USAisGreatSatan 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm very aware people were lied to and manipulated by the establishment. Good times make weak men. We need suffering to make us strong. We should have had a revolution long ago, but were too comfortable to be bothered.

USAisGreatSatan 6 points ago +6 / -0

I agree. All the suffering of the west is deserved. It will have to get A LOT worse before they reach the level of suffering the Germans and Japanese endured at the hands of the anglosphere. If they joined the correct side during WW2 none of this would be happening.

USAisGreatSatan 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's true they're playing the long game, but they have some time sensitive problems that will probably cause then to make big moves long before 20 years. Their biggest problem is likely their aging population. In 20 they will have a lot less fighting age men due to years of a one child policy and a huge gender imbalance. I expect a big move from them within a few years.

USAisGreatSatan 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's true we'd like to purge all communists, but I don't see how that makes me a race traitor. They (and you) are the race traitors. Just because I want my people to succeed and be free doesn't mean I have to accept all whites. That's like saying "If you love animals you must allow mice to live in your house".

If you want me to believe you're willing to concede something, tell me something from the official narrative of WW2 you don't believe, and answer this: Why do you think National Socialists believe what we believe? Is it because we're jealous of jews? We like making people angry? We're brainwashed? Brainwashed as adults after being taught a very accurate version of history in school? To believe in something that will make most people hate us? If you believe that you're very naive, have a low IQ, or you're a shill.

USAisGreatSatan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay. It's very simple; Whites are people with European ancestry. The Jews we are most familiar with are from Khazaria, a region north of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

USAisGreatSatan 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's clear I won't convince people like you of anything, so there's no point in debating you. I only want to debate people who have potential of understanding the reality. You are very far from having an accurate understanding, and likely won't concede anything. You are either a race traitor or a joo.

Which leaves me with only one question for you: How is the weather in Tel Aviv?

USAisGreatSatan 1 point ago +1 / -0

You seem to be the one making "arbitrary categorizations". What you're saying is the same as saying a zebra and horse are the same species. You have no valid argument.

USAisGreatSatan 1 point ago +1 / -0

You clearly don't understand the geopolitics of the time. Germany was facing collapse due to WWI reparations and boycotts by the jooz. They needed lebensraum while they was still strong. They had to go East to get to the oil fields in the soviet union. They had to invade Poland. The soviets invaded Poland at the same time. Why don't you kvetch about them invading?

I do agree that the Germans should have treated the slavs better. If they didn't consider them untermenschen they could have had more allies

USAisGreatSatan 6 points ago +7 / -1

You said they were German though. Poland wasn't their country, neither was Russia. They shouldn't have had a problem fighting against them.

It sounds like you believe the official narrative for WW2. The winners write the history books and they lied about the Germans. You should do some research if you care about the truth.

USAisGreatSatan 8 points ago +10 / -2

That's anecdotal. Also, there's nothing wrong with the Germans drafting your grandfather and his brother. They needed every man they could get and they were German. They shouldn't have needed to threaten them.

USAisGreatSatan 7 points ago +8 / -1

The English have plenty in common with the French. The differences are small compared to the difference between you and a pakistani or nigerian.

USAisGreatSatan 13 points ago +14 / -1

Jews aren't white. This isn't my opinion. They know this and are open about it. Their skin may be pale, but that doesn't make them white. Jews are anti-white. They're not calling for their own extinction.

USAisGreatSatan 11 points ago +13 / -2

The Germans needed to invade Poland in part because the Poles where terrorizing and murdering ethnic Germans living in Poland.

The Soviets were the ones who genocided the Poles. They murdered about 20,000 POWs, intellectuals, and religious leaders.