Unknownsailor 4 points ago +4 / -0

Obesity the world over is caused by diet, always. Fast carbs and sugars. Weight loss is always as a direct result of diet, too. Go keto, and your pants fall off.

The problem is, eating Keto is hard, as Big Ag puts sugar into everything.

Unknownsailor 1 point ago +8 / -7

Horseshoe theory is utter bullshit. Far left = authoritarian, far right = the opposite of authoritarian, and these two theories do not meet in the middle at any point other than some nebulous middle point between authoritarian and libertarian.

Unknownsailor 9 points ago +9 / -0

Zoom must be happy, their primary competitor was just taken out back and put down....

Unknownsailor 4 points ago +5 / -1

Anyone that propagandized is not going to accept any sort of proof I'd care to dig up showing they were wrong on even one of those, much less all of them.

There is no talking to such people, if they are anyone but family they need to be cut loose, and even with close family it should be seriously considered.

Unknownsailor 11 points ago +12 / -1

I'd like to think that Bondi is doing this intentionally, giving out orders she knows will be maliciously complied with, so Pam can smoke out nefarious actors within the FBI, but I no longer have any level of confidence that Pam, or anyone else in Trump's orbit, is that smart.

Pam has a history of covering things up, you see. She covered up parts of the Treyvon Martin affair while she was Florida AG, and she allowed George Zimmerman to stand trial for a charge she knew he didn't do.

As always, Sundance is on the case:


Unknownsailor 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is the sort of thing Robert Barnes has been railing about for about as long as I have been watching Viva and Barnes. The key thing, and Robert has talked about this numerous times, is that up until recently the System has kept such depredations confined to the criminal class, but the arrogance and stupidity of the modern day Professional class has lost all sense of boundaries. They are now doing this kind of thing for political reasons, to political dissidents, and not just to the criminal underclass.

Mercedes Carerra is still in prison because she was very publicly MAGA.

Rule 2 says I can't say what the solution is, but I can say it needs to be personal, and very public. Thomas Wales is a good example. This extreme anti-gun Seattle prosecutor was murdered in his own home in 2001, the case is still open, and there are no leads.

Unknownsailor 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yea, I read that too. Probably Hepatitis related, given Hollywood proclivities, but I doubt any of us will know for sure...

Unknownsailor 7 points ago +7 / -0

Never forget that this normalizing of pedo was always the goal of the gay movement from the very beginning. The activist fags have always known that the number one gateway into their degenerate lifestyle is sexual abuse as a child, and that gay men are child predators. The first step down the road to normalization of pedo was normalizing homosexuality, and now that they have done that, and normalized transexuality, the last step towards total degeneracy is pedophilia.

Unknownsailor 4 points ago +4 / -0

you are the MINORITY

The smallest minority is the individual, whose rights the entire US system was expressly constituted and formed to protect, and which your ideology dismisses as a matter of course.

Unknownsailor 7 points ago +7 / -0

For those of you who do no recognize the name Amanda Marcotte, she is a very long term Democrat operative who got her start as a blogger in the early 2000s, and was hired by the 2008 John Edwards presidential campaign to be their own pet blogger. John Edwards, if you recall, had a child with a mistress and tried to cover it up, and flamed out in spectacular fashion.

What she writes here is standard issue progressive moralizing, one each. You can get any of the so called AI Large Language Models to regurgitate this kind of article at will.

Unknownsailor 3 points ago +3 / -0

When someone with EPM makes a threat like that, best to take it seriously. He has the training to make good on it.

Because EPM is a congressman, there really isn't much anyone can do about it, as Congress has given themselves pretty much carte blanche to say whatever they want.

Unknownsailor 19 points ago +21 / -2

Argument is based on a flawed premise from the very beginning: we aren't a democracy.

We send representatives to government not to do what we tell them to do, but to represent us, and represent our interests. They are not a proxy vote, and never were supposed to be.

Unknownsailor 29 points ago +29 / -0

The whole incel movement naturally feeds into the moral superiority complex of the progressives, especially the women, which are, in fact, the core cohort for same. That these men can't find a date because modern dating culture is gynocentric in the extreme is so far outside the bubble these women live in it might as well be from Mars.

As a result, we get stories like this.

The sad thing of it is, stories like this just make the incel culture worse, because now they are getting Pidgeon holed as violent terrorists who just hate women. The professional class progressives doing the Pidgeon holing never think about what incels will do if they are ostracized even further from society, because progressives never think about consequences of their actions.

Unknownsailor 7 points ago +7 / -0

I was military, US Navy, so yea, I did, but not because of any of this stuff, this is pretty standard stuff, mostly.

I never had a work laptop, but I did have a desk with a desktop on it, that I logged into with a login/password. No mouse jiggle timer, that is retarded.

Work hours were set, and even a minute late could result in paperwork, depending on supervisor.

No locked doors for meetings.

No 15 day notice, you couldn't quit. :)

Unknownsailor 17 points ago +17 / -0

Only thing out of that list that stands out to me is the auto-locking door, that is a definite fire hazard.

Everything else seems, to me, to be standard work stuff.

Unknownsailor 15 points ago +15 / -0

I watched that last night.

It is a signpost on their path to destruction. For most of them, they are so utterly convinced that their good intentions and supposed superior education (read: credentials) grants them the right to write off all heresy as morally reprehensible, that they will not be reachable. Like drug addicts, they must experience their bottom, their lowest of low points, before they can break out of their denial and start to recover. For some, this point will not come, and the ultimate challenge will be keeping them away from any power such they cannot cause much damage as they die off. We cannot allow them to add to the 100 plus million who have died from socialist state democide.

Unknownsailor 8 points ago +8 / -0

I want all the people who had FaceBook, Twitter, and Yotube accounts banned or censored over the Hunter Biden laptop story to comment, as well as all the people who were banned or censored over COVID origins, COVID vaccine efficacy, and COVID vaccine safety.

And this is just for starters. Then we can get into the trans cult, 2020 election doubters, and everything surrounding the BLM summer of love in 2020.

Unknownsailor 5 points ago +5 / -0

If that f***ing tool buys into the post WWII Narrative™ that declares Nazis "right wing," nothing else he says is worth the paper it is printed on.

Unknownsailor 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yea, they call him all sorts of names, but they never call him a liar.

Unknownsailor 11 points ago +11 / -0

Most civil service have completely lost sight of the fact that each and every one of them derive their position and authority from the President, and he can yank both at will.

Unknownsailor 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just to steelman the series, there is an obvious plot thread to follow about Janeway's climb to Admiral, and her decision to go back in time to help Voyager get home.

I don't think any of the current writers at Paramount can pull it off, and will fuck this up horribly, but the story is there, waiting to be told.

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