Wetware 0 points ago +1 / -1

Your first quote is from that guy. Sadly, your second quote is from David Duke, Nation of Islam et al. Pay attention. LEARN TO READ.

You are an idiot and a liar.

Quote 1& 2 - from Arnold Wiznitzer's Jews in Colonial Brazil": https://ibb.co/xCGnk9M

Quote 3 - from WA Post article by David Mills, citing another work from the same author: https://ibb.co/7jfvqHf

You claimed to be sephardic. Meanwhile your ancestry is Mizrahi.

You are ignorant of the Spanish diaspora. Again, I will continue this discussion in Ladino, if you doubt my background. Also, not important to the facts I am stating.

you blame all the Jews

I have challenged you to quote me, but you can't, because you are lying.

Again, the facts:

  • The Dutch company trafficked 53M+ people into slavery. It was 10% Jewish owned.
  • That equates to earning 10% on the head of every person enslaved, all 53M+ of them, or full sale price on 530k+ people.
  • These are NOT small numbers. This is a crime against humanity.
  • Jews dominated the Dutch slave markets as resellers, dominated sugar tax farming, produced by slaves.

You can't prove me factually wrong.

You are stupid and cannot digest factual information when it contradicts your preconceptions.

You are an ignorant idiot and are quick to charge to defend your stupidity.

Wetware 0 points ago +1 / -1

Look where I found your quote... And I couldn't find the quotes on that book anywhere. Weird.

You are stupid and ignorant, incapable of basic research, and prompt to charge based on your own stupidity.

The Book I quoted from is in JSTOR: https://www.jstor.org/stable/43059106

Jews in Colonial Brazil by Arnold Wiznitzer

The quotes came from pages 71 - 72.

Here's the WAPost article as well, citing a work from the same author:

"Under the auspices of the Dutch, Sephardic Jews also had a direct hand in wholesale slaving. As Arnold Wiznitzer has pointed out, Jews in Amsterdam owned as much as 10 percent of the stock in the Dutch West India Company, the great slave-shipping enterprise that helped launch the Netherlands to International commercial prominence during the 1600s"

Ps: those are not Sephardic Jews, but Mizrahi Jews. You stormfaggot

First, I have never claimed these were Sephardim. You lack the most basic reading comprehension skills.

Because so far you smell of anti-semite trying to pass on as "hello fellow Jews" type.

I don't consider myself a "Jew", but both sides of my family are Sephardic. I grew up outside the culture for reasons that are none of your business.

As I said before, I am fluent in Ladino, if you have any doubts about my background, and will be fine to continue the discussion in that language.

The only thing you have are vulgar insults and ad-hominem "anti-semitist" slurs.

Wetware 0 points ago +1 / -1

you hate Jews... you can go and choke on my cock.

Obvious and weak provocation, but I don't hate Jews. Both sides of my family are Sephardic, migrated from Morocco and Turkey. Originally from a small town near Leon, Spain, that still bears our last name. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop insulting me this way.

until you provide a copy of the book with those claims...

The book is available at JSTOR, get your own copy. If you can't, the particular reference to ownership is also found in articles from the WAPOST. Search for them.

Some excerpts from the book for you:

Tax Farming (collecting royalties on sugar farmed by slaves):

"In the field of tax farming, however, the Jews were leaders... The weight of the evidence adduced points to the conclusion that 63 percent of the tax farming business in Dutch Brazil were in Jewish hands."

Direct purchase and resale of slaves:

"Besides their important position in the sugar industry and in tax farming, they dominated the slave trade. From 1636 to 1645 a total of 23,163 Negro slaves arrived from Africa and were sold for 6,714,423 florins. The West India Company, which monopolized imports of slaves from Africa, sold slaves at public auctions against cash payment. It happened that cash was mostly in the hands of Jews. The buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews, and because of this lack of competitors they could buy slaves at low prices. On the other hand, there also was no competition in the selling of the slaves to the plantation owners and other buyers, and most of them purchased on credit payable at the next harvest in sugar. Profits up to 300 percent of the purchase value were often realized with high interest rates. If it happened that the date of such an auction fell on a Jewish holiday, the auction had to be postponed."

We are done here.

Wetware 0 points ago +1 / -1

Just as you can't quote me dismissing slavery.

I did already, "some slaves", to refer to half a million people brutalized and sold as property is dismissive and minimizes their suffering.

Here's the facts again:

  • The Dutch company trafficked 53M+ people into slavery. It was 10% Jewish owned.
  • That equates to earning 10% on the head of every person enslaved, all 53M+ of them, or full sale price on 530k+ people.
  • These are NOT small numbers. This is a crime against humanity.

You can't prove me factually wrong.

Wetware 0 points ago +1 / -1

Call me when you stop blaming all Jews.

You can't quote me "blaming all Jews", because I never did such a thing.

On the other hand, you have a pathological problem recognizing that a horrible crime against humanity was committed against a LARGE number of individuals sold as slaves, and that YES, there were Jews profiteering and participating actively in this trade.

Again, 10% ownership in the Dutch company, half a million people trafficked like cattle, are not small numbers.

Stop minimizing other people's suffering to justify your narrative.

I have heard this before from other groups claiming that "only a few XXXXX were involved in the genocide of only NNNNNN individuals, stop telling the facts or you are blaming all XXXXXs!"

Wetware 0 points ago +1 / -1

"Quote me"

"only a tiny minority of Jews owned some slaves somewhere in the world"

This is obviously pejorative and dismissive. Who cares?, only "some slaves".

There is no recognition that half a million people sold as slaves is a sizeable crime against humanity. Only callous dismissal.

And of course, the other 90% of the Dutch company was owned by non jews, which in no way validates your relativism.

The truth is that YES, jews trafficked and profited from selling a LARGE number of people as slaves, and NO 10% of the slave traffic is not something you can minimize and dismiss as "some slaves".

No matter how much moral relativism and name calling you use.

We can continue this discussion in Ladino, if you have any doubts about my background.

Wetware 0 points ago +1 / -1

"And you care? You only care because only a tiny minority of Jews owned some slaves somewhere in the world"

I care because I am of Sephardic ancestry and because I find the selling of another human being abhorrent, let alone half a million people.

Why do you so rabidly not care about the suffering of these people?

Why do you so ardently minimize responsibility of those who victimized them simply because they were jews?

Wetware -7 points ago +1 / -8

For context, Covid is the #1 cause of death among all infectious diseases, in the US. Covid also currently ranks #3 for all causes of death, right behind heart disease and cancer (JAMA, "Leading causes of death in the US for 2020").

I would say that is serious, but there is definitely a lot of hysteria going around as well.

Wetware 0 points ago +1 / -1

You can try to trivialize it all you want, but even if we ignore the retail/resale aspect, and just go for proportional 10% ownership in the Dutch company, that amounts to more than half a million people trafficked for enslavement.

But by all means, ignore this level of brutality and suffering to rationalize your point of view.

Wetware 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm never angry. I don't hate or rage against anyone.

I just go my own way and keep my distance.

Not my circus, not my clowns.

Wetware 9 points ago +12 / -3

UK was our most enthusiastic cheerleader when our government decided to turn a mission to hunt a terrorist into a full blown occupation for two decades.

Yay, war!

They have ZERO moral authority to call anyone for "criminal" anything.

Wetware 3 points ago +4 / -1

Your post is technically correct. The Jewish role in the British-US slave trade was minimal, also their role in plantation ownership was minimal.

We should understand the reasons for this in the broader context of the Atlantic Slave trade.

The slave trade to the Americas was dominated by three large slave trading companies, The Royal African Company (British), Geoctrooieerde Westindische Compagnie (Dutch) and Compagnie Française des Indes occidentales (French).

Of these companies, the French and the British banned Jews from participating in the slave trade.

However, the Dutch company had 10% Jewish ownership and shipped nearly 40% of all slaves ever shipped to the Americas through the Atlantic slave trade. Roughly, 5.3M individuals (Patrick Manning, The Atlantic Slave Trade: Effects on Economies, Societies and Peoples in Africa, the Americas, and Europe, Duke University Press, 1992)

The Great majority of these slaves were shipped to Brazil, and the Caribbean, where retail traders and resellers were overwhelmingly Jews. (David Lowenthal, "West Indian Societies", Oxford Press, 1972).

Jews dominated the market providing African slaves to plantation owners, and had little to no interest in actually owning plantations themselves (Arnold Wiznitzer, "Jews in Colonial Brazil", Columbia University Press, 1960).

Thank you for your scholarly post.

Wetware 7 points ago +9 / -2

"The worst kind are the white liberal women, who look at me in disdain."

Privileged white women have appropriated black issues under the excuse of "intersectionality" and substituted themselves as the victims, while silencing them.

Wetware 13 points ago +14 / -1

Ron Paul has stood against the Military Industrial Complex and illegal preemptive wars, and has repeatedly called for financial regulation, routine audits and government oversight of The Federal Reserve. He is also an advocate for ending the expensive and ineffective "War on drugs" and instead allow states to self regulate recreational drugs.

I am a Democrat, but I would have voted for this man over Hillary or Biden.