YesMovement 28 points ago +28 / -0

That's my fault, actually- they didn't remotely unlock it but they provided the feds their manufacturer's access code to unlock it.

I guess these days you have to be a mechanical lock safe and either change the combination yourself or find a MAGA locksmith, pay in cash and destroy any receipts so the feds can't find him.

YesMovement 45 points ago +45 / -0

Why would a safe company have the code to your safe? How is that even legal?? Do people even know that?

I was looking at their website and scanned a bunch of different safes, there's no mention of this.

I guess the lesson is simple- only buy non-electronic safes.

YesMovement 37 points ago +38 / -1


According to the ADL, the numbers 1-11, 109/110, 12, 13, 13/52, 13/90, 14, 14/23, 14/88, 18, 21-2-12, 211, 23, 23/16, 28, 311, 318, 33/6, 38, 43, 511, 737, 83, and 88 are all hate symbols. Remember, kids, why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7, 8, 9, and the ADL said it was a hate crime!

YesMovement 15 points ago +15 / -0

Day 1 trial recap: https://www.rebelnews.com/tamara_lich_and_chris_barber_freedom_convoy_organizers_day_1_trial_recap

Day 2 live updates: https://www.rebelnews.com/live_updates_freedom_convoy_organizer_tamara_lich_s_trial_continues

FUN FACT: https://twitter.com/AmazingZoltan/status/1699178657275912626

On July 30, 2008, Vincent Li brutally killed and cannibalized a 22-year old Timothy Richard McLean, Jr. on a Greyhound bus. For that crime, he served 4 years and is now walking free and unmonitored.

Tamara Lich, meanwhile, is facing 10 years for holding an anti-Trudeau protest.

YesMovement 12 points ago +12 / -0

Lich is like 5 ft tall & 90 lbs, carrying a big bag and a coffee but she stops to pick up the bike 1 handed that the media who vilified her knocked over.

YesMovement 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because the point of a gun is more than just to look at a photo of it- you can't shoot an intruder with the picture of an AR-15. The point of porn is to watch it, that's the sum total.

YesMovement 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's an argument that the there could be flaws in the ID collection, not that age verification is unconstitutional- if that's true it would be unconstitutional for the sex shop to verify age.

Porn sites already get your credit card info.

YesMovement 0 points ago +3 / -3

AFAIK, you can buy guns/ammo/etc online in the US- right?

If so, they require ID/background checks more intense than what porn sites would require. Yet I don't know of any 2A backlash on that.

There are issues/concerns with ID but they have those already on online alcohol/gun sales, I don't see a constitutional argument against online porn ID when IRL sex shops require it, as does the 7/11 when you buy a Playboy.

YesMovement 19 points ago +19 / -0

"15 is more than old enough to cut your dick off or watch porn, but you should be at least 21 to buy a gun."

Makes sense

YesMovement 5 points ago +5 / -0

I get the argument that porn is protected free speech & I mostly agree with it (I also understand the counterargument that makes some valid points), but we've had porn requiring proof of age since forever. If age requirements/background checks don't violate the 2nd amendment, how does it for the 1st? Does social media like X having a min age of 13 violating the free speech rights of 12 yr olds??


Perhaps the most absurd thing about this is that back when they used to sell physical porn magazines at the gas station or whatever, they would check IDs. Nobody ever complained that their First Amendment rights were violated.

YesMovement 9 points ago +9 / -0

They have the other Queen songs that talk about doing drugs and killing people.

Put a gun against his head

Pulled the trigger, now he's dead

YesMovement 26 points ago +26 / -0

Sammich Overkill Schott-Deputy (formerly Joseph Christian Evans)

A "trans woman", here are "her" mug shots: https://thepostmillennial.com/exclusive-alleged-antifa-defendant-in-andy-ngos-lawsuit-changed-name-and-gender-amid-pending-litigation

Or should I saw mugshawty because HUBBA HUBBA WHAT A GORGEOUS WOMAN

And yes, he changed his name to Sandwich overKILL shot-deputy.

YesMovement 36 points ago +36 / -0

Republicans are masters of verbal jiu-jitsu. It’s a form of linguistic combat in which the practitioner takes a political phrase or concept popularized by their opponent and gradually turns into an unusable slur.

In other words, we put out the awful things their BS terms mean.

If this sounds abstract, consider the evolution of “ woke.” The word is defined as being “actively aware of social injustice.” But it has been transformed into a contemporary scourge, one that a politician compared to a “virus more dangerous than any pandemic, hands down.”

Mention almost any touchstone phrase adopted by the left in recent years — “critical race theory,” “diversity,” “global warming,” even the word “liberal” itself — and it has been redefined or tarnished by conservatives.

Meanwhile, Republicans continue to proudly use words and pet phrases such as “family values,” “conservative” and “patriot” – no matter who or what is associated with the terms.

Because liberals haven't tarnished those words as "muh racist dog whistles"

“Social justice warrior,” for example, didn’t start off as an insult. What’s wrong with someone fighting on behalf of the poor and exploited? Then the term was turned by conservatives and internet culture into something else: a “whiny,” self-righteous progressive who can’t take a joke.

Critical race theory was once an obscure academic discipline that insisted that racism is more than individual prejudice; it’s embedded in laws, policies and institutions. But conservatives redirected the discussion and turned the term into a catchall phrase that criticizes virtually any examination of systemic racism or history that could make White people uncomfortable.

LOL! The thing is that THEY, THE LEFT, are the ones who took CRT out of obscure uni lectures and into policy. And notice the VERBAL JIU-JITSU by the CNN writer to turn opposition of the very racist CRT concept into " White people uncomfortable"

Whatever the method, this form of verbal jiu-jitsu is used for one purpose, says Robin DiAngelo, author of “White Fragility,” a popular book that spawned another popular liberal catchphrase.

Of course they needed Saint Robin to pop in. Of course "white fragility" is a form of VERBAL JIU-JITSU by making anyone critical of terrible ideas into a terrible person.

They also blame us for them not using "global warming", even though they had to do it because of all the snow storms, etc.

The phrase “global warming” was popularized by the media and some scientists in the 1980s. It’s been virtually eliminated from public discourse by verbal jiu-jitsu. Some of that change is due to science. Some scientists believe climate change is a more accurate description of the environmental challenges facing the planet.

But it was Republicans who initially pushed for the name change, for reasons that had little to do with scientific accuracy. Instead of acknowledging the science pointing toward a looming environmental disaster, one Republican pollster offered another phrase to mute the alarm: climate change.

That term was popularized in part by Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster who advised GOP politicians in the early 2000s to stop using the term “global warming” because it had “catastrophic connotations” and reframe the issue as the more benign “climate change.” (Luntz has since disavowed his efforts to cast doubt on global warming.)

YesMovement 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, mute only effects the person who mutes. AOC won't see your tweets, everyone else will unless they also have you muted.

YesMovement 5 points ago +5 / -0

Australia had literal covid concentration camps and most didn't give a shit, the politicians I believe all got re-elected too...but I don't follow Aussie politics too well.

YesMovement 4 points ago +6 / -2

How is mute worse? Seems like a great idea to me for when you don't care if someone reads your tweets but don't want to see theirs.

YesMovement 24 points ago +24 / -0

He admits he was seen as a "globalist shill for the (WEF)," but claims he did not violate Charter rights and that Alberta "arguably didn't have lockdowns."

Other than locking down churches, restaurants, non-BLM protests, etc there weren't really any lockdowns, one could argue.

YesMovement 8 points ago +9 / -1

You don't get removed from someone's "EVIL NAZI KKK RACIST TRANSPHOBE" list by muting them.

YesMovement 9 points ago +10 / -1

This is in reply to this tweet: https://twitter.com/teslaownersSV/status/1692547463121690791

Is there ever a reason to block vs mute someone? Give your reasons.

Does anyone disagree with me that this is retarded? You might make a case against shared block lists, or for politicians but I don't see the reason why regular people shouldn't be allowed to block whoever they want.

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