of them written by HERSELF
She then says she can tell PP is aware of the “enormous support” to be gained from tapping into extremist communities by deadass citing a book called "Men Who Hate Women: From Incels To Pickup Artists: The Truth About Extreme Misogyny And How It Affects Us All":
No, really:
And with a single question the reporter forces PP back into the Overton window, making him essentially disavow those radical extremist that don't want men in the women's bathroom.
This is why the right loses. They let the left frame the question. His denial is punching right. He should have replied with something along the lines of " so what?" or "That is a good idea."
FYI he did push back on the "extremist" part a bit in that press conference:
His retort was fine, but he should have added "Define 'far right'?" & "Give 1 example of you asking a left-wing politician about courting the far-left".