In fact, there's a particular section of the criminal code that deals with cops who want to grab footage from journalists. They have to go to a senior court, and they have to have a high burden of proof
Retarded Honourable Justice E.J. Tolppanen is not a judge of a superior court
and therefore lacks jurisdiction. Don't you love when both the cops and the judges don't know the law?
Yea, they knowingly break the law because they know there won't be any consequences. If anything they'll get promoted for abusing the political opposition.
Retarded Honourable Justice E.J. Tolppanen is not a judge of a superior court and therefore lacks jurisdiction. Don't you love when both the cops and the judges don't know the law?
This appears to be related to a rally against transing kids back in May where Josh Alexander, a kid kicked out of an Ontario Christian school for protecting girls from boys being allowed into their bathrooms was attacked and then HE was detained by the cops. This is also where an "anti-racism" activist was charged with multiple counts of assault:
They know it, full well. They just hope you don't.
Yea, they knowingly break the law because they know there won't be any consequences. If anything they'll get promoted for abusing the political opposition.