YesMovement 24 points ago +25 / -1

A real journalist would ask whey they depend on a foreign born billionaire to fight their wars for them.

YesMovement 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm watching the video in the linked tweet now- at 1:50 mins in there's a fat lesbian who claims to be a doctor opposing this who gets a large amount of cheers.

In other words, my PPC membership card remains firmly intact.

YesMovement 15 points ago +15 / -0

They also adopted a child protection resolution, though oddly only at 69%?


“Protecting Children's Mental and Physical Health Conservative government will protect children by prohibiting life altering medicinal or surgical interventions on minors under 18 to at gender confusion or dysphoria”

YesMovement 24 points ago +24 / -0

In fact, there's a particular section of the criminal code that deals with cops who want to grab footage from journalists. They have to go to a senior court, and they have to have a high burden of proof

Retarded Honourable Justice E.J. Tolppanen is not a judge of a superior court and therefore lacks jurisdiction. Don't you love when both the cops and the judges don't know the law?

This appears to be related to a rally against transing kids back in May where Josh Alexander, a kid kicked out of an Ontario Christian school for protecting girls from boys being allowed into their bathrooms was attacked and then HE was detained by the cops. This is also where an "anti-racism" activist was charged with multiple counts of assault: https://www.rebelnews.com/calgary_anti_racism_activist_charged_with_multiple_counts_of_assault

YesMovement 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ethan Ralph was doxing people, that's pretty abusive.

There were of course some assholes in the movement who would be really mean on Twitter and a much smaller handful made death threats but nobody remembers their names. But the same was also true on the aGG side- it's just the reality of large numbers of people.

For prominent people, Milo & Crowder are the only other ones I can even think of who were even really brash and could be considered by normal people to be "offensive".

YesMovement 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know Sarah Silverman was afraid of the roads because they had "swastikas" (construction scribbles) on them but I don't know about cars themselves. Maybe just the German made ones?

Which, to be fair, aren't all the German car companies connected with the Nazis?

YesMovement 10 points ago +13 / -3

Honestly these days I'm finding people who complain about "Repeal the 19th" far more annoying than those who say it.

And I'm not for repealing the 19th, although the data says the country would be far better without it- Trump would have slaughtered Biden.

YesMovement 7 points ago +8 / -1

I noticed that too, they're not using the proper dash- I thought the Juden were supposed to be well-educated? It should be "anti-Semitic" because it's opposed to the Semitic people.

Anti-gun means you're against guns, if someone says "antigun" you can be "What's an antigun? What caliber round does it take? Is it a pistol, rifle, shotgun?"

YesMovement 17 points ago +18 / -1

THAT'S ANTI-SEMETIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YesMovement 5 points ago +6 / -1

Obviously it was rhetorical. He knows the reason is it's a white man talking about a popular black Democrat. And he's talking to Tucker and not Maddow.

YesMovement 40 points ago +41 / -1

BONUS: ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt was just asked if he was seeking to have a role at X or shaking Elon down for donations to the ADL (like he did to Adidas and the Brooklyn Nets) and he responds by saying that's an "anti-Semitic trope." https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1699503671011061784

YesMovement 18 points ago +18 / -0

I'm not a safe expert but I assume a trained locksmith can open any safe with the proper time & tools and they don't really need a "drilling template" (whatever that is)? I'd also imagine the feds know the more popular safe manufacturers' design?

Nothing is totally secure, but at least make the bastards work for it.

YesMovement 12 points ago +12 / -0


I like the judge. Reasonable and not grandstanding. The Crown forbids #Tamara from being in the downtown core or the Red Zone without counsel. She had to get special dispensation to go for lunch today without counsel. We heard earlier her presence might "trigger" the locals. Seriously.

The fear this this tiny Metis grandma causes is hilarious- she's so nice she spends hours at events she attended after they've ended because she wants to meet and have a 20 min conversation with everyone who approaches her. But the idea of her eating a sandwich in an Ottawa Tim Horton's is like being locked in a room with Hitler to these snowflakes.

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